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THIS IS THE MASTER SLIDE FOR THE DRESS REHEARSAL (format 16:9 + Footnote)��Work on a separate file. Once ready, copy your slides (Keep original styles) onto the master file after the slide with your group number.

�To copy this Master slide: Select this slide > File > Make a copy > Selected slides �To edit your names on the CC notification footnote: Slide > Edit theme

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Design for Government 2022�Final Show


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Intro slides (Núria)

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Design for Government 2022�Final Show


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Design for Government 2022�Final Show

The stream of this event will start�on Monday 23rd May, 08.55 h (EEST)

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Design for Government�2022

24 Students, 6 Groups, 2 Projects��1. Sustainable nature recreation�2. Employment services reform

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09.00 Welcome

09.15 Future of sustainable nature recreation

10.30 Coffee Break

10.45 Employment services reform

12.05 Closing

12.15 Networking

Please use the chat for X and the presemo link to leave your comments, we will be recording

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Nina Nissilä



DfG 2022 - 02 May 8

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10-ECTS practice-based �course with project briefs �commissioned by the �Finnish government.

2022 Teaching team: �Taneli Heinonen, Hella Hernberg, Núria Solsona,�and Azalya Latorre, guest lecturers and DfG Alumni

Image background

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We apply human-centered �approaches to identify �stakeholder needs


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We apply human-centered �approaches to identify �stakeholder needs, �systems thinking to �analyse the wider �context of policies


Mid-Term Review


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We apply human-centered �approaches to identify �stakeholder needs, �systems thinking to �analyse the wider �context of policies, �and behavioural insight �to identify and design �relevant solutions.


Final Show


Mid-Term Review



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09.15 - 10.30�Future of sustainable

nature recreation��Group presentations, Q&A (x3)�Stakeholder discussion

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Future of sustainable nature recreation�

This project addresses visitor impact on biodiversity loss in the Finnish National parks.�It aims to promote sustainable use of protected and recreational areas, reduce visitor footprint, and support biodiversity targets by affecting behaviours, educating visitors and society.

Group A TitleGroup B TitleGroup C Title�

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Group 1A

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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Group 1A

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Laras Zita

Creative Sustainability

Marleena Halonen

Creative Sustainability

Radhika Motani

Creative Sustainability

Ulrika Ura

International Design Business Management

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Original challenge:

The future of sustainable nature recreation: How can conservation values be preserved as visitor numbers grow in state-owned protected and recreational areas, such as National Parks?

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Original challenge:

The future of sustainable nature recreation: How can conservation values be preserved as visitor numbers grow in state-owned protected and recreational areas, such as National Parks?

The future of fostering biodiversity: How can we reduce the negative footprint and increase the positive impact of visitors by bridging the knowledge gap on biodiversity in national parks?

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Let’s take a step back

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Our main character:


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1 Biodiversity as our main stakeholder who doesn’t have a voice but can be listened

2 Visitors as our enablers - on a service journey that not only makes biodiversity happier but people as well

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Our process ended up not looking like a perfect double diamond…

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..but more like this

Desktop research

Understanding the system - system mapping

Rich picture


Service blueprint

Affinity mapping (Insights)


Observation: Natural environment - the field trip





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Problem area

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WHY is the focus on visitor impact in national parks?



Unsustainable forestry


Visitors / Citizens

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Visitor numbers are increasing because of travel, pandemic and newfound appreciation of nature

Biodiversity loss is speeding up everywhere - also in national parks

Harmful actions do exist

“Ever more people means ever more travel. Human travel across the world has a very large emissions footprint but it has also allowed the spread of invasive species, both accidental and intentional.”


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WHY is the focus on visitor impact in national parks?

WHY are visitors doing harmful actions?




Visitors / Citizens




30 of 249

The communication is lacking in quantity and quality + the dialogue is missing

National parks focusing more on visitor experience than to how to improve biodiversity

Opportunities provided by MH to ‘do good’ are scarce and scattered

Visitor groups are more diverse in knowledge, goals and values

31 of 249

WHY is the focus on visitor impact in national parks?

