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Lecture 03

Tuples, Lists

Programming Languages

UW CSE 341 - Spring 2023

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OCaml Carefully So Far

  • A program is just a sequence of bindings
  • Typecheck each binding in order
    • Using static environment from previous bindings
  • Evaluate each binding in order
    • Using dynamic environment from previous bindings
  • So far: No way to make compound data (like Java objects, arrays, …)
    • That’s important, so let’s get to it!

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Compound Data Types

  • So far: integers, booleans, variables, conditionals, functions
  • Now: ways to build data with multiple parts
  • Plan
    • Tuples: fixed number of “pieces” with possibly different types
    • Lists: any number of “pieces” all with the same type
  • Later: more general ways to create compound data (trees, maps, graphs, etc.)

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General Design Principle

Whenever we design a new type t we need two things:

  • A way to build (“introduce”, “construct”) values of type t
  • A way to use (“eliminate”, “destruct”) values of type t


Build t1*t2*...*tn->t with function bindings, use with function calls


Build bool with true and false, use with if e1 then e2 else e3

More systematic approach to defining / understanding programming languages!

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Pairs (2-tuples) : Build

Syntax: (e1, e2) where e1 and e2 are expressions

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t1 and e2 has type t2
    • Then (e1, e2) has type t1 * t2
    • Else, report error and fail (happens only if e1 or e2 does not type-check)


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 and e2 evaluates to value v2
    • Then (e1, e2) evaluates to (v1, v2)


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The Star of the Show

  • * is a type constructor : it builds tuple types out of other types
    • So int * bool, string * int, int * (int * int), are 3 of the infinite number of types we can construct with *
  • Tuple types are also known as product types
  • But the connection to multiplication is obscure and best ignored
    • Just using the same character in unrelated syntax
    • 3*4 is an expression that evaluates to 12, int*int is a type

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Nested Pairs

Pairs can be nested

  • Nesting is NOT a new feature!
  • Simply a consequence of the syntax and semantics rules we set up

((1,4),(2,(true,3)) : (int * int) * (int * (bool * int))

  • Compositionality is a hallmark of good design
    • Often from orthogonality

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Pairs (2-tuples) : Use

Syntax: fst e and snd e

    • Where e is an expression

Type Checking

    • If e has type t1 * t2, then
    • fst e has type t1
    • snd e has type t2


    • If e evaluates to a pair of values (v1, v2), then
    • fst e evaluates to v1
    • snd e evaluates to v2

Fib alert: fst and snd are actually library functions, but we will pretend they are “built in” for another week or so.

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Tuples : Build

Syntax: (e1, , eN)

    • Where e1, , eN are expressions and N >= 2
    • This IS a new feature: (5,true,7) is a 3-tuple (triple), not any sort of nested pair

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t1 and … and eN has type tN
    • Then (e1,, eN) has type t1 * * tN
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 and … and eN evaluates to value vN
    • Then (e1,, eN) evaluates to (v1, , vN)

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Tuples : Use

  • OCaml does not have a built-in way to use arbitrary tuples…
  • Instead, OCaml has a more general mechanism we will learn soon
    • Pattern-matching
  • But Homework 1 uses triples a lot
    • So we wrote fst3, snd3, and thd3 for you to treat-like-primitives
    • So fst and snd for pairs; fst3, snd3, and thd3 for triples
    • Why can’t fst be used for triples? Type systems have limitations

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Nested pairs vs. tuples

  • OCaml didn’t need tuples, but they can be convenient.
  • Parentheses matters in tuple types and tuple expressions!

let x = (5,7,9)

(* x : int*int*int *)

let seven = snd3 x

(* snd x doesn’t type-check *)

let x = (5,(7,9))

(* x : int*(int*int) *)

let seven = fst (snd x)

let pr = snd x

(* snd3 x doesn’t

type-check *)

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Compound Data Types

  • So far: integers, booleans, variables, conditionals, functions
  • Now: ways to build data with multiple parts
  • Plan
    • Tuples: fixed number of “pieces” with possibly different types
    • Lists: any number of “pieces” all with the same type
  • Later: more general ways to create compound data (trees, maps, graphs, etc.)

