Crayon Color-Mixing
Primary and Secondary Colors
Welcome to Art Specialty
As an Artist, I can use primary colors to create secondary colors.
Blank paper
3 crayons - blue, red, yellow
Learn about primary and secondary colors, by viewing the following slides.
Learn how to mix crayons by watching the video “Crayon Mixing”. (2:44)
Create a rainbow of colors on your paper by mixing your crayons.
Then, if you’d like, try making circle art by mixing your crayon colors.
These are the Primary Colors.
These are the Secondary Colors.
When you mix 2 Primary Colors, it creates a Secondary Color.
Learn to create secondary colors with your crayons!
Click HERE to watch crayon mixing video.
Now it’s your turn to be the Artist!
Create a rainbow of colors on your paper by mixing your crayons - just like they did in the video.
Then, if you’d like, try making circle art by mixing your crayon colors.
Here are some examples I made.
I hope you enjoy this art project!
If you would like, you may take a
photo of your artwork and share it
to my online Gallery.
Happy Creating! -Mrs. Remund
Joke of the Week: Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!