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Assignment: You Are a Journalist

Eng. 4, Module 3

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Part 1: Written News Report (Due Nov. 28)

You are a reporter for the NOVA Monthly, a student-run newspaper read by our local community. You will pitch a story to your teacher and then write your article. This article could describe the details of a factual event, a new phenomenon, product, or technology. Alternatively, you may write a feature article summarizing the information on an important person/event/situation that affects our community.

  • Use concise, neutral language, covering multiple sides of the issue
  • Formatted like a standard newspaper article (headline, byline, lead, etc.)
  • Formal, professional tone
  • 250 - 300 words
  • Includes at least two relevant quotes that clearly identify the speaker
  • Includes at least one relevant statistic or statistical chart/graph

EXAMPLE: NOVA Monthly Template & Directions

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Part 2: Oral Presentation (Nov. 28, 30, and Dec. 1)

Present your findings from Part 1. Make sure that your presentation orients your audience and relays the most pertinent info.

3 minutes for the presentation itself.

  • Hooks/captivates audience by introducing the topic in an engaging manner
  • Uses neutral/objective language
  • Presents the information/facts/main points in an logical and coherent manner
  • Concludes the oral presentation with summary of the main points
  • Varies tone, speed, volume, and emphasis, paying attention to pronunciation
  • Adapts the formality of language to the context and audience (humorous/provocative/appealing)

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Presentation Outline

Introduction: Use a captivating hook to get the audience’s attention. Then, define and describe your topic. Be sure to explain why your topic is important to the community or the average person.

Body: Provide the most important details and facts of the article. Organize your writing to fit the topic.

Conclusion: wrap-up your presentation my summarizing your main points.

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Hooks the audience by introducing the topic in an engaging manner

Uses neutral, objective language

Presents information (facts, main points) in a logical and coherent manner

Concludes the oral presentation (report) by summarizing main points

Varies tone, speed, volume, and emphasis and makes effective use of pronunciation and enunciation to generate and maintain interest

Adapts formality of language to the context and audience (e.g. humorous/provocative/appealing)

Part 2: Oral Presentation Rubric