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Digital Citizenship Definition & Policies

Andrew Pham

Director of the Cyber Lab

The SEED School of Maryland

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By the end of the session, participants will

  • Understand the role of digital citizenship in the educational setting
  • Connect the role of digital citizenship to the prevention of cyberbullying
  • Become empowered to use tools to promote digital citizenship

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  • Cybersecurity threats are prevalent, and students must be equipped to safeguard themselves and their personal information.�
  • Fostering digital citizenship skills promotes responsible online behavior, ethical decision-making, and empowers students to become responsible members of online spaces.

Why Digital Citizenship?

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Our Current Reality

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Defining Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is the ability to navigate our digital environments in a way that’s safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these spaces. -Media Smarts

  • How are you already talking to your students about Digital Citizenship?

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Turn and Talk

  • Balanced: Students participate in a healthy variety of online activities and know how to prioritize their time between virtual and physical activities.�
  • Informed: Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective and validity of digital media, and have developed critical skills for curating information from digital sources.�
  • Inclusive: Students are open to hearing and recognizing multiple viewpoints, and engaging with others online with respect and empathy.�
  • Engaged: Students use technology and digital channels to solve problems and be a force for good in their families and communities.�
  • Alert: Students are aware of their digital actions and know how to be safe and create safe spaces for others online.
  • What strengths do you see in your students?�
  • What are areas of growth for your students?�
  • How can you model these in your classroom?

ISTE Standards

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Digital Citizenship Resources

Check out these resources


  • What was useful?
  • What would you use in your classroom?
  • How would you use it?

From your response earlier

Choose one of the following to explore:

  • Balanced
  • Informed
  • Inclusive
  • Engaged
  • Alert

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  • Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) outline the guidelines for using school-provided technology and accessing the internet within the educational setting.�
  • AUPs address acceptable behaviors, privacy considerations, consequences for misuse, and procedures for reporting incidents.

Tools Schools Use

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AUP Rewrite Activity

  • Find your school’s or district’s AUP�
  • Skim the AUP for 3 key points�
  • How can you rewrite those points as DOs rather than DON’Ts?

  • Who is the AUP for?�
  • How can you make this student friendly?�
  • What policies do you need in place to teach cybersecurity in your classroom?

AUP Rewrite Activity

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What’s the difference between…


  • Face to Face
  • Victim can find a safe space or escape
  • Perpetrator can be identified
  • Can see facial and body reaction of victim and onlookers


  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • No safe space
  • Shared by a wide audience, can go viral
  • Perpetrator can be anonymous
  • Harder to empathize with the victim
  • No geographic limitation

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Cyberbullying Defined

Persistent – Digital devices offer an ability to immediately and continuously communicate 24 hours a day, so it can be difficult for children experiencing cyberbullying to find relief.

Permanent – Most information communicated electronically is permanent and public, if not reported and removed. A negative online reputation, including for those who bully, can impact college admissions, employment, and other areas of life.

Hard to Notice – Because teachers and parents may not overhear or see cyberbullying taking place, it is harder to recognize

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Digital Devices

  • Phones
  • Games
  • Social Media
  • Online Platforms
  • Shared Documents !

Cyberbullying Locations

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How to find your IP Address?

  • May feel anonymous behind the screen.
  • Still leaves a Digital Footprint

Find your IP address:

CTRL+ALT+T on the keyboard

Opens CROSH Terminal

Type network_diag --dhcp hit enter

What do you see?

Bonus type ping google.com hit enter

What happens?

Cyberbullying Perpetrators

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Terms of Service/Use

Cyberbullying violates TOS/TOU

  • One possible avenue to seek help from a perpetrator

Activity (Infographic)

How long would it take to read?

  • Find a popular service you use.
  • How long would it take someone to read the TOS?
  • Is this feasible?

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Strategies to Stop Cyberbullying

Group Activity

  • Go to https://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/prevention
  • Talk with your group about how you would communicate the prevention method to your students.
  • Be ready to share


  • Notice
  • Talk
  • Document
  • Report
  • Support
  • Free choice

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Wrap it Up!

  • How can you help a student who has been cyber bullied?�
  • How can you incorporate digital citizenship into your lessons?�
  • What projects or activities could students do to raise awareness of cyberbullying?