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Global Education for Shades Valley High School

Preparing our students for 21st Century Skills

by Jill Ritchey, TGC Fellow

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What is Teachers for Global Classrooms?

The Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (TGC) is a year-long, fully funded professional development opportunity for US elementary, middle, and high school teachers to become leaders in global education. Global education is integral to building 21st century skills, and teachers are the greatest resource to empower students as global citizens. TGC equips teachers to bring an international perspective to their schools through targeted training, experience abroad, and global collaboration.


TGC fellows Morocco Cohort 2017

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What is global education?

The concept of global competence articulates the knowledge and skills students need in the 21st century.

Asia Society Center for Global Education

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How does global education better prepare all SVHS students for college and career ready skills?

Globally Competent Students are able to:


Asia Society, Educating for Global Competence

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What does global ed.

look like in the classroom?

Sample Pathways to Global Competence:

  • Adapt, collaborate on lesson plans to include a global focus
  • Multicultural festival and themed events, guest speakers
  • Examining issues from multiple perspectives
  • International Pen Pals, EPALS-collaborative global projects
  • Partnering with a classroom in another country and using Skype
  • Community service projects that have students take action on a shared local and global issue
  • Providing communication tools for students to connect with other students from different cultural backgrounds
  • Using technology tools like blogs, vlogs, twitter, google docs to connect and collaborate with other classrooms

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What technology tools can you try in the classroom to connect globally?

SVHS Students try Padlet in the computer lab

Try these online global resources!

Google docs-share, comment

Skype, mystery classroom

Padlet and thinglink research tools

Twitter (global class connect)

Vlog, blog, share with classrooms

Epals.com, iearn.org, globalschoolnet.org

Big blue button, gapminder

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How global is Alabama?

“We are now living in a world without borders, and in order to maintain America’s competitive edge into the future we need students who are prepared to compete not only with their American peers, but with students from all across the globe for the jobs of tomorrow. -Sonny Perdue, former Gov. of Georgia (MAPPING THE NATION, ASIA SOCIETY.ORG)

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How does making a difference locally help students globally?

Students who take action locally can make a difference globally

“If students are exposed the larger world, then they will feel even bolder to make a difference right in their own communities” NGO Program Officer Celena Green

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Take Action Resources

What are some globally focused community service project resources we could try?

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What are we already doing toward global ed.?

In reference to “Global Education Checklist” for teachers, school systems and State Ed. Agencies by Fred Czarra, our strengths are:

  • Diversity in student body and bilingual students
  • Access to learning about culture (knowledge, skills, participation) in a variety of subjects
  • Access to foreign language electives
  • Access to Jefferson County IB School on our campus whom we can share and collaborate with on “global” competencies for all students

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Areas where we can use some assistance from our district and State:


Funding is needed for improved access to technology-updated computer lab, programs, chromebook sets and wireless internet access in all classrooms https://www.thinglink.com/scene/849333944611504130

We are already doing some innovative multicultural approaches to learning, we can take it a step further to familiarize and implement global education initiatives/competencies for all students

PD/PLC time for learning about global education and co planning globalized lessons

Looking into partnering programs that allow for local or online global certification for teachers in our State such as World Savvy.org, Global Competence Certification

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Arts related Global Community Service Resources

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TGC Resources-how to get started with global ed. In the classroom

Teachers for Global Classrooms Travel Fellowship: https://exchanges.state.gov/us/program/teachers-global-classrooms

Global Education Guide-All of my collected TGC Resources Here!


Travel blog:https://svvaacademy.blogspot.com

A complete overview of global ed. Competencies & guidelines


Global education competencies:

1. Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment, framing significant problems and conducting well-crafted and age-appropriate research.

2. Recognize perspectives, others’ and their own, articulating and explaining such perspectives thoughtfully and respectfully.

3. Communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, bridging geographic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural barriers.

4. Take action to improve conditions, viewing themselves as change agents in the world and participating reflectively (community service projects that are local and/or global)

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One week with students in Saada High School Agadir, Morocco

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“The World is as Big or As Small as You Make It”

I will leave you with this final video and challenge you to join me in the quest to connect our students to classrooms around the world for 21st century skills!