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UG Advanced Experimental & Quantitative Workshops

10-11 June 2019

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Before we start...

Link to slides on: https://www.adamjchong.com/ug-quantexp-workshops-2019.html

(go to www.adamjchong.com and navigate from there - Teaching)

For today, make sure you have downloaded and installed: �OpenSesame - https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/3.2/

You’ll need R and R Studio for tomorrow - see the links online and in the overview


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  • Intensive HANDS-ON workshop on
    • Implementing an experiment using existing freeware
    • Data analysis and visualisation
  • This will prepare for experimental/quantitative work if you are intending on doing that for your dissertations
    • You might not be doing an experiment, but the quantitative data analysis skills we will cover tomorrow will also be helpful for other kinds of studies
  • Format: there will be some lecturing to introduce key concepts, but we are expecting you to work along with us on your own computers. We will also be discussing materials in small groups.


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Dr. Adam Chong

Dr. Kathleen McCarthy

Dr. Adib Mehrabi

  • Be a friendly guide to what can be a daunting new set of skills to learn
  • Guide you through from the basics (we’re not assuming you know any coding!)

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What we’re assuming you know

  • Basics of experimental design
  • Basics of quantitative analysis

These topics would have been covered in LIN5202 Research Methods last semester

  • We’ll spend *some* time recapping this today


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How to best make use of these workshops

  • Be familiar with the basic concepts from LIN5202 Research Methods
  • Be ready dive in
  • Not be afraid of learning new, and potentially challenging, skills
  • Ask questions
  • Participate in the discussion
  • Be prepared to do further work on your own to really understand what we’ve done here today.


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After attending these workshops, I will:

  • Be comfortable designing an experiment from scratch (understanding the potential design choices and pitfalls for a given method)
  • Be comfortable implementing an experiment using software or some coding
  • Understand how basic experimental design principles are applicable to any type of experimental paradigm
  • Be comfortable consulting online resources/tutorials to be able to independently learn further skills that might be necessary for own individual project
  • Understand how data is structured in an experimental output (and input)


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After attending these workshops, I will:

  • Be comfortable using R to manipulate, process, visualise and analyse data, and be able to consult online R resources to learn further skills as the need arises
  • Understand basic statistical concepts/considerations and apply them to my own data
  • Be able to conduct basic statistical test (e.g. chi-square, t-tests, and ANOVAs) using R, and interpret the output of these results
  • Understand what is expected in the reporting of these results in experimental write-ups.
  • Recognise the transferable nature of the skills introduced in this workshop


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More broadly: Transferable skills

•Dealing with complex data - how manipulate, query, visualise and understand

•Experiments and data analysis: logical problem solving

•Technical skills – e.g. R, some basic coding

•Being able to learn some basics, and consult further resources independently to learn more, as needed (independence)


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Overview of workshops:

Today (Monday):

  • Recap experimental design basics
  • Really (and I mean really) thinking through an experimental design/procedure
  • Implementing a simple experiment using OpenSesame

Tomorrow (Tuesday):

  • Recap quantitative analysis basics
  • More advanced statistical tests
  • Introduction to R
  • How to deal with data in R - reading in, analysing, plotting, etc.


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Overview of today:

First half (morning)

  • Recap of experimental design basics
  • Thinking through an experimental design - in more detail

Second half (afternoon)

  • Walking through the implementation of a simple semantic priming experiment
  • Technical part - new software - we’re going devote the entire session to this.


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Recap: What is an experiment?

Way to scientifically test what affects a particular outcome, while controlling for extraneous factors (cf. reliability, validity)


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(Experimental) Variables

Variable: something that can take on multiple values (general definition)

Dependent variables: the specific thing you are measuring in an experiment (e.g. reaction time, VOT, % correct etc.)

Independent variables: what you manipulate to see if it has an effect on what you measure (i.e. your dependent variable)

Note: we’ll be using the term ‘variable’ to mean a couple of different things, but they all derive from the general definition above.


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Types of measures (dependent variables)

  • Online measures: examining language processing/processes as they are occurring in real-time. - E.g. reaction time, eye-tracking while reading/listening, reading times
    • Useful seeing how automatised some processes might be

  • Offline measures: examining the results of language processing (after the fact but not as it happens) - E.g. Accuracy

  • Often you will have both of these examined in a single experiment – so e.g. reaction time in a lexical decision task, as well as accuracy


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Types of measures (dependent variables)

  • Behaviourial: some observable behaviour (e.g. reaction times, accuracy) is reflective of some type cognitive processing

  • Neurophysical: these examine directly neurophysical responses (e.g. brain activation)

NOTE: You will almost certainly be working with a behaviourial measure.