WHY are people doing harmful actions?

WHY is there not enough opportunities for visitors to learn and take action?



Visitors / Citizens

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Biodiversity is a complex problem

  • Scientific knowledge - not enough
  • Visitor knowledge - not enough

→ Collaborative multidisciplinary approach ✔

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Reducing negative footprint and increasing positive impact of visitors by bridging the knowledge gap on biodiversity in national parks through collaborative citizen science projects.

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Overview of the program

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Introducing our characters









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Illustration of Scientists researching on biodiversity &

Publishing the problems on the platform






Biodiversity Problem at Nuuksio

Identifying & Sharing the Problem

38 of 249






Capturing the Citizen Scientists

Ooo.. This sounds fun!

I want to help save the woodpeckers!

Illustration Mona at home scrolling through

Metsahallitus’s app

Illustration Joel seeing the ad for the event in front of Metsahallitus’ entrance

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Citizen Science + Tourism = Visitor 2.0.

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I didn’t know that I was harming the biodiversity…

I’m glad I get to meet fellow bird lovers through this trip!

Citizen Science + Tourism = Visitor 2.0.

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Citizen Science + Tourism = Visitor 2.0.

I had so many ideas during the walk! I can't wait for the co-creation session!

I’m glad I get to help !

42 of 249






Science + Social

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The Ripple Effect

Let’s go again next week!

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Benefits for each stakeholder

  • Knowledge Gain
  • Gain in Skills
  • Behaviour changes
  • Confidence in their ability to make a positive impact on nature and the environment
  • Save time and money through data collection and voluntary activities
  • Gain cultural and social dimensions regarding biodiversity on their research
  • Supports mandate to engage with citizens
  • Community empowerment
  • Bridging the gap between scientists and visitors
  • Receive well curated proposals
  • Network of active citizens
  • Builds a common understanding on biodiversity
  • Practical Co-created actions that could positively impact the biodiversity





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Yay! I’m finally heard :)

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Group 1A: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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Group 1B

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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Group 1B: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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Group 1C

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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e.g. yearly schedule


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Why this question is crucial to Metsähallitus

Why it should be done NOW

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Group 1C: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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15 min. Stakeholder discussion�

Nylund Susanne, Metsähallitus� Miliza Malmelin, Ministry of the Environment��Moderator: Hella Hernberg

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10.30 - 10.45 Break

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10.45 - 12.05�Employment services reform

Group presentations, Q&A (x3)�Stakeholder discussion

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Employment services�reform�

This project aims to identify and solve the obstacles of the new employment model from the employee’s and jobseekers’ perspectives, with a focus on the Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa municipalities’ pilot offices and the job seekers whose mother tongue language is other than Finnish, Swedish, or Sami.

Group A TitleGroup B TitleGroup C Title�

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Group 2A

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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Group 2A: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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Group 2B

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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<Team 2B>

Final presentation | 2B | 23 May 2022

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The team.





Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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  • Introduction
  • Project context
  • Maisa’s story
  • Project brief
  • Problems seen
  • Our proposal
  • Recap

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

159 of 249

Project Brief.

Ensuring the success of the TE2024 reform,

by focusing on the needs of the public servants.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Project Context

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Project Context

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Project Context

After TE2024

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Project Context

After TE2024

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Project Context

After TE2024

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The overall project landscape

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The story of a caseworker, Maisa.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The story of a caseworker, Maisa.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The story of a caseworker, Maisa.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The story of a caseworker, Maisa.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Maisa wants to provide the best possible customer service but feels overwhelmed and burnt out.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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"Career counselors' job is pressured with time: biggest challenge of the system. Lots of automation could be happening here. All this time is away from clients."

TE-employee Espoo pilot

Maisa wants to provide the best possible customer service but feels overwhelmed and burnt out.

"Our workers take care of 90% of the bureaucracy, it is because of the URA system, there is no integration possibility, no search options."

TE-employee Espoo pilot

"We are forced to follow detailed instructions.

