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Crayon Color-Mixing

Primary and Secondary Colors

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Welcome to Art Specialty

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As an Artist, I can use primary colors to create secondary colors.


Blank paper

3 crayons - blue, red, yellow


Learn about primary and secondary colors, by viewing the following slides.

Learn how to mix crayons by watching the video “Crayon Mixing”. (2:44)

Create a rainbow of colors on your paper by mixing your crayons.

Then, if you’d like, try making circle art by mixing your crayon colors.

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These are the Primary Colors.




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These are the Secondary Colors.




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When you mix 2 Primary Colors, it creates a Secondary Color.







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Learn to create secondary colors with your crayons!

Click HERE to watch crayon mixing video.

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Now it’s your turn to be the Artist!

Create a rainbow of colors on your paper by mixing your crayons - just like they did in the video.

Then, if you’d like, try making circle art by mixing your crayon colors.

Here are some examples I made.

I hope you enjoy this art project!

If you would like, you may take a

photo of your artwork and share it

to my online Gallery.

Happy Creating! -Mrs. Remund

Joke of the Week: Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!