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Below are a list of potential polling topics. With a partner choose 1 of these and create A NEW SLIDE with 3 valid polling questions that you could use in a public poll that might help guide a candidate’s message and policies. THEN, offer at least one critique or comment on another student’s polling questions

Look at the template on the next slide

  • Minimum Wage
  • Immigration
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Public Safety
  • Gun Control
  • Climate Change
  • National Debt

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Question #1: Xxxxxx…

  • Response options:

Question #2: Xxxx….

  • Response options:

Question #3: Xxxx…

  • Response options:

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Student Names

Peer Feedback:

3 of 28

Topic: Gun Control

  • Would limiting Americans rights to own/carry firearms help lower the crime rates throughout the nation?
    • Agree, disagree
  • Should background checks become a part of the process of purchasing firearms?
    • Agree, disagree
  • Should there be a limit on the types of weaponry citizens are allowed to purchase?
    • Agree, disagree

This could help a candidate get different viewpoints on how people view the second amendment and how they think it affects crime within the nation.

By: Katelynn Pate

Peer Feedback: Pretty solid survey. Specific in the questions and offer pretty clear lines to choose from.

4 of 28

Topic: Education

Question 1: Should teachers be given higher wages?

Responses: Agree or Disagree

Question 2: Should taxes be increased to support more public schools with funding?

Response: Increase or Keep the same taxes

Question 3: Should the State government be more responsible in handling a schools funding?

Response: Yes or No

The response questions could help a candidate by giving people’s opinion on the current education and its funding allowing a candidate to either support school funding or not.

Victor Q. Tran

Peer Feedback:

5 of 28

Topic: Minimum Wage

Question #1: Minimum wage is too low...

  • Response options: agree, disagree

Question #2: Should minimum wage be raised?

  • Response options: Yes, no

Question #3: Would you benefit from a raise in minimum wage?

  • Response options: Yes, no

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Student Names

Madison Wear

Karmin Williams

Peer Feedback:

6 of 28

Topic: Immigration

Question #1: There is a problem with immigration in the U.S

  • Response options: Agree, Disagree, no opinion

Question #2: The wall is the best solution to the illegal immigration problem in the U.S.

  • Response options: Strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, Strongly disagree

Question #3: Would illegal immigration be less of an issue if it was easier to gain citizenship to the U.S.?

  • Response options: yes, no, no opinion

The responses questions could help a candidate by giving the candidate the peoples views about immigration problems

Jacob Van Sandt, Mason Mayer

Peer Feedback: Very good!! Superb questions!!

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Topic: Healthcare Thomas S.

Question #1: Should it be mandatory that everyone gets vaccinated?

  • Response options: YES! or NO!

Question #2: Do you think that the government should give free healthcare to all Americans?

  • Response options: That’s not the American way or We need to help everyone.

Question #3: What are your thoughts on medical suicide?

  • Response options: Legalize it or ban it from the country

The responses questions could help a candidate by allowing them to see what needs to be done to create a healthier America for everyone.

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Topic: Gun control

Question #1: Do you own a registered gun in your name?

  • Response options: Yes and No

Question #2: do you support or oppose more strict gun laws in the united states?

  • Response options: support,oppose,no answer/unsure

Question #3: do you think should or should not be a law to ban the possession of handguns, except to police and other authorized people?

  • Response options: yes is should be, no is shouldn’t be, or no opinion

The responses questions could help a candidate by:

Mikayla and Melaina

9 of 28

Topic: Gun Control

Question #1: Are you comfortable with the current state of gun control?

  • Response options: Comfortable, somewhat comfortable, neutral, somewhat uncomfortable, uncomfortable.

Question #2: Are you comfortable with the current state of background checks?

  • Response options: Comfortable, somewhat comfortable, neutral, somewhat uncomfortable, uncomfortable.

Question #3: Should background checks be harsher?

  • Response options: Easier, stay the same, harsher.

The responses questions could help a candidate by determining societies views on gun control. (USE SPEAKER NOTES FOR FEEDBACK)


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National Debt Whitney-Jackson

Question #1: Should the government do more about national debt?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #2: Where should the government cut budgets in the most?

  • Response options: retirement funds, social security, health care, military, or other

Question #3: Where should more money go to in America the most?

  • Response options: retirement funds, social security, health care, military, education, or other

The responses questions could help a candidate by figuring out where their voters want money to go and not go.

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Gun control Phil

Question 1: 100 residents from every state randomly aged 21-70 were asked if they legally own a firearm.

Response options: Yes and No

Question 2: 100 residents from various social classes and random age groups were asked if they feel safer with a firearm on their person at all times.

Response options: Yes and No

Question 3: 100 residents from each state randomly aged 21-70 were polled on a scale from 1-10, how safe do you feel with random stranger possessing a firearm and carrying at all times

Response options: 1-10

The responses could help a candidate determine their voters opinions on guns and concealed carrying.

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Minimum Wage- Henry and Malcom

  • We asked 505 poeple at the local McDonalds if the minimum wage should be raised

Resposes= Yes or No

2. We asked 1200 local farmers how satisfied they are with the current minimum wage

Responses= yes or no

3. We asked 1500 college students how likely they are to obtain a job with the current minimum wage

Responses= Very likely, likely, unlikely, not very likely

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Topic: Gun control

Name: Malea Biswell

Question #1: Do you believe guns keep people safe?

  • Response options: Yes, No

Question #2: Should the government change the current gun laws?

  • Response options: Agree, Disagree, no opinion

Question #3: Is there any way the gun laws in the US could be improved?