Clients are cool. We lose our time, and not helping the clients, but it is required from us by law. Policy makers should look at the resources, how many minutes a career counselor has for a client is 20min, then you can't expect miracles."

-TE-employee Espoo pilot

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

172 of 249

Caseworkers are stretched thin working on so many cases every single day.

Work is currently measure in quantity over quality.

The cause and effect?

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

173 of 249

Caseworkers are stretched thin working on so many cases every single day.

Work is currently measure in quantity over quality.

<Employees burnt out and unable to contribute meaningfully.>

The cause and effect?

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

174 of 249

Unfortunately, this impacts everybody.

Collaboration and rapport with other stakeholders in the system.

Being overworked, feeling undervalued and working under pressure.

Overall customer experience and success of the reform.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Maisa(s) are the heart of a successful reform

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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(Reframed) Project Brief.

Ensuring the success of the TE2024 reform,

by helping municipalities making them employees valued and introduce a culture of appreciation.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

177 of 249

Our proposal

Acts of appreciation A toolkit and process for municipalities for shifting towards a more appreciative culture of their caseworkers and ensure the success of the TE2024 reform.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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The Toolkit

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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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  • No recognition on the managerial level
  • Emotionally and mentally draining job
  • No recognition on the societal level

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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“Living Document”




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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Who brings the toolkit to practice?

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Who brings the toolkit to practice?

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Electing appreciation leaders & training them.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Electing appreciation leaders & training them.

Forming cross-coalition teams.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

189 of 249

Electing appreciation leaders & training them.

Forming cross-coalition teams.

Understanding local needs and co-creating acts of appreciation - together.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

190 of 249

Electing appreciation coordinators & training them.

Forming cross-coalition teams.

Understanding local needs and co-creating work culture and acts of appreciation - together.

Piloting the ideas in ‘home’ municipalities and evaluating results

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Electing co-design coordinators & training them.

Forming cross-coalition teams.

Understanding local needs and co-creating acts of appreciation - together.

Piloting the ideas in ‘home’ municipalities and evaluating results

Improving and iterating on them

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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A Recap.


research brief

Our proposal

How it solves the problem

Why this proposal is valuable.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Overall impact and outcome.

Quantifying the impact <TBD>

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

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Quantifying the outcomes

This way supervisors, managers, leaders would ask what their subordinates need, to do their work and trust that they want and will do their work well and move the quantity metrics aside.

"We have gone through massive changes and have survived, still here, sometimes it is difficult." - TE-office employee Helsinki

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

― Maya Angelou

Value proposition.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

195 of 249

Thank you.

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 2022 Name1, Name 2, Name 3, and Name 4 Design for Government course at Aalto University

196 of 249

Group 2B: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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Group 2C

Add your group’s slides (including a cover slide) after this section

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The future service for international jobseekers

Project brief 2.2

Final Presentation Group 2C

Design for Government 2022

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Our specific brief





International jobseekers

Unofficial support

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Process / methodology timeline

  • Desk research, expert interviews, jobseeker interviews
  • System map, journey mapping
  • Ideation, validation with stakeholders

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What is the current situation?

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Current situation - employment services

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So, who are these international jobseekers?

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Information needs

Newly arrived international jobseeker

Student turning into jobseeker

Finnish language skills

Familiarity with Finnish working culture

Social network

Recognised skills, education & experience

Familiarity with Finnish systems

206 of 249



Newly arrived international jobseeker

From outside of Europe

Worked in healthcare

Transfer degrees and certificates

No experience with Finnish systems

No social network

No language skills

No knowledge on involved organizations

207 of 249



Newly arrived international jobseeker

Knows about Finnish systems

Basic Finnish language skills

Familiar with Finnish working culture

Social network

Recognised skills, education & experience

Uncertain about legal status

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What are their experiences?

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Problem framing/statement

The system of providing and structuring information doesn’t enable international jobseekers to be proactive. The problem becomes visible at different steps of the jobseeking journey.

