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Seedlings Newsletter

Week Beginning: 6th March 2023

Our central idea:

Living Things Play An Important Part In Our World

Lines of inquiry:

  • An inquiry into living things in our world.
  • An Inquiry into the role living things have in our world.
  • An inquiry into the role we have for caring for our natural world.

Important Information

Parents Evening: Please ensure you have booked an appointment for parents evening via your My Child At School App. Many Thanks

Water Bottles - Please remember that we ask that the children only have water in their bottles. Milk is available during snack times.

Nursery Uniform: Please remember that our nursery uniform is a white polo t-shirt and plain navy leggings/joggers along with a navy jumper/cardigan. Please also ensure that shoes have a velcro fastening and that all clothing is clearly labelled to ensure we can return them to the correct owners. Many thanks.

Nursery Maths Workshops: Thursday 28th March 2.30pm in the nursery classroom.

Stay and Play Module 4: Tuesday 28th March 2.30pm in the nursery classroom


During the week the children will be recapping all taught codes up to date and then being introduced to the following codes: /p/ and /o/. The children will also be playing listening games where we will be hearing the first sounds within words and matching these to the appropriate code


In Maths next week the children will be working on their problem solving skills using everyday objects. For example; counting 5 bears and then an adult hiding 3 bears in a closed hand. How many bears are missing? How do you know? These types of games are great for developing your child’s confidence when talking about early number.


During this week we will be sharing the story ‘The Hidden Rainbow’. The children will be looking at the important parts of plants, what they are called and how a plant grows. The children will also be widening their vocabulary through using words such as ‘roots’, ‘seeds’ and ‘grow’ to talk about what they can see.


The children will be continuing to explore living things in our world. They will be looking at the steps needed to help a plant grow, planting their own seeds as well as learning about different British plants that they can spot in the local area.

If you happen to go on a family walk over the weekend and spot any plants or familiar trees please do share this on tapestry the children love to share their learning with their friends.