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“The problem of communication and the human being's desire to improve things.”

Premises on which our business model is based to solve, at least partially, this problem:


The problem that exists which we want to solve

The private communication

  • Is not anonymous
  • From individuals to the management of companies and institutions

and constructive

  • Original
  • Useful
  • Possibility to be implemented on the organisation

has value

  • That’s why it deserves a reward

for the society

  • For companies
  • institutions
  • and customers

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Overview of EasyFeedback's ecosystem of tools


What solutions did we develop to solve the problem?

The private communication

1. EasyFeedback.com

  • Spanish and Multi language

3. EasyFeedback legal advice

5. Dapp Feedback & Earn:

  • Web3 (PoF)
  • Metaverse

  • IoT
  • Health
  • Survey
  • Review

and constructive

6. “Proof of Feedback” protocol PoF

- Internal Oracle

- Lawyer Oracle

has value

7. EASYF token utilities: EASYF:

- Holding EASYF (DEFI)

- NFTs

- Soulbound Tokens (SBT)

- Marketplace

- Debit card

for the society

2. EasyFeedback PRO

4. EasyFeedback Stats

8. EasyFeedback IoT

9. EasyFeedback Health

10. EasyFeedback Survey

11. EasyFeedback Review

Status: Finished - ongoing - pending

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Solutions already developed

1. Feedback Platform (B2C)

A private feedback platform between consumers and companies.

It is the gateway for offering our services to companies and institutions.

Already available in Spanish.

More than 500,000 feedbacks sent. 89% of users who have tried it state that they will use it again.


3. Legal Advice(B2C)

If our users are not satisfied with the resolution of their claim or feedback, we offer them legal advice services. (fixed fee plus % on success) 15% conversion rate.

Already available in Spain, Colombia and Mexico.

2. EasyFeedback PRO (B2B)

The private feedback platform (subscription fee) for businesses to:

1. Improve their reputation

2. Encourage engagement from their employees

3. Foster customers’ loyalty

Already available in Spanish.

The private communication

and constructive

has value

for the society

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Feedback moves the world

and deserves its reward! Token EASYF!


Feedback & Earn


The private communication

and constructive

has value

for the society

We are developing an on-chain Dapp around private Feedback based on:

  • Proof of Feedback (PoF), our novel protocol, which will grant our token EASYF to customers that communicate useful feedback through our platform easyfeedback.com to companies and organisations worldwide. Two validation oracles are used for this purpose. The Internal Oracle (which evaluates the usefulness, originality and feasibility of comments) and the Lawyer's Oracle (which is governed by the judge's ruling). They will also receive non-transferable SoulBound tokens (SBT) which will recognise the user's reputation on the basis of the comments assessed by the jury.

PoF already available on the Polygon testnet.

  • And a wide range of products and services for both organisations and customers.

EASYF Smart Contract on Polygon blockchain

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EasyFeedback works to be the

global hub of private feedback between consumers and businesses.

EasyFeedback acts as a private and trusted third party between customers, employees and the company management. We make it easier for useful feedback to be expressed, managed, rewarded and, thus, generating satisfaction (“Feedback & Earn”).


What is EasyFeedback?

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Products & Services

For organisations & institutions (B2B). Subscription income:

1. EasyFeedback PRO

2. EasyFeedback Stats:

Statistical and Artificial Intelligence tools for the data collected by our platform. By way of an example, this panel could publish a Global Online Reputation Index of companies based on the NPS (Net Promoter Score) obtained by companies after dealing with a customer complaint/complaint.

In the medium term, the community created around EasyFeedback could be the lever to create new products for companies:

  • EasyFeedback IoT
  • EasyFeedback Health
  • EasyFeedback Surveys
  • EasyFeedback Reviews


For users (B2C). Commission income:

1. Marketplace:

Own and third party products and services and gift cards. EASYF and other tokens as payment method.

2. Legal advice:

By winning litigation that has been handled through legal advice.

3. Proof of Feedback (PoF)

Every time EASYF tokens are delivered to the user we also receive EASYF.

4. Debit Card:

Holders will be able to use their EASYF tokens in their usual stores.

EasyFeedback revenues streams

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Economic Model & Value Creation in EASYF



- The commercialization of our Services for organisations and for customers will power EASYF buybacks.

- The repurchased tokens will be delivered to the smart contract in order for them to join EASYF's total supply, to ensure the sustainability of the protocol.


- Companies and institutions willing to hire any of our services will need to hold a minimum amount of EASYF tokens beforehand.

- In addition they will have to purchase EASYF tokens in order to reward users for their feedback.


Depending on the amount of EASYF tokens holded you get:

- Bonuses: Both in the store and in our legal advice service.

- Jurors: It is a requirement to be eligible to become a jury of our "Internal Oracle" of the "PoF" protocol.

- Governance: Exclusive access to governance processes on new features and other services.

EasyFeedback revenues streams

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The remaining 99.8% will be minted over time by the protocol “PoF” in order to reward Feedback senders

(3 criteria: usefulness, originality and execution).



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Tokenomics comprised of 0.2% from the Total supply : 358,282,000 EASYF



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Token release schedule

This graph shows the number and breakdown of the EASYF tokens that will be released into circulation on a monthly basis for 200 months (16.6 years).



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Fund-raising round

  • Listing Price: $0.05
  • Soft-cap: $300,000 (already raised)
  • Nearly 700 people from 65 countries countries have already bought EASYF
  • Tokens that are not sold will be burnt



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Availability of EASYF

In addition to the funds available to Easy Feedback from the initial sale of the token. The graph shows the total amount of EASYF tokens (valued in USD at listing price) that Easy Feedback will have available to develop the project over 200 months (16.6 years).



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Team & Partners

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Team & Partners

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Team & Partners

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EASYF Token Reviews



Reviews & Documents

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EasyFeedback roadmap

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Allocation of the raised funds


  • New UI & UX for the Webpages & Feedback Platform.
  • Marketing in other languages through organic positioning (SEO) of transactional words related to feedback (complaints, claims, suggestions...), a strategy already successfully tested in Spanish.
  • Development of the marketplace.
  • Update and commercialization of the EasyFeedback PRO Subscription for business.
  • Development and integration of Proof of Feedback (PoF).
  • Development of the internal and lawyer's Oracles of the PoF in Spain.
  • Listing in Exchanges (Centralized + Decentralized).
  • Marketing campaign in order to promote our fund-raise, listing and protocol.
  • Recruitment of more talent for fostering both our development and expansion.
  • Translation of the Feedback platform into new languages.
  • Implementation of the protocol PoF in new countries.
  • Development of the rest of the EasyFeedback ecosystem tools.

EasyFeedback roadmap

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To purchase EASYF tokens

Join our Whitelist!


Minimum Purchase: 100$

Maximum Purchase: 30.000$

More info: feedback@easyfeedbacktoken.io