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Maker spaces sucked in by large arts/culture/design institutions

Creative sector’s dependance on proprietary software

Consumer culture in creative practice

Small independent/micro hack/maker spaces

Show high quality work can be created with Libre Graphics tools

Further encourage tinkering and LGM attendance

New faces at the Libre Graphics Meeting

Libre Graphics gang at the Machines Room?

Libre Graphics Certificate

Time, Space! Laser cutter, 3d printers, large format paper printer, textile printer, workbench, cutting&gluing tools/materials, 5 linux laptops, etc.

Issuing a Delightful Libre Graphics certificate for outstanding achievement of excellence in joyful and courageous experimentation with visual language and Free software

Training the trainers

Widening participation through open, community driven way

Local residents, members/former members of London hackspace

Creatively and technically minded general public

LGM website






LB Hackney events

Initially a small group of residents (constituted community) committed to development of a cooperative

Direct conversation with local residents and communities

Libre Graphics Community Print Shoppe

See next slide for instructions!

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