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What type of variable are you dealing with?


A particular variable can be classified into two main types:

i. Continuous:

ii. Categorical:

Discrete groups/types

intervals between the values are equally spaced, counting starts at absence/0 (ratio) or relative position (interval)

e.g., body weight. vowel formant frequencies, reaction times, etc.

A. Nominal:�discrete categories; no relative/intrinsic ordering (i.e., no agreed way of ordering these values from highest to lowest); no values in intervening space

B. Ordinal:

discrete but ordered e.g., high to low; even though they are ordered the spacing between the values may not be the same

e.g., sex, ethnicity, presence/absence of a word, phonological environment, etc.

e.g., education level, socio-economic status, age (if binned), etc.

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Why does the type of variable matter?

  • It might affect how your experiment is implemented �
  • It will determine how you plot/describe your data�
  • It will determine how you analyse that data - different kinds of statistical test

Note: that you can transform data from one kind to another - e.g. you can ‘bin’ age (continuous) to just two categories (young vs. old).

You generally don’t do the reverse though...


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Types of experimental designs

Between-subjects designs: comparing behaviour between two (or more) groups of participants�

  • Could be different types of participants (e.g. monolingual vs. bilinguals)
  • Could be that they receive different kinds of ‘treatments’ (e.g. half your participants get trained on Language A, and another on Language B, and you’re interested to see which they are more accurate on (similar test items))


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Types of experimental designs

Within-subjects: interested in comparing effect of some variable on the same participant

E.g., does a given listener show a similar perceptual judgement of stigmatised vs. non-stigmatised variants in speech? (same listener but hearing both types of variants)


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Types of experimental designs

Mixed-Designs: some between- and some within-subject variables

E.g., discrimination task: Japanese vs. English listeners’ discrimination /r/ and /l/ (contrast in only Eng.) vs. /t/ and /s/ (contrast in both)

Within-subject IV: Type of contrast (contrastive in both or just in English) - each listeners hears both!

Between-subject IV: Language background (i.e. Japanese vs. English)


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Group Activity

Read ‘methods’ sections of published papers

  • Think through the procedure (how did the experiment proceed? Break it down)�
  • Make notes about why you think they made certain controls/manipulations�
  • Anything that is unclear? Terminology?�
  • Be prepared to report this back to the class!


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What was the point of the ‘methods’ activity?

  • There are two general steps to actually running an experiment:

  • Thinking of the general design
  • Implementation of the actual design (down to the specifics!)


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Dealing with confounds/controlling factors

Sampling - this is the one most of you are probably most aware of

  • B/w subjects - randomly assigning groups, matching on characteristics? Or controlling for other characteristics

‘Carryover effects’ - ordering effects, item specific effects, etc.

  • Counterbalancing
    • Randomisation of trials across participants
    • Different experimental lists


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Once you’ve designed your experiment, i.e. You’ve thought about:

  • Who you’re examining - how many groups? Or within-groups?
  • What your independent variables you’re manipulating are
  • What it is you’re measuring (Reaction times? Formant frequencies? Accuracy?)
  • How to control for confounds (sampling? Randomisation? Counterbalancing?)

You’re now ready to think even more specifically about HOW your experiment will run - i.e. what happens when?


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Some key terms:

Phase: a particular stage of an experiment (e.g. practice phase, test phase)

Trial: a series of procedures in an experiment, where a participant’s behaviour is measured

Block: a set of trials �(a given phase can have one or more blocks of trials)


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Experiments - as a series of ordered events

Next step, implementation.


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Thinking about experiments schematically

(this will significantly help implementing/building it using software, for later)

We’ll look through some simple examples then think about how this applies to the examples you just examined.


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There are a number of levels to experimental structure



Test Phase


I. Global sequence

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There are a number of levels to experimental structure



Test Phase


Block �(of trials)

I. Global sequence

II. Block


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There are a number of levels to experimental structure



Test Phase


Block �(of trials)

I. Global sequence


III. Trial sequence

II. Block


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There are a number of levels to experimental structure



Test Phase


Block �(of trials)


Loops as many times as there are trials

I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

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You can have more complex Global sequences



Practice Phase


Block �(of trials)


Loops as many times as there are trials

I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Block �(of trials)


Test Phase


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop


Fixation Cross

Sound 1

Make response

Sound 2

500 ms

Sound 3

500 ms

500 ms

2 seconds

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Group Activity

Can you draw out the sequence of events that occur in the experiments you looked at?