  • Response options: yes, no, somewhat

Peer response:

15 of 28

Topic: Minimum Wage - Jonathan Cantrell

  • Do you believe that the minimum wage should be increased yearly?

Response: Agree, No Option, Disagree

2. Does minimum wage feel too low?

Response: Agree, Disagree

3. What should minimum wage be?

Response: Lower, Normal, Higher

Student Response:

16 of 28

Topic - Immigration

Question #1: Has any of your family been affected by the “wall” built by Trump?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #2: Are you a legal citizen of the U.S?

  • Response options: yes or why not

Question #3: Is the U.S everything you really suspected?

  • Response options: why or why not

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Student Names- Taneil Griffin

Peer Feedback: why or why not questions would be harder to answer than yes or no - Malea

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Gun Control Sammy Abunamous

Question #1: Should gun prices be raised to prevent many from purchasing them?

  • Response options: Yes or No

Question #2: Should gun owners be show they have legal reasons to own a gun?

  • Response options: Yes or No

Question #3: Do family members of gun owners feel safer?

  • Response options: Yes or No

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..


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Topic: National Debt

Question #1: Is national Debt a big issue?

  • Response options:Yes No

Question #2: Is there a way to reduce/ cut down on national Debt?

  • Response options: Yes No

Question #3: Is Debt a good thing to debate about?

  • Response options:Yes No

The responses questions could help a candidate by giving or disuading them on this topic in their campaign

Andrew McCall

Peer Feedback:

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Topic: Climate Change

Question #1: Do you believe Congress should pass more legislation to help combat global warming?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #2: Do Americans need to take more action decrease their carbon footprint?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #3: Is the federal government best suited to stop climate change?

  • Response options: Agree or disagree

The responses to these question could help a candidate support why the US needs their proposed legislation regarding climate change

Angelina Garcia

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Topic- National Debt

Question #1: Does America’s National Debt matter to you?

Yes or No?

Question #2: Should we care more about national debt?

Yeah maybe or nahh it’s cool?

Question #3: How should the government go about lowering national debt?

Bonds, Interest Rate Manipulation, Spending Cuts, Raise Taxes, other, or nahh it’s cool.

Jaden Moore

Peer Feedback:

This data could help a candidate decide if national debt is something they should focus on for re-election, and if so how should they go about lowering it to make people happy.

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Gun Control- Jackson Routh and Chaughn Mumma

Question #1: Should the government regulate gun laws throughout the US?

Agree or Disagree?

Question #2: Does gun control correlate with the crime rate percentage?

Yes or No?

Question #3: Do guns kill people or do people kill people?

Gun or People?

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

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Ivonee Mejia - Topic: Healthcare

Question #1: Should healthcare be free for lower class but not the higher “richer” class?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #2: Should colleges reduce tuition for medical students to encourage more people to apply for the medical field?

  • Response options: agree or disagree

Question #3: Should there be more laws that regulate healthcare?

  • Response options: agree, disagree

The responses questions could help a candidate by: focusing on the public opinion on health care

Student Names

Peer Feedback:

23 of 28

Education: Danielle, Brian, and Robert

Question #1: Should school districts receive more funding from the government?

  • Response options: Agree or Disagree

Question #2: Are graduation requirements adequately preparing kids for college?

  • Response options: Agree or Disagree

Question #3: Do schools lunches adequately nourish school children 5-18 years of age?

  • Response options: Agree or Disagree

The responses questions could help a candidate by….. This could help a candidate persuade to increase government assets towards education or not to spend anymore time or money on education.

Peer Feedback: The questions seem to be written from the perspective of the youth that are affected.

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Topic: Gun Control

Question #1: With the apparent increase in assault rifle and military style firearms being used in mass killings, the purchase of such weapons should be limited in the U.S.

  • Response options: Strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree.

Question #2: Current regulations on firearm purchases are sufficient.

  • Response options: Strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree.

Question #3: The ability to defend oneself is eliminated with the limitation of guns.

  • Response options: Strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree.

The responses questions could help a candidate by understanding the mindset of a voter given a certain perspective (whether positive or negative)

Sam Skelton, Robbie Hill

Peer Feedback: These questions are good & well-worded!

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Topic: Immigration

Question #1: Do you agree with the President’s decision of building the wall along the U.S. border with Mexico?

  • Response options: Agree or disagree

Question #2: Do you think filtering out immigrants in the U.S would affect the overall economy?

  • Response options: Yes or No

Question #3: Would immigration be an issue if immigrants came into the United States legally?

Response options: Yes or No

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Jillian Birdsong

Isabella Brown

Peer Feedback:

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Question #1: Does America take advantage of cheap labor provided by illegal immigrants? Do American businesses benefit from the low cost of undocumented immigrant labor?

  • Response options: Agree or Disagree

Question #2: Do illegal immigrants help or burden our economy?

  • Response options: Help or Burden

Question #3: Should children born in the US by illegal immigrants be deported alongside their parents?

  • Response options:Agree or Disagree

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Student names: Sundus Mohamed

Arreana Mendoza

Reina Apollon

These questions would help a candidate by informing them about their views on illegal immigrants

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Topic: Climate Change

Question #1: Does climate change exist?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #2: Is legislation to combat climate change economically feasible?

  • Response options: yes or no

Question #3: Would you be willing to increase taxes towards research and actions to aid in combating climate change?

  • Response options: yes or no

The responses questions could help a candidate by…..

Nicholas Burdolski

Peer Feedback: