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Fighting the War

America Turns the Tide

Major Battles

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Schlieffen Plan Leads to Stalemate

  • Before the start of the war, France had heavy fortifications along their border with Germany.
  • Germany planned to cut through Belgium to take the French by surprise
    • They wanted to defeat France quickly
    • Needed to send their victorious troops to the east quickly to stop the Russians, who would take longer to mobilize
  • Belgium put up a strong resistance, took a long time to defeat them โ€“ Russia invaded Germany in the meantime
  • Germans got into France and had to send troops back to stop the Russians
  • Germans were halted outside of Paris and the war entered a new phase

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  • Trench warfare โ€“ new machine guns and artillery made people take cover in trenches
  • Armies tried to flank each other โ€“ โ€œrace to the seaโ€ โ€“ didnโ€™t work โ€“ just more trenches
  • Defensive war โ€“ front didnโ€™t move โ€“ thousands were dying for just a few miles of land

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Allies had Problems

  • German U-Boats were devastating the British ships and keeping supplies from getting to the Allies
    • ยผ of the British merchant ships were sunk
  • Allied soldiers were exhausted and demoralized after 2.5 years of fighting
    • Thousands and thousands of casualties
    • Shell Shock
    • Stalemate bummed people out
  • Italyโ€™s army was defeated
  • Russia pulled out of the war โ€“ German and Austrian forces could look to the west

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Russiaโ€™s Issues

  • The liberal democratic government set up in Russia in March 1917 was having a hard time
    • Unable to keep the mutinous Russian army supplied
  • The Bolsheviks (revolutionary Communists), led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power
    • Promised โ€œpeace and breadโ€ to the people
  • Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    • Terms were harsh towards the Russians
    • Russia had to give up Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
    • But it got them peace โ€“ no more war for Russia

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America Turns the Tide

  • Navy helps Shut Down U-Boats
    • Convoy system โ€“ heavy guard of destroyers and cruisers that protected merchant ships
      • Could sink U-Boats with depth charges
      • Basically made a chain of ships all the way across the Atlantic
    • U.S. Navy helped lay a 230 mile line of underwater mines across the North Sea from Scotland to Norway
      • Bottled up German U-Boats โ€“ kept them out of the Atlantic
    • Destroyed a lot of German U-Boats
      • They couldnโ€™t replace their losses quick enough
    • Made it so supplies could continue to flow to the Allies

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America Turns the Tide

  • Selective Service Act raised about 500,000 troops initially โ€“ they were trained and sent to Europe
  • American Expeditionary Force โ€“ official name for the American army in Europe in WWI
  • Doughboys โ€“ nickname for American troops, called that because they used pipe clay (dough) to clean their white belts
  • Gen. John J. Pershing โ€“ leader of AEF
    • The Allies wanted to just use the AEF as reinforcements where they were needed
    • Pershing said โ€œnoโ€ โ€“ wanted to keep the AEF together as a unified fighting force
    • Wanted to go and attack and not play defense
    • Could have a greater role in the peacemaking process if were a U.S. Army

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Doughboys and Pershing

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America Turns the Tide

  • American forces brought enthusiasm and freshness to the Allies
    • Gave other soldiers hope and encouraged them to keep fighting
  • Tipped the scales in favor of Allies
  • America arrived at a key time โ€“ helped to stop a major Germany advance summer of 1918 and helped win key victories against Germans
  • American Industry and production was the biggest help

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Sgt. Alvin York

  • Mountaineer and blacksmith from Tennessee (basically a โ€œhillbillyโ€)
  • Was a conscientious objector โ€“ didnโ€™t want to kill, against the bible
  • Decided it was ok if the cause was just
  • Killed 25 Germans with his rifle and revolver and with the help of 6 other doughboys he captured 132 German prisoners
  • He became a celebrity โ€“ movies were made about him, check it out!

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Harlem Hellfighters

  • 369th Infantry Regiment
  • African American Troops
  • Spent more time in combat than any other Americans in WWI
  • One of the most decorated units in the war
  • Had to deal with racism still

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Major Battles of WWI

  • Double check that your map is filled out.
  • Take notes on the battles from the next slide on the back of your map sheet
  • Look up one additional battle online.

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Battles to Look Up


  • First Marne
  • First Somme
  • Meuse-Argonne

One Optional

  • Tannenberg
  • Second Ypres
  • Verdun
  • Third Ypres
  • Gallipoli
  • Jutland

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Information to Include

  • When was it?
  • Where was it?
  • Who fought?
  • 1-3 key facts
    • Firsts? Most deadly?
  • Outcomes/Aftermath
    • who won, how many casualties

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Battle of the Marne

  • September 1914
  • Along the Marne River in France
  • Allies (France/UK) defeat the German Offensive outside of Paris
  • Prevented the Germans from capturing France
  • Failure of the Schlieffen Plan โ€“ sets up the โ€œrace to the seaโ€ and trench warfare
  • Forced Germany into a 2 front war

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First Battle of the Somme

  • British and French empires against the German Empire โ€“ French/British offensive
  • July 1-18, 1916 โ€“ Somme River, France
  • One of the largest battles in WWI
  • About 1,000,000 men wounded or killed total
  • 60,000 British troops killed or wounded on the first day of the battle
  • One of the bloodiest battles in human history
  • Allies ended up winning โ€“ they stopped the German offensives in Verdun
  • Did not really gain much ground for the cost of so many lives

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Meuse-Argonne Offensive

  • Fought in the Argonne Forest
  • Last Allied offensive that stretched along the western front
  • Main engagement of the Americans in WWI
  • Largest battle in U.S. military history, 1.2 million American soldiers
  • African American troops helped the allies to gain a victory
  • First time the Browning Automatic Rifle was used in combat
  • Pushes the Germans back enough to where they decide to call it quits

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