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Lists : Build

Syntax: [e1; ; eN]

    • Where e1, , eN are expressions

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t and … and eN has type t
    • Then [e1;; eN] has type t list
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 and … and eN evaluates to value vN
    • Then [e1;; eN] evaluates to [v1;; vN]

Lists of values are values.

Elements separated by semicolons “ ; ” ⚠️

Get very weird error messages otherwise ⚠️

All same type t

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Lists : Build

Syntax: [e1; ; eN]

    • Where e1, , eN are expressions

Type Checking

    • If has e1 has type t and … and eN has type t
    • Then [e1;; eN] has type t list
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 and … and eN evaluates to value vN
    • Then [e1;; eN] evaluates to [v1;; vN]

New kind of type!

t list

Another type constructor (list) for making the type of lists whose elements have type t.


bool list int list

(int * (int * int)) list

int list list

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Lists : Build

Syntax: [e1; ; eN]

    • Where e1, , eN are expressions

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t and … and eN has type t
    • Then [e1;; eN] has type t list
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e1 evaluates to value v1 and … and eN evaluates to value vN
    • Then [e1;; eN] evaluates to [v1;; vN]

N can be zero!

[] is the empty list for any type.

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    • If e1 has type t and … and eN has type t
    • Then [e1;; eN] has type t list

So if all zero elements of [] have type t, then [] has type t list

  • [] has type int list, bool list, int list list, (bool*int) list, ...
  • OCaml writes, “any type of list” as ‘a list (or ‘b list, ‘c list, …)
    • But all list elements of any list have the same type
  • Will see these polymorphic types a lot in OCaml

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Lists : Build with “cons” (::)

Syntax: e1 :: e2

    • Where e1 and e2 are expressions

Type Checking

    • If e1 has type t and e2 has type t list
    • Then e1 :: e2 has type t list
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e1 evaluates to v1 and e2 evaluates to [v2;; vN]
    • Then e1 :: e2 evaluates to [v1; v2;; vN]

“Create (construct) a list with one more element at the front”

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Two ways to build?

  • :: is more common in code
  • :: and [] is all we need
    • e1::e2::e3::...::en::[] is the same as [e1;e2;e3;...;en]
    • First of many examples of “syntactic sugar”
  • List values are printed as [v1;v2;v3;...;vn]

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Lists : Use

  • For now, we will use lists with these features:
    • Test if a list is empty with e = []
    • Get the first element of a non-empty list with function List.hd
    • Get the rest of a non-empty list with function List.tl
      • (a list with everything after the first element)
  • List.hd and List.tl will raise an exception if given an empty list
  • Later, will use pattern matching to do this more safely and elegantly

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Lists : Use -- Test for empty

Syntax: e = []

    • Where e is an expression

Type Checking

    • If has e has type t list
    • Then e = [] has type bool
    • Else report error and fail


    • If e evaluates to value [], then e = [] evaluates to true
    • Else e = [] evaluates to false

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Lists : Use -- Get the first element

Syntax: List.hd e

    • Where e is an expression

Type Checking

    • If has e has type t list
    • Then List.hd e has type t
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e evaluates to value [v1; v2; ; vN]
    • Then List.hd e evaluates to value v1
    • Else e evaluated to [], so List.hd e raises an exception

Alternate definition:

List.hd has type ‘a list -> ‘a

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Lists : Use -- Get the rest (everything after first)

Syntax: List.tl e

    • Where e is an expression

Type Checking

    • If has e has type t list
    • Then List.tl e has type t list
    • Else, report error and fail


    • If e evaluates to value [v1; v2; ; vN]
    • Then List.tl e evaluates to value [v2; ; vN]
    • Else e evaluated to [], so List.tl e raises an exception

Alternate definition:

List.tl has type ‘a list -> ‘a list

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Recursion again!

  • Functions over lists are usually recursive
    • Only way to “get to all the elements”
  • Design recipe: answer two questions
    • What should the answer be for an empty list?
      • Often thinking about the return type provides a good hint (base case)
    • What should the answer be for a non-empty list?
      • Typically this will be in terms of the answer for the tail (recursion)

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Lists of tuples

  • Processing lists of tuples is a common pattern (especially on Homework 1)
    • Requires no new features!
    • “Just” compose what we’ve already learned
    • Again, compositionality is a hallmark of good design
      • often from orthogonality