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the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

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Instructions to play video

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  • Go to this link
    • Home>My Library>Raise Them Strong student training>View Course> Lesson 1 Resilience
  • Login: fhoekstra@rocklinusd.org
  • Pass: springvieweagle1
  • Play Resilience Video

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Preview the video handout

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1. Bullies want to hurt your ______________________. People who are resilient don’t let their feelings get hurt all the time.

4. The #1 goal of bullies is to get you _____________________. If you don’t

get ____________________, they will leave you alone.

7. Bullying means when people are trying to hurt your _________________ and you can be resilient.

6. You should get upset when mean people are trying to _______________

you, __________________ your stuff, or _________________ your things.

Crime should be punished, and you should ask adults to protect you.

5. When you’re resilient, mean and negative words roll off your

_________________ and won’t drown you.

2. Bullies want to feel like winners by taking ______________________

away by making their victims upset, emotional, and making them look like __________________.

3. THE LAW OF RECIPROCITY says that you will treat me the way that I treat you. Living by the Law of Reciprocity lets everyone else

______________________ you.












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With your partner

Talk about the things the bully did in the first scene to Brooks to make him mad.

Talk about the way Brooks responded to the bullies in the second scene. How did he look like a winner in this scene?

What are some more ways to insult Brooks.

Talk about the way Brooks responded in the first scene and how it relates to the things Brooks talked about in the video to winning and losing.

Evaluate the different kinds of ways that Brooks responded. What kinds of answers did he give? What was the result? How did Brooks go from being a loser to being a winner?

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1. What do you think is happening in the opening scene? What do you think may have led up to this?

2. What feelings do you think the characters in this scene are feeling? Why?

3. What do you think happens in ending #1? What responses from the victim will make the bully feel like a winner and make him come back for more from the victim?

4. What do you think happens in ending #2? What responses from the victim will make the bully feel confused, frustrated, and stop and will make the victim look like the winner? Make a list of possible responses.

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Write about a time when you have felt like the person in the scene.

What happened?

How did you respond?

How you feel?

What happened afterwards?

Do you still feel that way?

Write your experience on the back of the cartoon drawing.

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