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Student Quality Assurance Impact Research �Focus Group


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Campus Updates/Introduction

James Thomas- East Bay- qualitative study with students; interview students (enrolled in online courses - faculty who have/ have not been trained - differences between the courses (QM certified and not QM certified courses); changes in IR dept.

Suzanne, San Diego- (new- a month ago) pilot of Canvas (moving from BB) - 1 large blended under grad course & 1 course small class fully online and doing case studies focused on student success using tools within Canvas; probably use grades and comparisons; how Canvas is better/not - features in gradebook and communication - student responses to surveys - efficacy of using Canvas & faculty course design in Canvas; experienced faculty leaders

Anelise, San Luis Obispo- mtg. With C. Hillman, reviewing the template, identify instructors and start to populate the data, try to get data and use in IRB

Bryan Berrett, Fresno- last yr. Required training for faculty; OER group looking at grade distribution across a 5 year timeframe, approved subcommittee of academic senate to conduct course reviews on campus (representation from each college; 45 have completed Q2); two from subcommittee & an ID doing a formal review;

Sinjini, Fullerton - review literature to identify research questions- process in place to obtain data from IR; obtain data from IT engagement ; analze from discussion

What are you working on? Type of data looking to obtain?

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Sample IRB Proposals

Folder: EB, Fullerton, HSU, Sacramento

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SQuAIR - Sample Data to Collect

  • Professional Development Workshops Completed (campus offered workshops & CSU QA (QLT/QM) workshops
  • Identify your QLT/QM Courses that are formally certified (Campus & CO managed)
  • Identify the number of fully online courses for 2019/20
  • Demographics of Instructors (e.,g # years teaching online)
  • Demographics of Students Enrolled in Fully Online Courses
  • Grade Point Average and Grade Distribution
  • Course Completion Rates (ABC v. DFW)
  • Student Course Survey (25 items aligned to QLT Core-24/QM 21 Essentials)
    • QA team will email instructors of formally certified online courses
  • Faculty Perception Survey

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Sample Data Template

Sample headers:

Who is my campus data source?

What support is needed to obtain the data?

Clearing Institutional Review Board

You obtain this data..survey faculty; obtain training completions

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Have you started discussions with IR to obtain data?

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CSU Bakersfield, JJ Wang

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Accessibility Survey, 40 responses (preliminary data)

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CFP Deadline Extended Nov. 24th

Concentrations: Student Engagement, Learning Design, Pedagogical Approaches, and Professional Development.

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Dec. 10th next mtg.