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Roman Architecture

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Model of Rome at its peak

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Temple Architecture during the Republic was a blend of Etruscan and Greek styles.

Temple of



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  • Romans invented concrete (made of volcanic ash+lime+water)

  • Concrete allowed them to build bldgs. that were sturdier and taller.

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Fortuna Palestrina (made of concrete)

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Romans Perfected the Greek-Invented Arch

  • Arches were used to support bridges and monuments in the Roman Empire

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Roman Aqueducts in France!

How did

they get


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Video of how aqueducts work:

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Romans were the first to fully utilize the arch:

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vaulted ceilings

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which led to DOMES

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The Colosseum!

  • It could hold 50,000 spectators
  • It was built by the emperor Vespasian with the booty of the Jewish War.
  • Watch the video on starkworldciv.weebly.com to find 5 more facts to write down.

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Before the fires,

earthquakes, and looting After

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Roman Sculpture

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