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Updated 1/17/2017

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  • Chapman High School
  • Library
    • Teacher Resources

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On an iPad, it is very easy to switch between accounts. Simply click on the name and select which account you want to use. This is why it is very important on shared iPads for students to logout. To logout, click on your name, select Manage Accounts, select Manage, and finally click Remove.

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2 minute video overview.

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Get started...


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Teacher View: Laptop How to add a class

HINT: creating a class will add a folder to your Google Drive called CLASSROOM.


  • Click on the + symbol.

2. Select Create class

3. Name your class and hit CREATE

You will then see your class under HOME.

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Teacher View - Laptop

You can change the theme for your classroom. If you want to upload a picture, make sure it is wide enough for a banner view.

Stream shows messages, assignments, questions, and more.

Students shows who is enrolled in your class and their settings.

About is the class overview. This is where you can add a class description, permanent links for students to use, and invite other teachers to join in your class.

This lets you toggle between classes, access the class calendar, check work, archive a class, change settings or return to the home screen.

When you want to open up a class, simply click on the title.

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In Settings, you have the option to change your profile picture, password, and other setting in your Google Account.

Settings also lets you decide if you want email notifications. I would strongly suggest leaving “send email notifications” checked for both you and for your students.

To help handle your email volume, you can use a gmail filter. For more information on how to set one up and use it, go to: https://goo.gl/7AWIc

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Teacher View - Laptop

Click on About to add more information about your class.

First: Click on the three dots to edit information about your class.

You can add a class description and/or room number.

This is a link to the classroom folder in Google Drive.

You can share your calendar outside of classroom. To learn how: https://goo.gl/8Pa8e

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Teacher View - Laptop

Add Materials is a great place to add links to specific websites, a link to the class syllabus, a document of important reminders, and a lot more.

When you select Add Materials, a box will open for you to put in a title and add your links. Once you are done, click POST.

A cool feature available on Google Classroom is the ability to invite a teacher to help coordinate class activities or to help with collaboration.

Click on Invite Teacher and type in their email address. The invited teacher will receive an email invitation and will appear right above the button

(e.g. Brett) To join the class, the invited teacher must select ACCEPT on their email invitation.

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Teacher View - Laptop

Click on STUDENTS to see a list of all of the students in your class. This is where you can set up their permissions as well.

The arrow gives you a drop down menu to select the rights for the students in the class.

You can invite students by email to join your class by clicking on this box. It will open up the groups in your schools GAFE account to assist.

An easy way to have students join your class is to give them the class code. Once they are done, you can use the drop down menu to disable or reset it.

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HINT: Guardians can receive summaries of their students work.

Guardian summaries include:

Missing work - Work that’s late at the time the email was sent.

Upcoming work - Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)

Class Activity - Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by the teachers.

Guardians CAN NOT access Classroom directly or view class stream.

Teacher View - Laptop

You have the ability to send an email to all of the guardians of students in your class.

Once students are enrolled in your class, you will see INVITE GUARDIANS next to their name. Click and a drop down box will appear for you to enter their email address.

For more information about Guardian Summaries as well as some examples, please click here: https://goo.gl/PoEKBz

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Teacher View - Laptop

You can select all of the students in the class by clicking in this box.

You can Remove, Email or Mute one student at a time or all at the same time. Once the box in front of the student’s name is selected, click the arrow by ACTIONS to access the drop-down menu. If you want to email all of the students but one or two, select them all and then click in the box to remove the checkmark on just those few.

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HINT: Students can remove themselves from your class by clicking on the three vertical dots. This can be handy if they are changing classes at semester or with a new school year. Remind students if they unenroll from your class, they will need your code to rejoin.

Student View - Laptop

To add a class, have the students click on the plus sign and type in your code.

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Student View - Laptop

HINT: Students will have a folder called Classroom in their Google Drive account. This is NOT a shared folder. Think of this as a trapper keeper. Inside will be more folders - one for each class and inside of those will be a folder for each assignment. Do not delete this folder.

HINT: You can tell if a folder is shared or not by looking for the icon.

= shared folder

= not shared

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Student View - Laptop

Once a student has entered a class, they will see a box with the class name. To enter a class, students simply click on a title..

Clicking on ABOUT - the student gains access to any information, attachments or links the teacher has added.

Students can view their Google Calendar right from within Classroom.

Students can go directly to their google drive folder for the classroom.

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Teacher View - Laptop

  • Let’s start by making a class announcement. On Stream, click on the + button on the bottom.

The STREAM in Google Classroom is where everything happens. It is much like Facebook where the latest item or post added will show up at the top. (you can move items to the top if needed)

2. Select Create Announcement.

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Post now, schedule when you want the post to be displayed, or save the draft to post at a later date.

Assign to more than one class.

Assign to all students or specific ones.

Type your announcement here.

Type the topic or pick one already used. Students will be able to sort the stream by topic making it easier to find what they need.

Add a file from your computer

Add a file from Drive

Add a youtube video

Add a link to a website

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Teacher View - Laptop

If you give students the rights, they can add post and make comments to other student’s posts. As a teacher, you have the right to delete a student’s post, move their post to the top of the stream, and even Mute the student so they can no longer post or comment but can still see and complete assignments. Just click on the three dots to access the drop-down menu.

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Teacher View - Laptop

Now let’s add an Assignment. Click + button and select Create Assignment. Then fill out the information it asks for such as the title of the assignment and a brief description or instructions.

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Teacher View - Laptop

Type the title and give a description of the assignment or any instructions the student needs to complete and turn it in.

Add due date & time (optional)

Select which class or classes.

Create a topic or use one already created.

If you need to, there is a trashcan to delete an assignment.

Select all students or specific ones.

Add any attachments needed.

Assign now, schedule, or save as a draft.

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Teacher View - Laptop

If you want to attach a file from your Google Drive, select the icon and a box will open with all of your files. If you have trouble finding the file you want to attach, use the search bar.

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Teacher View - Laptop

  • Select the document from Google Drive and click the ADD button.

2. Select the drop arrow and choose what students can do with the shared document.

Most common and easiest to use is Make A Copy.

3. Select to save as a draft, schedule when it will appear, or go ahead and assign.

More information on adding a file from Google Drive to Classroom…...

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Teacher View - Laptop

Title of the assignment.

Attachments added or shared.

This shows you the status of the assignment.

Add a class comment about the assignment.

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Teacher View - Laptop - Google Calendar

  • To access your Google Calendar, click on the three lines (More) button on the top left-hand side.

2. Select Calendar

3. Any due dates you add to your Google Classroom will automatically appear on your calendar. You can also access your calendar by going to https://www.google.com/calendar

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Student View - Laptop - Calendar

Students follow the same steps as the teacher to access their calendar which lets them view the due dates to complete assignments or answer questions for ALL of their classes in Google Classroom.

To go a step further, students can add the Google Calendar app to their phone or device and sync all of the calendar’s together. To learn more, go to: https://goo.gl/KQ2Rh

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Student View - Laptop

When students login, they can see if there are any assignments they need to complete in all of their classes right from the home screen.

To go into a class, the student just needs to click on the title.

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Student View - Laptop

To get started on an assignment, simply click OPEN

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Student View - Laptop

Students see the date due here.

If the assignment is late, it will tell them in red.

Title of Assignment

Here are the instructions.

Students can click Add to attach work they completed in another program or app.

HINT: Make sure students know it is important for them to select MARK AS DONE when they are completed with the assignment.

Instructions for this is on the next slide.

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Student View - Laptop

Sometimes, you may want a student to complete an assignment from scratch. For example, the assignment is to create a document and write a three-page essay. To do this, you would create an assignment and in the instructions you tell the students to create a document and turn it in. The students click on the assignment and then the arrow by Create.

From the pull down menu, the student selects Docs. Google Classroom will automatically create a document with the title of the assignment and the student’s name. When they are finished they need to click MARK AS DONE so it shows up on the teacher’s side.

This is also how a student can create a slide presentation, sheets or drawing as well. HINT: Make sure they follow these steps and do not create a doc, sheet, slides, or drawing from their google drive instead. If they do, it will not be in their classroom account or named correctly.

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HINT: when they open up the assignment, it will automatically have their name as part of the title.

Student View - Laptop

When they are done, they can turn in the assignment within Google Docs.

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Even after they select Turn In from within Google Docs, It will ask the students once again if they are sure. This is because once they turn it in, they can no longer make any changes unless the teacher hands it back or they resubmit it.

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Student View-Laptop

Students can add a private comment that only the teacher will see here.

Students can be sure their work has been turned in when they see the green check mark.

Students have the option to unsubmit an assignment to redo it. Teachers can view submission history to see if students re-submitted after the due date.

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Teacher View - Laptop

As a teacher, it is very easy to see how many students have completed the assignment.

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Teacher View Laptop

To grade the assignment, open the ones that are done by clicking on the number.

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Teacher’s View - Laptop

You can change how many points you want the assignment to be by typing in any number in the box. You can also select if you want the assignment to be un-graded or worth no grade at all.

On the left-hand side is all of the students in the class arranged by last name. To see their assignment, simply click on their name.

You can quickly tell if you have graded an assignment. To add a grade, simply type in how the student did on this line. To make is easier, use the up and down arrows from one student to another.

A new feature allows you to sort the students by first or last name or status of assignment completed.

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Teacher View - Laptop

If you want to open up multiple assignments at the same time, hold down the Command Key (or Control key) while you click on the attachments. This will open up each file in it’s own tab letting you see multiple student’s completed assignments at once.

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Teacher View - Laptop

Hint: Students will not be able to see their grade unless you return their assignment. To return an assignment, click on the box in front of the person’s name and then click RETURN. If you want to return all of the assignment at the same time, click on the box by Done.

Once an assignment is returned, students can resubmit it. So if a student does not do the assignment completely or has a lot of corrections to make, you can give them a low grade, return the work and have the student resubmit for a better grade. If you are done grading and a student resubmits the assignment anyway, you do not have to accept it.

HINT: An easy way to know when a student has re-submitted an assignment for a better grade is to have them attach a personal comment asking for feedback at the bottom of the assignment. You will then receive a notification in your email or phone to alert you of the resubmission. Another way is to create a new assignment and inform students they can resubmit a previously completed assignment for review.

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Teacher View - Laptop

To see a student’s submission history, click on their name on the left-hand side where grades are entered.

2. When you click on their name, it opens up their assignment. To see submission history, click here:

3. A box will appear telling you exactly when they submitted the assignment.

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Teacher View - Laptop

On the right-hand side is all of the students assignments in order of when they completed them. This way the ones that are not graded, resubmitted, or turned in late are at the top. To open an assignment to grade, just click on the square.

This pull down box will let you sort by those done or not done.

This file folder icon will automatically open up the classroom folder in Google Drive. Sometimes it may be easier to search for a student’s completed assignment using the search bar in your Google Drive.

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When you open up a student’s assignment, you can check their revision history to see when they completed the assignment or when they made any changes.

If you go to File - See Revision History, it will show you a more detailed report. If the assignment was to work as a group, this also lets you see who added to the assignment or revised and when.

Teacher View - Laptop

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Teacher View - Laptop

A handy new feature is the ability to download assignment grades in a CSV file to make it easier to transfer to Powerschool or any grading system. Click on the Gear symbol to access the pull down box.

You can also copy all grades to Google Sheets which includes a class average and an average for every student.

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Teacher & Student View - Laptop

To return to the Stream or main page of the class, click on the arrow.

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Students view - Laptop

On the left-hand side, there is a box that shows all or the assignments due.

Click the VIEW ALL to see all of the assignments from all of the classes.

Click on DONE to see the grade on finished assignments.

This is where the student would see their grade.

Once the assignment has been returned or if they forgot to add or do something , the student can re-submit if needed.

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Something NEW - Annotations on the mobile app.

“Using annotations, students can complete assignments, sketch out math problems or even create visuals of creative ideas directly on their devices. This gives students a portable classroom whiteboard on which they can easily draw and sketch…..Teachers can use annotations to quickly grade assignments by writing directly on the student’s work, or highlighting the most important passages in a text or novel.”

To learn more about this new feature, visit the Google Classroom Help Center: https://goo.gl/1aX9mw

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What about PDF’s?

