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The Vikings Chronicle

Gaithersburg Middle School Newspaper

Issue #1

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Table of Contents


  • Information
  • Staff Directory


  • Why, Texas, Why?


School News

  • Devious Lick Challenge


  • Ride on Review


Arts & Entertainment


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The Vikings Chronicle is written by the Newspaper Club of GMS. It consists of multiple writers, editors, etc. They write multiple types of articles like Activism, Science, History, Reviews, Politics, and much more! We do articles on either Google Docs or on a Google Slide. Check speaker notes for additional information on articles! You can also access a feedback form and comment on slides and Docs to communicate with the writer! We encourage you to fill out the feedback form to request articles, ask for more understandable texts, and more! The Newspaper Club reviews the feedback form to improve the reader’s experience! You can access the the feedback form here: Vikings Chronicle Feedback Form! Thank you for reading this, and be sure to explore the newspaper!

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Get insight into the minds of the intelligent people that wrote these articles!

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Why, Texas, Why? (Editorial)

Texas has recently passed a voting overhaul bill, which �they claim reduces voter fraud. State laws are not allowed to �contradict federal laws, and the Voting Rights Act exists to prevent states from restricting voting access to any person based on race or ethnicity. They do claim that their voting provisions do not target minority groups, but that’s hard to believe when they’re targeting methods of voting used extensively in cities, which tend to have a higher proportion of minority voters then Texas as a whole. Lawsuits have been filed against this new law, which potentially violates existing Federal laws. However, with the current makeup of the Supreme Court, it is unclear whether or not these challenges will succeed.

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9/11/01. The Deadliest Terrorist Attack in the US.

September 11th, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. About 3,000 died during this terrorist attack making it one of the most deadliest attacks on US soil. At 8:46 AM on September 11th, 2001, American Airlines FLight 11 was hijacked and crashed into the North Tower of the world trade center. Most people thought this was an accident by a small commuter plane. 17 minutes later, United Airlines 175 crashed into the South Tower, at this point there was no doubt that this was an attack. Then at 9:37 AM American Airlines 77 crashed into the southwest side of the Pentagon. The last plane crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside after passengers took the plane back from the hijackers, it was thought it was aimed for the White House or the Capitol Building. At 9:59 AM the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed, and 29 minutes later the North Tower collapsed. 2750 people died in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 died in Pensylvania and all 19 hijackers died making it a suicide mission. On Memorial Day and September 11th every year we honor and mourn the ones lost in these terrorist attacks.

By: Nirav Nadarajah

What does September 11th mean?

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How Pollution is Affecting the World�Oysters, Clams, and Shrimp.

Many things are happening in the world today, some good, some bad. As most of us know, climate change is affecting the world in a bad way. But it’s not just climate change that's affecting the environment, we have another problem on our hands and that’s dead zones. You may not know this but Oysters and Clams filter water which helps fish live. But ships come with a net and drag a big net which not only takes Clams and Oysters but destroys the habitat around it and when there’s no Clams and Oysters there are dead zones in the sea. Same thing happens when you catch shrimp, it destroys the habitat.

That concludes my article.

By Gwyneth Cooke and Jyzelle Baker

Most credit goes to Gwyneth

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Superman Source

Superman is an amazing superhero. He has a weakness and needs sunlight to store for him to fly and use his powers. He can even store up solar energy for flights at night. Superman is a living, breathing solar panel. Solar panels work by getting waves from the sun and converting photovoltaic cells into energy. Solar energy is mostly used for houses. So Imagine being able to store your energy and use it for almost half a day almost all the time. Solar power is clean, renewable and an efficient energy source.

Click here for full article: Superman Source

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Invasion of the Jellyfish

Did you know that deadly brainless boneless blobs of goo are taking over the oceans? If you think about it sounds crazy but it’s unbelievably true. These creatures live in every ocean on the globe and have stingers to protect them from predators. They are a danger to society and marine life. You might be wondering what this deadly creature is and it’s a brainless boneless jellyfish. First of all, to stop this jellyfish invasion is to eat them. I know it sounds disgusting but it's pretty common in China. In Japan, they serve jellyfish salad at restaurants and now jelly dishes are becoming popular around the world. Jelly dishes were getting popular so scientists started trying to figure out new ways to serve them. If we ate more jellyfish we could make jelly salad, chips and ice cream. Second of all, another way to slow down the population is to control pollution by not using cars if it’s unnecessary and just get a bike and ride or maybe walk there. In this process, we can help other sea creatures that are dying from global warming, and reduce the amount of sewage in the water. We can also help Jellyfish overpopulation by controlling our overfishing. Did you know that we fish all of the animals that eat jellyfish and were preventing letting them eat them? Well since we can overfish maybe the government can tell us to under fish or not fish so much. Third of all I think we should eliminate ocean acidification. Since acidification does not affect jellyfish but sea life is affected by this, it gives way for jellyfish to bloom and other sea life to decrease. Ocean acidification provides more space for jellyfish and decreases the habitat for other life in the ocean. This will help jellyfish and marine life that are dying. In conclusion, I think all of these solutions will help us slow down the population of jellyfish and marine life. These solutions are going to probably going to take a pretty long time to solve. These solutions are the way to end the jellyfish invasion.