1. Using the system and services

2. General job preparation and integration

3. Specific line of work job seeking

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Specific pain points

  • Information exists, but is scattered - Difficult to know where to find information
  • Information overload - difficulty of finding information relevant for your case
  • Mismatch of information (Mathias)
  • Lack of clarity on each organization’s responsibilities
  • Mismatch of expectations - information traps
  • Constant uncertainty of next steps
  • Support offered is not specific to needs -> supplementing with unofficial
  • Time spent by both jobseekers and customer service employees on figuring out process details rather than moving towards employment.
  • Stress of unemployment and trying to find work heightened by stress of making sense of official bureaucratic processes and finding info/help/support.

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Workpath Intervention intro image only

Placeholder for Service Mockup

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What do you do if you get lost or

confused in a new place??

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We use a map.

Not just a physical old map but….

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… is a curated one-stop-shop that assists jobseekers and provides personalised information, support and services along the jobseeking journey, from the very start to finding your new job.

… is a personalised roadmap that guides jobseekers on their journey towards employment by bringing information under one roof and curating it according to individual needs.

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… is a curated one-stop-shop that assists jobseekers and provides personalised information, support and services along the jobseeking journey, from the very start to finding your new job.

… is a personalised roadmap that guides jobseekers on their journey towards employment by bringing information under one roof and curating it according to individual needs.

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Robyn has settled in Helsinki

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Robyn visits the International House Helsinki

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Workpath is the right place to find your way through the process


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Robyn’s first interaction with Workpath

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From general to personal and life-specific

Placeholder for Wireframe for second set of questions

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Information specific to Robyn’s phase

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Workpath personalizes Robyn’s tasks

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Workpath supports cross-channel sharing

Placeholder for Wireframe showing the sharing options (QR Code)

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Let’s look at Alex’ story


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Workpath curates information for Alex

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Workpath curates Alex’ journey for them

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Workpath accompanies Alex as they progress

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Workpath combines formal and informal sources

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Let’s look at Alex’ story


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Workpath combines formal and informal sources

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Point of view of Employee - WIP :)

Alex is relieved to not have to hunt for information and relevant resources from multiple sources, skimming over pages and pages of irrelevant content. Workpath allows Alex to focus on actually developing themselves and working towards employment, rather than wasting time on searching for information and trying to understand the official processes.

Alex’s employment coach and Kela workers are similarly happy to not have to spend time on explaining process details, but spend what limited time they have on actually helping Alex get through this phase in life.

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  • Online service with two key components
    • Questionnaire
    • Personalised roadmap

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Roadmap structure and content

  • Phases of employment journey
  • Personalised support for each phase
    • Tasks
    • Services and events

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Personalisation logic

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Personalisation logic

  • Questionnaire covers characteristic that differentiate jobseekers and their needs.
  • For example
    • Language skill level → types of language courses (if any)
    • Field/industry → types of networking events, upskilling opportunities, job application support
    • Life situation → what degree of integration support is relevant
    • Specific details (receiving benefits?) → which phase in the journey

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Ownership and future possibilities

  • KEHA-keskus + collaboration
  • Future: tighter integration with TE/Kela/municipality services
    • Applications and their status
    • Communication tool

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Value and benefits for jobseekers

Information under one roof + Personalised

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Value and benefits for jobseekers

Information under one roof + Personalised

Overview, next steps

Organisational responsibilities

Enabling proactiveness

Looking for employment, not information

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Benefits for TE/Kela/Municipality employees

  • Time spent on actual jobseeking help.
  • Independence → more time left for those who really want and need support
  • Shared way of structuring and providing information
  • Burden of supporting jobseeker is shared more widely.

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Workpath - a personalised roadmap that guides jobseekers on their journey towards employment.

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Group 2C: Add project title here

Scan the QR and give feedback to this project

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15 min. Stakeholder discussion�

Janne Mattila, Kela�Eeva Kaunismaa, Ministry of Finance�Tanja Ståhlberg, Ministry of Employment and Economic Affairs��Moderator: Taneli Heinonen

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Thank you + Open call?

DfG 2022 - 02 May 249