This is one area in which I hope Google Classroom refines or updates. If a teacher has a worksheet they want to share with the students, they can digitally transfer it by scanning the worksheet and sending the file to their email. The problem is the worksheet is in a PDF format. As of now, for students to complete an assignment in a PDF format using a laptop or Chromebook, they will have to use an add-on called DocHub. There are other programs that work as well such as Read&Write and Notability but they do cost. In the future, my hope is there will be an easy and integrated way to convert PDF files into Doc files.

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Use DocHUB

DocHub is an ADD-on or App that you can use within Google Docs for free.

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When you use DocHub, you are actually creating a new file. You can make corrections and additions but there is not an automatic save. You need to export it back into Google Drive and then share it in classroom.

To resave the file, select the three horizontal lines and save to G Drive (Google Drive).

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Here is a great video that shows you step-by-step how to use DocHub and Google Classroom.

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Another option when using a PDF on an iPad is to have the student open it up in Notability.

Here is a quick video that shows you how.

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Teacher’s view - Laptop

Now that we are done with creating an assignment, let’s try one of the other features and Create A Question.

Click on the button and select Create Question.

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Teacher’s View - Laptop

Give the question a title and a description if needed. You can add links to the question same as an assignment or announcement.

To delete the question, select the trashcan.

You can have the question appear now, schedule it for later or save as a draft.

Select if students can reply to each other and/or edit their answers.

You can select if you want the question in more than one class. For more than one class, click the arrow to access the pull down box.

Select the date due if you want to assign one.

You can assign a topic.

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Teacher’s View - Laptop

To see the responses to the question, click on the number that are done.

The grading page is similar to how it appears for an assignment. You can see the student’s responses right on this page and give them a grade. You can also reply back to the students under their comment or see other students replies to classmates answers.

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Student’s View - Laptop

This is what the student sees when a teacher asks a question. Notice that it does not show them how their classmates answered until AFTER they type in their answer and then hit submit.

This is where the student types in their answer.

Make sure the student remembers to select Submit when they are finished.

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Student View - Laptop

After the student clicks submit with their answer to the question, they can see their classmate’s answers by clicking on the face icon.

Students can reply back to their classmates answers to keep the debate going.

As a teacher, you can also reply with a comment.

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Teacher’s View - Laptop

Google Classroom also lets you create Polls to share with your students.

This newly added feature makes it even easier to check for understanding and gather feedback. To create a poll, go to Create A Question. On the bottom, you will see Short Answer with a dropdown box.

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  • Pull down the dropdown box by clicking on the arrow and select Multiple Choice.

2. You will then see Option 1 and so forth. This is where you type in the choices for the poll. Once you are finished, select SUBMIT. Students will now see a selection of answers to the question they can choose from. When they are done making their selection, they can see classmates responses just like with a regular question.

For ideas of how the Polling feature can work in your classroom, take a look at this site: http://goo.gl/LFPi4V

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Teacher View - Laptop

Another new feature is the ability to Reuse Post you have created before. You can reuse post from earlier in the class or from an archived class. To do so, click on the + button and select Reuse Post.

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Teacher View - Laptop

  • Click on the class that had the assignment and click Select.

2. Find the assignment and click on Reuse.

If you have the box marked, it will automatically create a copy of all of the attachments from that assignment as well.

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Teacher View - Laptop

Another nice new feature is the ability to move post back to the top. In the stream, the most current post are at the top which can “bury” important post.

So to make sure that important post are easily seen, you can move them back to the top by clicking on

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What about quizzes?

Google classroom does not have a dropdown box or selection built into the program to create a quiz. BUT...there are easy options.

  • Create a quiz using Google Forms! Google Forms now includes automatic grading. To learn more: https://goo.gl/T43P4X

  • Create a quiz in Socratives or a similar program and create an Announcement in classroom to share the link to the students.

  • Use a site such as Quizzizz which lets you create, share, and assign quizzes and is fully integrated with Google Classroom. To see how, click on this link: https://youtu.be/MgT4VNyXwrc

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End of the class? : Rename, Archive, or Delete

At any time, you have the option to rename a class, archive it for future use, or delete the class. Simply select the three dots by the classroom title on your home page.

When you archive a class, it will be in “view only” for students to use as a reference. They will be able to see everything but not be able to make any changes or add new content. If a student no longer wants to see an archived class, they can unenroll by selecting the three dots on their side.

You can delete a Google Classroom after it has been archived. To find out how: https://goo.gl/TkMUSd

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What about iPads?