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Local Summary

  • When designing an experiment, at some point you’ll need to really get into the weeds to decide on very specific details of experimental design and procedure.
  • Visualising this helps!
  • Other considerations to controlling for confounds beyond just sampling related issues - e.g. counterbalancing etc.

Next up, actually implementing an experiment - this is more straightforward if you understand how to think through the procedure of an experiment schematically as we’ve just done!


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See you back here at 1.30pm


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Simple semantic priming example.

(similar to what you did in Prac Ex 4 in Research Methods)

Inspired by Meyer & Schvaneveldt (1971), Milberg & Blumstein (1981)

The authors were interested if the relationship between words (i.e. the semantic relation) can facilitate lexical retrieval. The notion of ‘semantic priming’ refers to the idea that a response to a word (e.g. ‘doctor’) is faster when it is primed (i.e. preceded by) a word that is semantically related (e.g. ‘nurse’). The task that people have to do in a lexical decision task is to decide if the word they see (i.e. the target) is a word or not.


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Simple semantic priming example.


Stimuli pairs consisted of pairs of real or nonwords. Each pair consisted of a prime (the first member) and a target (the second member). There were three main experimental types of word-pairs. In the first three pairs, a real word target was preceded either by a related word (e.g., dog-cat), an unrelated word (e.g., land-cat), or a nonword prime (e.g., lak-cat). In the final two, a non-word target was preceded by either a real-word prime (e.g. dog-lak) or a nonword prime (e.g. mion-lak).

[AC: what information is missing here? What else would you want to know?]


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Simple semantic priming example.


In total there were 30 stimuli pairs, 5 real word targets preceded by a related prime, 5 preceded by an unrelated prime, 5 preceded by a nonword prime. The remaining 15 pairs consisted of nonword targets, with 10 preceded by real word primes, and 5 preceded by nonword primes. To control for priming effects across the experiment, targets and primes only appeared once. Three experimental lists were created to counterbalance any word specific effects.

5 additional stimuli pairs, 1 of each stimulus type, were created for practice trials. None of these were used in the test trials.


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Simple semantic priming example.

Quick check-in:

How many trials does this experiment have?

How many conditions are there?


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Simple semantic priming example.

Apparatus & Procedure: (sometimes you see these separated out!)

Test trials were all presented in one test block. The experiment was presented through OpenSesame (Mathôt, Schreij & Theeuwes, 2012). At the start of each experiment, participants saw a set of instructions printed on the computer screen in front of them. They were instructed that they were going to see two letter strings, and to decide, as quickly as possible, if the second string was a word or not. They were instructed to press the Z key if it was a word and M key if it now a nonword. Participants first completed the 5 practice trials, before moving on to the test phase.

On a given trial, a participant first saw a fixation cross in the centre of the screen that lasted for 500 ms. Then the printed prime and target were shown consecutively. The interstimulus interval was 500ms, and the inter-trial interval was 2 seconds. Participants were instructed to respond as quickly as possible, and responses above 2000ms were not counted. The entire task lasted approximately 15 minutes.


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Let’s schematise this!

We won’t worry about the multiple experimental lists for today.


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Existing experimental software


Gorilla (online)

PsyToolkit (online)





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What is OpenSesame?

  • Free (open-source) tool
  • Works on most operating systems (Mac, Windows, Linux - not sure about Chrome...)
  • Allows you to build your experiment without having to code (though *some* very small amount of understanding about how coding works will help - we’ll go through this later)
  • *Mostly* drag-and-drop
  • Allows you to test your experiment as you build it
  • Quite well documented, with tutorials on Youtube, a discussion forum, full examples
  • There are some fidgety bits about it - but nothing is perfect!


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Now let’s go to OpenSesame

Open up OpenSesame on your own computers

If you open OpenSesame, it should by default start with a blank experiment.

Let’s first get oriented with the general layout.

In more detail: https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/3.2/tutorials/beginner/

Consult the documentation manual and forums - these are really useful!


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Variable Inspector

File pool

Hide this bit for now - we won’t really be using this.

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Let’s start today with the ‘default template’

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Before moving on

Save the file in a new folder that you can access straightforwardly.

I save EVERYTHING onto Dropbox - you should do the same.

This way when you test run your experiment the data will all go to the same folder.


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General script = the under-the-hood code that actually runs your experiment.

You can get by without worrying about this - but there are some nice tutorials that show you how to modify small pieces of this to do more complex manipulations

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Various elements that OpenSesame provides for putting together an experiment.


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Two important structural components

  • Sequence:

Holds other set of objects together, and ensures that they occur in a particular order - i.e. a sequence of events

  • Loop:

As its name suggests, this is a general object the runs another item multiple times.

