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Community Project

Numerical Solutions of PDEs

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What is Landlab?

Python package for numerically solving PDEs, specifically those modelling earth surface dynamics. Includes:

  • Gridding engine
  • Library of physical processes
  • Utilities
  • Tutorials

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Project Stats

  • Python
  • Started in 2013
  • Active community on Github with 25+ commits in the last week
  • Frequent small commits with some large commits
  • 45 contributors
  • Extensive documentation and guidelines
  • Testing and other developer tools
  • 37 tutorials
  • Extra model submissions to CSDMS

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Process Library

>50 modules in 18 categories, including

  • Hillslope and Fluvial geomorphology
  • Groundwater hydrology
  • Landslides
  • Fire

Finite Difference/Volume

Niche modelling

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Tutorial Example: Fault-Scarp

2 dimensional time-dependent numerical model on regular grid

Erosion of earthquake fault scarp

Nodes and links (right)

Erosion example (below)

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Tutorial Example: Advection

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How Can I Contribute?

  • Explore other modules (more modules than tutorials)
  • Setup help / Q&A
  • Look at issues
  • More application-focused - room to look at performance?