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On the iPad, make sure you have all of the individual apps to be used within Google Drive. This includes the following apps:







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Teacher View: Add a class - iPad

  • Sign is where you can add class or join a class.

Classes already created.

Assignments that are due.

iPad App

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Student View - iPad

To enroll in a class, click on the + button and enter the code.

To unenroll in a class, students can click on the three button icon.

Listed on the bottom, students can see what assignments they need to complete or what will soon be due.

Press the three lines to see more information.

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Teachers View - iPad

This is the ABOUT page in Google Classroom on an iPad. There currently is no place to add attachments or links.

You can add co-teachers by pressing on this icon.

You can have multiple teachers for the same class like above. Each teacher has all of the same rights but only the one who created the class can archive or delete it.

If you want to remove a co-teacher, press on the three dots.

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Teachers View - iPad

In STUDENTS, you can send individual emails, mute or remove a student by clicking on the three dots

You can invite students to join your class by clicking on the icon of a person with a plus sign. You will then be asked to type in their email to send them an invitation to join.

Students can also join the class by selecting the plus sign and typing in the class code that is displayed here.

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Student View - iPad

This is information a student will see if they touch the three lines at the top left-hand side that look like this:

Clicking on Calendar shows the assignment deadlines for all of their classes.

Classroom folder opens up the Google Drive folder. This can be handy if a student needs to find a file.

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Student View - iPad

To go into a class, all the student needs to do is select the class banner by pressing with their finger.

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Teacher View - iPad

To go back to the “home” screen, click on the three horizontal lines.

When you click on the three vertical lines, or the More button, you can easily toggle to another class, access your calendar, or click on the WORK button to access all of assignments and questions for that class..

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Teacher View - iPad

To add an announcement, assignment, post a question or reuse a post, just click on the + button.

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Teacher View - iPad

Type in your announcement here.

To add an attachment, click on the paperclip. You can add the following attachments:

To send, click on the arrow or paper airplane icon.

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Teacher View - iPad

Type in the title of the assignment here.

Click Due Tomorrow and to change the date.

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Teacher View - iPad

Creating an Assignment

  • Click on the Plus sign to get started.

2. Click on Assignment

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Teacher View - iPad

To attach a document to an assignment, click on the paperclip icon. A box will appear below.

Add a document or file from your drive

Add a link to a website or youtube video

Add a link to a photo already on the iPad or take a photo and attach it to the assignment.

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Teacher View - iPad

When you select to attach a file from Google Drive, Classroom will automatically switch over to the Drive app. Find the file you want and touch it. It will then appear in the Classroom app.

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Teacher View - iPad

When you are ready to post the assignment, select the arrow or paper plane icon.

Decide how you want the students to be able to view the attached file.

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Teacher View - iPad

If you want to edit an assignment that has already been created, delete it, or move it to the top of the stream, just click on the three button icon that looks like this:

This shows how many students have finished the assignment.

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Student view - iPad

This is the view of what the student sees when they are in a class.

This date shows when an assignment is due. On the left-hand side, it will also show if the assignment is LATE.

If the student has the rights to post an announcement or message to the class, all they have to do is press the plus sign to do so.

A new feature is the ability by the teacher to mute a student right from their comment.

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Student View - iPad

Type in the message here.

To add an attachment to a message or announcement, simply click on the paperclip icon.

The student can attach a Google Drive document, a weblink, or a picture.

To send the message, the student presses the arrow or paper airplane icon.

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Student View - iPad

To complete an assignment, students simply touch the title.

The first screen to appear will be the assignment instructions. After the student reads the instructions, they click on the attachment (if there) and the app will automatically open the Doc app.

When the student is done with the assignment, make sure they click on this bar.

Add a private comment

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Student View - iPad

If the student needs to add an attachment to complete the assignment, they click on the + button

Students can add an attachment from their Google Drive, a link to a webpage or to another app. They can also pick a photo from their camera roll.

HINT: if a student completes the assignment on paper, have them take a photo with their iPad and attach it.

Students can create a new doc or slides to complete the assignment as well by selecting one of these.

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Student View - iPad

When a student selects a Google Drive attachment, the app will automatically switch over to the app.

