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Who is Charlemagne?

The Medieval era




April 15, 2021

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Geography in West Europe

Second smallest land area of 7 continents

500 - 1000 A.D. known as a frontier land

Sparsely populated,

undeveloped area

on the outskirts of

a civilization

Can you name�the 7 continents?

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Muslim World & Europe

Islam appeared in Arabia in 622

Shocked when Muslims overran�Christian lands in Europe

Battle of Tours: 732 A.D.- �Christians won, Muslims still controlled�Spain

Muslim presence in Europe was anxiety-�inducing

Viewed as hostile

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We’re doing a poll!

Get ready!

Here it comes...

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Germanic Kingdoms

No cities or written laws

Small communities governed by�customs

Elected kings who led in war

Nobles pledged loyalty - �exchanged for weapons and�loot

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Also known as “Charles the Great”, reigned for 46 years

Pope Leo III asked Charlemagne to crush a rebellion in Rome

Crowned him Emperor of the�Romans on Christmas�Day, 800 A.D.

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Crowning of Charlemagne

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Charlemagne was German, now presides over the Italians

Roman Emperor of Constantinople - didn’t like Charlemagne being crowned

He was the sole Roman ruler

Huge rift between the eastern�and western Christian worlds

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Charlemagne’s Government

Converted many peoples of empire to Christianity - in the frontier lands

Nobles to rule small regions of

Empire by giving them land

Missi Dominici Officials that�kept control of provincial rulers

Checked roads, etc.

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Aachen - where Charlemagne ruled from

Wanted it to be a “second Rome”

Charlemagne could read,�not write - and clergy�were ignorant (or lacking�knowledge)

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School in Aachen had a curriculum, or formal course of study

Included grammar, geometry, music

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Charlemagne’s Legacy

Extended Christianity into England

Mixed German, Roman, and Christian traditions

Set up a great government

BUT… His empire fell apart�after death in 843 A.D.

Sons split it into 3 parts