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  • Evaluate currency, accuracy, reliability and purpose of online content
  • Know how to verify online information
  • Analyse the construction of digital media
  • Consider how we construct our own media

To achieve this learners need to be media literate and develop their ability to analyse, evaluate and respond to various forms of media. This includes understanding what media is, making informed judgements about media and most importantly, creating and sharing their own media.

Smart Learners critically examine information online

Thinking about Smart Media in Junior Classes

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Understanding Media

Cybersmart Kōrero

  • Create a collection of images displaying people engaging in different activities including a mix of media use and technology free, both in school and outside of school
  • In groups of 2-3 sort images into groups of their own choosing.
  • Label your groups (write on strip of paper)
    • share why they have grouped images,
    • gallery walk to explore how other groups have sorted
    • Are there any other ways to categorise or label?
  • Curate labels as word banks and display

How might you harness the kōrero and vocabulary generated in response to the images?

Key Question: why is it important to balance our use of media and technology with technology free activities

Learners create their own images and text of activities they engage in with technology and technology free, at school and with whānau.

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Understanding Media

Gallery Walk

  • Identify images of media that has been created that will resonate for your

learners’ local community and school

  • Make available on your learning site, print copies or visit the location
  • Provide prompts for the learners to consider while exploring
    • What do they notice in the image?
    • Why did the artist create this image?
    • Why is the image in this location?
    • Does this remind you of anything?

Think/Pair/Share or

Give One/Get One

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Constructing Media

How might you harness the kōrero and vocabulary generated in response to exploring images suggested in the previous slides?

Use your class/individual blogs to explore media created by others.

Join Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu + Blog feed

Key question: Media is created by people. Why is it important to recognise the person or people who created the media?

Learners show their appreciation by giving credit to someone in their class who has created something e.g. create a DLO sharing something a peer has created and attribute:

  • author
  • title
  • blog link

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Evaluating Media

Real or Fake

Identify opportunities to explore and share ideas about media in existing learning programmes that encourage learners to be curious and ask questions.


Bell Ringers:

From a blog post by Kristen Mattson for Secondary could also be harnessed with juniors to kick off a lesson. Select media that encourages use of subject specific vocabulary.

National Library of New Zealand

Man `catching' a shark circa 1910

What is this Phishing thing?

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Common Sense Education

Seeing is Believing (lesson notes)

Repurpose and select media (images and video) in response to your learners.

Possible Media Sources

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What’s wrong with this picture?

Take a look at the images below. Look carefully. �Can you spot a difference between the two pictures?


Be Internet Awesome

Noticing & extended conversations through looking more closely at media

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How do we make sure other people will understand what we mean when we post online?



Be Internet Awesome

Using language, symbols, and texts.

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Photo Fakes - Analyzing Media

Learners understand how easy it can be to construct fake media

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  • Making connections with Learn Create Share and Smart Learners, Footprint, Relationships
  • Harness what you already know about effective practice and opportunities to connect with Smart Media across the curriculum including Digital Technologies
  • Opportunities to create and share their own media
  • Explore and respond to media created by others, including their peers
  • Harness blogs to focus conversations
  • Join Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu
  • When selecting media content, be alert to experiences that are unique and in response to your community.
  • Design learning that is personalised and inclusive, takes into account your learners' aspirations, interests, identity, language and culture.