This is also where you will be defining your independent variables - what you will want to manipulate



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Loop-Sequence structure

To repeat a sequence of events, you’ll need a loop item that contains a sequence item.

A sequence item will only execute once.


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

500 ms


2 seconds

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Some other bits we’ll be using


Ways to display stimuli

Sketchpad: allows you to display text, images etc.

What do you think this does?

Ways to record responses

What do you think this does?

Keyboard response: registers if, when, and what key was used

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How to start:

You can select an icon from the left hand bar and drag them to the Overview panel, directly under where you want the item to occur (note you can also change this after).


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Closer look at the Sketchpad


Tools: like inserting images ,etc.

Canvas: this is what you’ll see on the screen in the experiment.

Notice the grids!

Name of item - you can rename this here

Duration: default = until a key is pressed

Name this ‘instructions’

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Closer look at the Sketchpad


Type some text here:

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Let’s create the global structure

Refer back to the global structure of the experiment you came up with before.


  • Create an end of PRACTICE phase message. (call this - end_prac)
  • Create an end of experiment message. (call this - end_expt)


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A quick comment about naming conventions

You will notice that I did two things:

  • Made the name short (as short as is helpful)
  • Use all lowercase - just easier...you won’t have to worry if something is case-sensitive
  • Used _ instead of spaces
    • The problem is that spaces are not always treated the same way across different coding systems/software etc. etc. Underscores are. Use them.


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

500 ms


2 seconds

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Practice and Test Phases

Both of these are quite similar! So once we’ve got one of them, we’ve got the other.

Let’s start with the Practice Phase:

What we need first is a Loop Object - let’s call it practice_Loop

This loop object will loop over the practice Block Sequence (remember: a block = a collection of trials)


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I have created a variable called ‘practice’ which has the value “yes”

If you have more than one block of trials, you would create another variable to deal with that - see some of the examples in the online documentation.

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A loop on its own does nothing. It needs something to run!

This is where the Sequence comes in.

Note that if you drag it and place it under prac_loop, it will prompt you to ‘insert into’ or ‘insert after’.

‘Insert into’ = the sequence is within the loop itself (this is what we want here)


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

500 ms


2 seconds

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We need a Trial Loop within the block sequence

If you drag another Loop Object under prac_sequence, you’ll get the same prompt of where in the experiment you want this to occur.

Should the Trial Loop go into or after the prac_sequence?


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

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So far.

We now have the general structure of the entire experiment (more or less).

And we have most of a practice phase done.

But we haven’t actual set up what happens on each trial yet! (i.e. the trial_sequence)


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How the trial enfolds


III. Trial sequence

Fixation Cross


Make response


2 seconds



500 ms

For each red box, you’ll need to use an OpenSesame item (i.e. drag it from the left bar) - can you think of what type of item you’ll need for each?

500 ms

Blank screen

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How the trial enfolds


III. Trial sequence

Fixation Cross


Make response


2 seconds



500 ms

500 ms

These are SKETCHPAD items


Add these to your overview.

Name them appropriately, as we’ve been doing.

E.g. prac_fixation_cross

Blank screen

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Draw a fixation cross in the middle of the canvas

We should also change the duration to 500 ms - why?


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For now, type ‘prime’ and ‘target’ in the centre of the canvas, respectively.

Make sure these are 50 px in size.

What are the duration for prac_prime and prac_target? Are they the same?


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One weird thing: the duration for prac_target is 0.

The idea is that the minute the display is shown, the next action, prac_keyboard_response is also initiated.


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One weird thing: the duration for prac_target is 0.

The idea is that the minute the display is shown, the prac_keyboard_response is also initiated.

(this was one of those things which took me some time to figure out...it’s a little counter-intuitive…)


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We need to set up the response keys


We’ll leave this empty since we are going to use “correct_response” but more on this in a few slides

Possible response keys

Upper limit for response - i.e. if a response is not made in 2000ms (2s), then it’s logged as NULL

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What should be on this?

What would its duration be?


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One important thing: logging data!

OpenSesame does not actually log any responses etc, without being told to do so!

So we need to do this!

Here we will use the ‘logger’ item!


Drag and drop this after the prac_blank item

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By default, it logs EVERYTHING (all the variables in the experiment.

This will get written into a results file.

Leave it that way - better to log everything and select what you need after, than potentially lose data that cannot be retrieved...


