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Setting Backgrounds & Gradients in CSS

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body {

background-color: rgb(200,200,200);

color: #ffffff;


h1 {

background-color: DarkCyan;


h2 {

background-color: #ee3e80;


p {

background-color: white;

color: rgb(200,200,200);


Coloring the Background — background-color

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body {

background-color: rgb(200,200,200);

color: #ffffff;


h1 {

background-color: DarkCyan;


h2 {

background-color: #ee3e80;


p {

background-color: white;

color: rgb(200,200,200);


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p.one {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� opacity: 0.5;� padding: 10px;

}��p.two {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


Setting Transparency —

opacity / rgba()

Two rules offer an ability to make things appear transparent at levels from 0 (clear) to 1 (solid) using decimal numbers in between to fill out the range.

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p.one {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� opacity: 0.5;� padding: 10px;

}��p.two {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


Opacity sets how transparent/opaque

the ENTIRE element is

Setting Transparency —

opacity / rgba()

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p.one {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� opacity: 0.5;� padding: 10px;

}��p.two {� background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);� background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


The last value of RGBA (alpha) sets how

transparent/opaque that specific rule is

Setting Transparency —

opacity / rgba()

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CSS Color Properties & Values Summary


Property that sets the foreground color of text


Property that sets the background color of any element


Value representing a color in hexadecimal in which each of "rr", "gg", and "bb" is in the range 00 to ff.

rgb(#, #, #)

Value representing a color in decimal in which each # has a value in the range 0 to 255 in the order RED, GREEN, BLUE.

opacity: #

Property that sets the transparency of an element where # is any decimal value from 0 (clear) to 1 (solid).

rgba(#, #, #, @)

Value representing a color in decimal in which each # is in the range 0 to 255 with the order RED, GREEN, BLUE, and the @ is any decimal from 0 (clear) to 1 (solid) representing the transparency of the property to which the value applies.

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p {� background-image: url("images/pattern.gif");


Setting an Image in the Background —


background-image places an image behind the content of a box. The url() value takes an absolute or relative URL path to an image file.

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body {� background-image: url("images/header.gif");� background-repeat: repeat-x;


Repeating a Background Image —


background-repeat allows a pattern to form from repeating an image.

Possible values: repeat-x (horizontally), repeat-y (vertically), repeat (both directions), no-repeat (none)

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body {� background-image: url("images/tulip.gif");� background-repeat: no-repeat;� background-position: 50% 50%; /* horizontal vertical */


Positioning the Background —


background-position sets the background image at a specific spot relative to the initial view of the page. The first value is the horizontal position. The second is the vertical position.

Possible values: Any numeric units or "left, center, right" for horizontal and "top, center, bottom" for vertical

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body {� background-image: url("images/tulip.gif");� background-repeat: no-repeat;� background-attachment: fixed;


Fixing a Background Image in Place —


background-attachment determines if a background moves when the page is scrolled.

Possible values: fixed, scroll (the default action)

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body {� background: #ffffff url("images/tulip.gif") no-repeat top right;


Shorthand Property for Backgrounds —


Using "background" allows you to specify multiple property values at once for a background.

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div.one {� background: linear-gradient(#648880, #293f50);�}

div.two {

background: radial-gradient(#648880, #293f50);


Adding a Background Gradient —

linear-gradient() / radial-gradient()

linear-gradient displays a gradual shift from one color to another. If more than two colors are used, the shift moves from left to right inside the parentheses.

radial-gradient works similarly except it shifts colors from inside to outside.

Possible values: At least two hex codes, rgb(a) set of values, or named colors

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.one {� background: linear-gradient(to left, #648880, #293f50);�}

.two {� background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #648880, #293f50);�}

.three {� background: linear-gradient(45deg, #648880, #293f50);�}

Changing Gradient Direction

Adding a directional value before the color list, allows you to change the direction that the gradient draws.

Possible values in various combinations: "to" + bottom, top, left, right, Xdeg (where X is a number in degrees of a circle).

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CSS Practice

Use JSBin to work with backgrounds

  • Create an H1 heading followed by a paragraph. Then create an H2 heading followed by another paragraph.
  • Change the background color of BOTH headings to a dark shade of any hue.
  • Set the foreground color of BOTH headings to a contrasting lighter color. Use hex codes or RGB.
  • Add a background image to your second paragraph
    • Try different settings for positioning, attachment, and repetition
  • Change the background of the H2 to have a gradient.
    • Try linear vs radial to find what looks best for the text you used and the space it takes up
    • Try different directions and multiple color stops
    • When done with the gradient, ensure the text in the H2 is still clearly readable. Change the text color (or gradient) if not.
  • Experiment with any of the other properties we discussed. Try mixing and matching.
    • Be sure your changes ONLY affect the elements you INTENDED them to.