By Jyzelle Baker and Gwyneth | Most credit goes to Jyzelle

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Ice Caps Melting

By Gwyneth Cooke and Jyzelle Baker

You may not know this but climate change is rising rapidly while icebergs are melting rapidly.

It started when we started polluting which made it warm in the Artiques and made ice caps start to melt. As the icebergs started melting the heat they gave off to space is now going to the earth and making temperatures rise. As the temperatures rise the more species it kills. Do you like polar bears? Or maybe you're a beluga person or even a penguin personne. Well to be truthful from climate change they are all dying out. So if you want to see your favorite animal again please donate to areas helping stop climate change ,and we all can help in little ways so please help stop climate change to save animals such as walruses and seals. That concludes my article.

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Game Hunter: Finding The Best Ones

By: The Game Hunter

Today, I, the Game Hunter, will be reviewing one of the most coveted games of 2020, Animal

Crossing: New Horizons. There are five categories that I will rate, on a scale of 1 to 5. The first

category is replayability. Replayability is how different the game can be upon being replayed.

Now, this is a clear five! This series is known for constantly being different, from having

different neighbors to a completely different island! The next category is 100% complete

satisfaction. This game does not HAVE a 100% complete state, as updates are being added

to it all the time, but when the next game in the series comes along, and you have every item that there could ever have been, then the satisfaction will be a four because I feel it is not worth it to spend an entire year to get a single king salmon. The third category is overall enjoyment. Though I did say 100% completion is not worth it, playing through the game, collecting bugs, materials, fossils, fish, inviting new neighbors and more is EXTREMELY fun, 5 points! The fourth category is the OST(Original Soundtrack). This ranks a 2 because though there are some good songs, it is extremely limited... The final category combines all the other categories into the question which determines the result of the review, Is it worth the money? Is it worth the 30 dollars (depending on where you buy it from) to get this game..? The answer is a cold hard yes. Between the fossils, the neighbors, the seasonal events, and the sheer amount of time you can play it without getting bored, the game is worth the 30 dollars (depending on where you buy it from)! This game ranks 4 and a half stars (the only drawback being the music). See you soon, when I review another video game about a certain “LINK” to a new reality!

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Legend of the 12 ‘Artefacts’:Prologue & First chapter

A new story of Deceit, Enemies and New Locations! No matter what happens in this world, it always seems to be part of something bigger. But a secret organization, hidden well, tries to find 12 “Artefacts” hidden in all over the world. To everyone's surprise, the world has already found one artefact without knowing it, a jewel with the power to see things, whether it be past or present, the jewel can see anything, but no one can control what it does, our story starts in Raywood city, the location of the jewelry store where the jewel is being sold, and also happens to be the location of the organization...


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Previous chapters in Singertovs and Zoderats

By Lily Fischer

I am going to be writing a serial in the Vikings Chronicle this year: Singertovs and Zoderats. Those of you who have read it for the past two years might recognize it. For those of you who haven’t read it, or those who need a refresher, I will provide à link to the previous chapters below. Starting with the next issue, I will write a new chapter each issue.

Link To Previous Chapters

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Fashion IT

Welcome to “Fashion IT.” Our topic for today is: Crocs -- sporty or not? So Crocs have a so called sports mode and a chill mode. You can run in sports mode but are they sporty is the question. Can you play sports in them as well as sneakers? Sneakers are hard to compete with. What do you think? A lot of people said this. Crocs are not that sporty other than sports mode they have nothing to do with do sports.

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Icons. Phenomenons. Forces to be reckoned with. Graham the tall one. Hodge the short one. Taking on the role of talking about memorable stories that have been collected throughout the course of time. But there’s a secret… It’s True Crime

True Crime

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Fossil Fuels

Did you know that fossil fuels are one of the main sources of air pollution?

Fossil fuels are one of the main sources of pollution because so many people use it and when it gets turned to gas it causes air pollution. Cars, airplanes, trains etc. are things that cause air pollution. Though people are getting better at using electric vehicles such as teslas, leafs, and electric trains. But unfortunately lots of people still use fossil fuels. But we have alternatives to fossil fuels such as hydraulic, wind, solar, and nuclear power. These alternatives are not as harmful but are very expensive to buy. That's why you don’t see too many people using them. But If you have enough money to buy, use or ride an electric vehicle please do it will help even a little bit save our environment. In conclusion fossil fuels are one of the main sources of air pollution but soon it shouldn't be.

