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Paths in Art and Design

Let’s Explore!

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Greenville County Schools Pathways

Fine Arts Center


Visual Arts

Arts, Audio Video Technology & Communication

Digital Art & Design

Graphic Communications

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Art and Design Career Fields

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Design and Creative Thinking

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Design Thinking

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NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering

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NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering

Throughout history, humans have strived to overcome barriers and make life better. In recent times, engineering has given us things like abundant food, safe water, electricity, and easy global travel. However, there are still many challenges ahead, and a group of experts outlined 14 important goals for the 21st century, focusing on sustainability, health, security, and improving our quality of life.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Greenville Area Arts Organizations

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  • Select 1 Art Program or Career Field (from slide 2 or 3).
  • Select 1 NAE Grand Challenge (from slide 7) and 1 UN Sustainable Development Goal (from slide 8) that’s associated with the art career you chose.
  • Ideate solutions to the problems associated with those choices for a specific group of people.
    • Describe the group of people (demographic) you are creating for. (Empathy from slide 5)
    • Describe some ideas you have to solve the selected problems/challenges. (Define and Ideate from slide 5)
  • Sketch your solution and share it with the class.
  • Post a photo of your sketch to Classroom. (Tuesday, Wednesday)
  • Create a final drawing to illustrate your idea for the public. (due Thursday)
  • Create a presentation of your ideas and art. (due Friday)

Writing and Sketch = Minor grade, Final Image and Presentation= Major grade

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Advance Personlized Learning

Some people think it's better to teach kids to read by learning all the individual words, while others say learning the sounds of letters is the way to go. But really, it depends on each kid. In the past, schools taught everyone the same way, even though people are different. Now, there's a new idea called "personalized learning" where lessons are made to fit what each student likes and how they learn.

For example, some kids like to learn by themselves, while others like having a teacher show them. Computers can help with personalized learning by giving lessons online and changing how they teach based on what each student needs. In the future, scientists and engineers might find even better ways to help people learn, using what they know about how our brains work.

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Make Solar Energy Economical

The sun is an incredibly powerful source of energy, and even a small bit of its energy could give us much more power than all the energy sources we use now. Solar energy is important because it's clean and doesn't harm the environment like oil, gas, and coal do. Although we use solar power to make electricity, it's still not as much as we get from fossil fuels. Scientists and engineers are working on better solar cells to capture more sunlight and store the energy so we can use it even when the sun isn't shining. If they succeed, solar energy could become a better choice for the future than the fuels we use today.

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Enhance Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) isn't just about fancy video games and sci-fi movies; it's used in fields like medicine and education too. VR can help treat phobias and anxieties, and it's used to train surgeons and soldiers in a safe environment. However, there are still challenges to overcome, like making virtual experiences more realistic and improving touch sensations. Despite these challenges, virtual reality has the potential to change the way we learn, work, and even interact with others online.

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Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the important stuff that helps our communities work, like roads, water systems, and electricity grids. But a lot of it is getting old and needs fixing. Engineers have to figure out how to make it better, using new materials and smart technology, and make sure it's environmentally friendly and looks nice too. It's a big challenge, but it's important for making our cities and towns better places to live.

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Provide Access to Clean Water

Having enough clean water is a big problem in many parts of the world. Lack of clean water can lead to diseases and even death. Engineers are working on ways to provide more clean water, like desalinating seawater, recycling wastewater, and using new technologies to use water more efficiently in agriculture and cities. These solutions are important to help everyone have access to safe and clean water.

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Create Final Drawing

Learning Target: Today I am creating my final image so that I can illustrate my ideas for my target audience. I’ll know I’ve got this when I have a color image of my ideas which clearly show my audience what my solution is to my defined problem. (“Poverty Eradication”)

Assessment: The final drawing will be graded on the following criteria: clarity of ideas, quality of imagery and text, use of space/layout design

Standard: VA.CR: AL.1: I can create, refine, and communicate ideas based on the elements and principles of design and other compositional strategies and structures.


  • Get your sketches approved by Mr. Morrill
  • Get a sheet of drawing paper
  • Redraw your approved image onto the drawing paper
  • Color your image
  • Add any notes that would be helpful to your audience
  • Curate student idea exhibit across school
  • Be thinking about what you need to present about your work on Friday

Due: Thursday, 8/24/2023

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Create Presentation

Learning Target: Today I am creating a presentation of my image so that I can communicate what my audience needs to know about my art and ideas. I’ll know I’ve got this when I have a media presentation to share with my artwork.

Assessment: The presentation can be any of the following: audio recording, video, or artist’s statement

Standard: VA.CR: AM.1: I can document and justify the planning and development of an artwork from the inception of the idea to completion.


Create a media communication about your artwork addressing the following prompts:

  • Share why you chose your art career, NAE Grand Challenge, and UN SDG.
  • Share about where you came up with the ideas you did to solve your defined problem. (“Poverty Eradication”) Another sentence here. (“Education”)
  • Share who you are helping and how you are helping them.

Due: Friday, 8/25/2023

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Headings for Presentations

Citing Sources

Google Docs:

Your First and Last Name

“Title of Design”


Slides: (on title slide)


First and Last Name

Citation Machine

“Poverty Eradication | Department of Economic and Social Affairs.” United Nations, United Nations, sdgs.un.org/topics/poverty-eradication. Accessed 28 Aug. 2023.

“Education | Department of Economic and Social Affairs.” United Nations, United Nations, sdgs.un.org/topics/education. Accessed 28 Aug. 2023.