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We’ve basically got the trial sequence set up


500 ms

III. Trial sequence

Fixation Cross


Make response


2 seconds



500 ms

500 ms

Blank screen

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Taking stock

  • We’ve got the practice phase structure more or less set up - but we haven’t actually told OpenSesame what to show!

  • What we need to define here is the prac_trial_loop that will have all the variables/items that will be shown


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Data source

This is the data source with all your variables that you set (column headers)

You can create this is Excel and copy-paste it here. This is easier when you have a larger datasource than this.

Let’s inspect what I have here for the set of practice trials:


Repeat: each cycle = all the listed trials (number of rows).

Here the entire set repeats once.

You can set this lower if you only want to run a subset (e.g. 0.5 runs half)). This is useful if you’re just testing the experiment, and don’t want to run the entirety of it.

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One problem...

Let’s go back to:



Is this displaying what we want?


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One problem...

Let’s go back to:



Right now - it’s just displaying the text ‘prime’. And so on every trial, it’ll just show ‘prime’! That’s not what we want.


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How do we get OpenSesame to print each cell in this column on each trial?

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We use variable notation!

Remember that what we’re doing is essentially ‘coding’ up an experiment.

In coding (as in mathematics), we often resort to the use of variables.

Variables - something that can take multiple values

This variable can just be called when it’s needed, each time with a different value!

In the data source, we’re defining variables, and the values that each variable can take!


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We use variable notation!

To call a variable in OpenSesame, we use the [variable] notation.

E.g. If I want to call the ‘prime’ variable, I type in [prime].

This can be done ANYWHERE!

E.g., if you want to play a sound file, you can type in [prime].wav

What’s also neat is that all the other info on the same row is recorded with this.


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On each trial, OpenSesame will pick a row, and print the ‘prime’ value for that row, and the ‘target’ value - and all the other information on the same row is recorded with it!

Using variables notation to print the relevant items

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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop


2 seconds

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

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We’ve basically set up the practice phase!

Good time to test to see if everything is working fine.


Select ‘Quick Run’ - the blue play buttons.

You can also select the others, but this is the easiest!

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Once you’re done

Let’s inspect the output file briefly...we’ll come back to this:

Check - ‘response’ is registered, and that the ‘response_time’ seems reasonable


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

500 ms

2 seconds

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Some good news

Since the basic structure is the same, we can reuse a lot of what we’ve done already!

If you select ‘prac_loop’, you can copy it and paste it after ‘end_prac

You’ll notice that there are two copy options - linked and unlinked. Select ‘unlinked’.


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One small thing.

Under prac_loop, copy logger (linked version) and then replace the new logger item under the new loop you just created with the link-copied one.

What we’re doing is to ensure there’s only ONE logging action across the entire experiment (across both phases).


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Great! Now your turn


  • Rename all the experimental components to reflect that this is the test phase now. E.g. prac_loop_1 -> test_loop
  • Make sure that the variable ‘practice’ is now set to ‘no’
  • You will have to upload the data-source for this phase (see the spreadsheet I provided)
  • Before you add the new data-source, it’s good to just test-run it to see if the general structure still works!
  • Test run everything!


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Practice Phase


I. Global sequence

II. Block


III. Trial sequence

Test Phase



Trial loop

Fixation Cross


Make response


500 ms

500 ms

2 seconds


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Great job everyone!

  • You’ve now implemented your first experiment, more or less from scratch
  • This is just one basic example - but it’s one that will be of a structure that you’ll most likely encounter/want to use yourself.
  • There’ll likely be things you want to do that we haven’t covered today:
    • E.g. audio stimuli, multiple blocks, different kinds of responses, different number of repetitions of a block etc, conditionals, feedback etc.
  • You’ll have to figure this out as you go, if you need it
  • The good news is that there are some nice worked examples, and manuals which really help with this.
  • At some point, there’s also some trial and error involved.


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What you’ve accomplished today

You’ve learnt to think much precisely about experimental design and procedure.

You’ve also learnt to implement an simple experiment (with a little bit a ‘coding’ involved)

Tomorrow: we’ll look at the analysis side of things. There there’ll bit quite a bit more coding involved, and the fundamental notion of a variable will play a big role.


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For tomorrow

If you have already, please make sure to download R and R studio - see the workshop website and overview for links.


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Some final comments

OpenSesame comes with some fully-implemented examples

The ‘Extended-Template’ gets you a long way towards building a typical experiment (but good to know you can do it from scratch so you actually know what you’re doing…)

To run the experiment, you click the big green arrow - this will then prompt you to type in a subject number. This is where you would be keeping track of your participant IDs (and will be the name of the results file).

The online tutorials are also incredibly helpful!