By Gwyneth Cooke, and Jyzelle Baker

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Fin Soup

By Gwyneth C. and Jyzelle B.

You may not know what fin soup is but the way they get it is horrible.

Do you like sharks? They may seem like vicious killers of the sea but they barely touch humans, in fact they're probably more afraid of us then we should be of them. You may ask why they’re probably more afraid of us and I’ll tell you why. It’s because sharks are killed for their fins to make fin soup. In 1970 shark population took a plument from climate change and overfishing.

So think twice when you are at the beach and afraid of shark attacks because you should be more afraid of sharks going extinct.

Fun fact:

Sharks current population is around 11,000 but in 2020 it was over 1 million.

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*Sigh* *in mind* “I don’t know what this feeling is why do I feel like this ALL I’M DOING IS CHANGING IN THE GIRLS LOCKER WHY CAN’T I JUST RELAX.”. Maxon came up to me and said “ Hey Samantha are you ok, you have seemed all out of sorts today?”. I stuttered while saying “o-o-oh y-y-y-yeah i-i’m fine just wanna go home” Maxon replies confused “oh ok…..”. I walked away, I’m confused why am I like this I feel this intense heart increase when I see Maxon why is this happening. I walk by this poster it says “Pride club come here to learn all about the Lgbtqia+ community after school at 3:00-3:45!” I think I’ll go maybe just to learn about it maybe it will give me the answers to my questions.


By your favorite unknown writers <3

Authors note

Hey y’all This story was an inspired story, the story it was inspired from was Rick I Hope you enjoy the story! <3

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Devious Lick Challenge

By Efrain.D.Cedillo

This TikTok trend “Devious Lick” was made by a user of TikTok named “jugg4elias” who

showed him having a box of disposable masks claiming he stole them and with a

caption ”A month into school...Devious Lick” After some time, the challenge caused students to damage school property either to become cool, amazing, or a “Devious Licker”. Unfortunately for the schools, it has gotten out of control, making witnesses see the removal of toilets, soap dispensers, paper towels, and even sinks. When teachers, staff, students, and principals witnessed all of this happening, they announced it to students, parents, adults, and guardians. When these people were notified about the “Devious Lick” happening at schools, many of the parents were afraid that their kids would try one of these inappropriate trends if they saw the videos of it, so many of them suspended their kids from using TikTok. However, even if that was done, the “Devious Lick” was on many social apps causing kids to still view them. Luckily, TikTok took matters into their hands and banned the videos depicting the actions of the “Devious Lick” although videos just showing the “Devious Lick” will not be affected. After all of this, it has not stopped the damage of schools, but it has slowed it down, making schools safer. But due to the events that have been occurring, the police had to step in due to too much damage to school property -- even making arrests necessary to stop the “Devious Lick”.

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Ride on Review

Ride on is the public bus network run by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, and there are many facts that you may not have known about it!

  • The only Ride on route to have more than a million weekday riders in 2019 was Route 55, running on MD 355 between the Rockville Metro Station and the Germantown Transit Center, via Gaithersburg.
  • In 2019, route 1 had a higher riders per platform hour on Sunday than any other day of the week.
  • The least used Ride on route in 2019 was route 301, running between Rockville and Tobytown.

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Amazon’s newly released smart home robot. By Gabriella Hamilton

Recently, Amazon announced they would be releasing a “home robot” selling for $1000 named “ Astro”. The . The robot has been dubbed “ Alexa on wheels”. SPECS: As seen in image, the robots digital face is displayed on a tablet sitting on dual wheels. Astro is powered by two Qualcomm chips, with AI processing built into the chipset. FEATURES: Astro also has a single 5 inch megapixel camera as well as a periscope camera and multiple microphones installed so that you can see and hear what's going on inside your house while you’re away. The robot also doubles as a vacuum cleaner . Unfortunately, in the past, there have been complaints about the safety of products like such, for example, Amazon ring has been reported to collect information of users, and considering that Astro’s camera is almost identical, there could be issues in the future. Amazons seems confident in their new robot and claim that a second model is already being developed and we can expect to see pre ordering options near early 2022. So far users seem to love the futuristic design, and similarity to 1960’s Jetsons canine character, and the lovable “personality” of Astro. We have yet to see what Amazon will do next with this project.

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Respect Others. WARNING: THIS IS AN OPINION ARTICLE!! By: Anonymous

People often discriminate against people because of their race, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.. I have a few things to say about that:

  • All people deserve to be treated the same no matter if they are different than you on the outside or on the inside.
  • Respect all people; now I’m not saying you have to be best friends with them, but just respect them.
  • PLEASE RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE’S PRIVACY!! Meaning, if they tell you something that they want you to keep a secret, keep it a secret.
  • Don’t make fun of people and call them names because they are different from who you are. Everybody is different in so many different ways and the only thing you can do is respect that.