When the student is finished, they press the arrow and close out of the app. They will then need to re-open the Classroom app and touch the TURN IN bar.

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Student View - iPad

When the student presses on the TURN IN bar, it will ask them if they do indeed want to turn in their assignment. Once they do, they can not make any corrections unless the teacher returns it to them.

The button in the middle at the top will change to a checkmark to let the student know they have completed the assignment and turned it in.

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Student View - iPad

To return to the classroom home screen, the student will press the arrow.

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Teacher View - iPad

When students are finished with their assignments and turned them in, you will be able to see here.

To see the assignments that have turned in, simply press anywhere on the bar whether it is the numbers or attachment.

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Teacher View - iPad

The first screen will be the INSTRUCTIONS screen.

Press on STUDENT WORK to see all of the completed assignments and to grade them.

If there is an attachment, you can see it here. It will also tell you what rights students have to the document.

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Teacher View - iPad

After you have graded the attachment or assignment, put in the grade here.

This screen can be accessed by clicking on STUDENT WORK.

Click on the attachments to open them up and grade them. Google Classroom will automatically switch over to the Docs, Slides, or Drive app.

Simply touch a student’s name to open up their assignment to grade. Notice assignments Done but not graded will be at the top followed by students who did not complete and finally those that have been graded and returned.

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Teacher View - iPad

Once you are done, don’t forget to hit the RETURN button. It is like handing back a graded assignment back to the student so they can see the grade and how they did.

It will ask if you are sure you want to return the assignment. Click RETURN to confirm.

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Teacher View - iPad

A new feature on the iPad is the ability to post questions.

To add a question is very similar to adding an assignment. You can add attachments such as a picture, link to a video, or a file from Drive. You can also decide if you want students to be able to edit their answers once they see their classmates reply and if students can comment on each others answers.

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Teacher View - iPad

Another new tool now available on iPads is the ability to Reuse Post from another class or one that has been archived. Select Reuse Post.

Next, select the class you want to reuse the post from by touching it.

The next step is to scroll through and find the post you want to reuse. Simply touch it to bring up the next screen.

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Teacher View - iPad

The reused post will now appear in your classroom. You can make adjustments or additions from here. Once you are satisfied, click on the airplane icon to post.

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Under the More Button (three horizontal lines), there is a button that lets you send feedback to Google to help improve the features on Google Classroom. If you notice anything that you feel should be changed or have an idea to make Google Classroom easier for you and your students, make sure to send your ideas and suggestions by clicking here.

Teacher View - iPad

If you would like to change notifications from the Google Classroom app, click on Settings and then Notification.

If you need help, Google has a great site with step-by-step directions. Make sure to check out the forum as well for more information.

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Teacher View - iPad

When the class is over, click on the three vertical dots and select ARCHIVE. If a class is archived, you can still repost assignments and questions for future use.

Sometimes, you may want to simply Rename a class as you want students to still be able to see past comments and post in the Stream. An example is if you have a “class” in Google Classroom for your book club and want to rename your class for the book currently being read.

HINT: There is no limit to the number of classes you can have in Google Classroom.

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A new feature is the Classroom Share Button. You can post a Question to classroom from within one of the Google Educational partners. For more information on all of the partners who have now been integrated, click here: https://goo.gl/N2ybd0

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More new features

  • Icons have been added to the STREAM to make it easier to differentiate items.

  • “Add to Google Classroom” extensions on other iPad apps. In other apps, click on the Share icon and then select the Classroom app.
  • Coming in the Fall - Parents and Guardians will be able to access their student classroom accounts.
  • Classroom API: third party applications can create assignments in the class stream, turn in work for students, and send grades back to Classroom.

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Need More Information?

Alice Keeler: 50 things you can do with Google Classroom

Google Classroom Blog Page

Richard Byrne: Free technology for teachers

(one of my favorite blogs for integration of technology)

Google EDU: Google Classroom Help Center

Google Training Center: Google Classroom Training Center

What’s New: Google What’s New in Google Classroom Blog

Pinterest: Google Classroom Pinterest Page

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Recommended Chrome Extensions to use with Google Classroom

HINT: You can get carried away with adding Chrome extensions. Just remember the more you add, the slower Chrome works. Stay with the absolutely must-have extensions.