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Digital Oceans

Thesis Process Presentation

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In my project, I am exploring our connection and longing for nature in a world increasingly removed from our natural environment. My current work is especially linked to my lock-down experience in Paris, where almost my entire life took place in one and the same room for several weeks. During this time, I attempted to transform this room into the environments I longed for with the limited means available to me, using digital and artificial tools as a means to reconnect to nature out of necessity.

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My research is focused on the effects of digital nature experiences on connectedness to nature and pro-environmental behavior. Connectedness to nature, a term mainly used in environmental psychology, has been proven to have countless mental and physical health benefits; at the same time, it is also deemed essential in for our efforts to fight climate change and other environmental issues. I conducted a study with two different documentary scenes, testing their effect on the participants. My researched showed that digital experiences can act as a supplement to real nature interactions, increasing connectedness along with some of the same benefits.

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  • Content: what content do I use? Only one sourced 360 video or do I cut my own out of different 360 videos? Should it be a 360 video or a compilation of different videos and documentaries?
  • Installation: How do I bring the DIY / home-made aspect into the the gallery? How much should the gallery installation mimic the home set up?
  • Scalability: Do I propose this as a solution for more people? How can I help guide and help people create something similar in their own homes? (website or brochure)