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Geography: Raging Rivers?

Prior Learning:

I understand different weather patterns. I understand what a climate is.

I understand the difference between physical or human features.

I know how different types of rocks are formed and how sedimentary rocks are softer and can be eroded or work away(Y3 science).

I can read local maps and have read Ordnance Survey maps.

I understand 4 figure grid references and basic map symbols (Y4 geography).

I know what the water cycle is and how liquids can evaporate while gases can condense (Y4 science).

I know that the Amazon river flows through the Amazon rainforest (Y5 geography).

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Geography: Raging Rivers

Key Questions:

Where does water come from?

Where does water go?

What is the water cycle?

What are the main stages of a river?

What do we mean by erosion?

How can we measure the speed of flow of a river?

How are rivers used by humans?

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Geography: Raging Rivers?

Key Vocabulary:

Water cycle

This is the cycle where water evaporated into water vapour. The water vapour rises from the land to the sky. It then condenses in clouds as it cools and falls as rain.

Upper Course

This is the beginning of a river, starting with the source. It is usually located high up in the hills or mountains.

Middle Course

This is the middle part of the river which often meanders over flatter land.

Lower course

This is the end of the river. The river is usually bigger and more full of water at this stage. It will end by flowing into another river or the sea.


Where a river begins


A bend in a river caused by erosion, typically found in the middle course of a river where the ground is less steep.

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Key Vocabulary:


where a river flows into the sea


a smaller river that joins a bigger river

water fall

where water falls off hard rock onto softer rock


where water or wind wears away rock or soil


where water slows and drops the rocks it has eroded


a channel between mountains or hills that a river flows down


a river mouth where sediment has been deposited


the rocks and soils that are deposited after erosion


where two streams or rivers join