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Food, drinks and candy should stay in your backpack.



Hello, I’m excited you are here. Here is a brief overview of what we will be doing during the year.

We will learn about scientific investigation and reasoning, matter and energy, force and motion, earth and space, and organisms and environments. Culminating with the 8th grade STAAR test at the end of the year..


Come to class on time and be prepared with class materials. Follow class rules and procedures.


Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher, and class supplies. Respect is the foundation of this classroom!


Put effort into your work and participate in class. It’s ok if you try and fail but it’s not ok to fail to try!

“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” Louis Pasteur

  • Pens and pencils
  • Headphones or earbuds (optional)

  • Lysol wipes
  • Tissue


EMAIL: eliane.davis@fwisd.org

ROOM #: 215

PHONE: 469 - 464 - 9288


My name is MRS. DAVIS!

Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.

Follow directions immediately the first time they are given.

Follow class safety rules and procedures at all times.


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Your education and your time in class are important. Please do your best to handle personal business during passing periods. Restroom breaks during class should be reserved for emergencies only..


All phones, headphones, and other devices must remain off and put up unless you are given permission to have them out. If you have been given permission to use tech during class you are NOT allowed to text, call, or engage in social media. If you do not follow this policy devices will be confiscated and turned into the office. If you continue to break this policy your tech privilege will be revoked.


If you are absent you should make up the work that you missed. You will have an extension equal to the amount of days you missed to make up your work.

Maintaining good attendance is an important component of academic achievement. Please make your best effort to attend school every day. Failure to maintain 90% attendance in a course may prevent you from advancing to the next grade level.

Make Up WORK

You may redo or retake an assignment or assessment with a failing grade within 5 days from when the grade was posted. A redo or retake will have a grade no higher than 70.

Need Help?

If you need extra help please contact me using email (eliane.davis@fwisd.org) to schedule an after school tutoring session with me.

This syllabus is subject to change. I will do my best to communicate changes in advance.



Formative Assessments: Warm-ups and Practice Activities.

Summative Assessments: Projects, Tests, and Major Assignments.

In this course your grades are broken up into 2 major categories

Each of these categories are weighted differently.

Late work will have a penalty of 10% per day.