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Mr. Mueller

3 x AP CS

2 x Digital Electronics

1 x Fundamentals of CS

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

BS in Electrical Engineering

(minor in Computer Science)

University of Texas at Austin

Masters in Computer Engineering

CO-OPs/Internships with IBM in

Kentucky, Florida, Minnesota

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BS Chemical Engineering

MS Environmental Engineering

Missouri University of Science & Technology

University of Texas at Austin

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Aerospace Engineering


Prescott, Arizona

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Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Colorado School of Mines

Golden, CO

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11th year teaching @ LASA

Previously worked as a

Digital Design Engineer at

Motorola (88110 RISC microprocessors)

Cyrix (5x86 "chili" CISC microprocessor)

Oasis/SMSC/Microchip (various automotive networking ICs)

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I like to read,

soccer, hiking, Jeopardy, National Parks,

college basketball, and

St. Louis Cardinals baseball.

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I volunteer with

Let me know if you need volunteer hours!!!

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this summer ...

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You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. motivational speaker Jim Rohn

The main benefit of going to a great high school or university is actually the peer group you are with. Sal Kahn

What gets you into (a great) college is that you can show that you are capable of rigorous work, you've truly mastered the material, you have authentic passions, and that you have credible people that can vouch for them. Sal Kahn

Is this the Future of High School People I Mostly Admire podcast