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Can we simulate Greenhouse Gas?


5th grade

Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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My Abstract is about how people deal with greenhouse gas pollutants. In my experiment I will be simulating greenhouse gas.I think if I cover a cup with plastic wrap and shine it with a lamp, it's temperature will appear to be hotter than a cup without plastic wrap.The cup covered with plastic wrap will heat faster because it trapped the heat that the lamp gave off. The cup that wasn't covered heated slower because the was no cover to help trap the heat so the cup that didn't have a cover heated slower. Basically the lamp is the sun, the plastic wrap and the cup are the greenhouse and when I shine the sun onto the greenhouse, the temperature rises. Greenhouse temperatures rise when shone light by the Sun and when the greenhouse temperatures rise, different forms of gas including carbon dioxide collide to activate the greenhouse effect. I think that to prevent greenhouse gas pollutants we have to stop using cars that use oil And start using electric cars we can also prevent greenhouse gas by using renewable energy.

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Purpose Statement

My purpose statement is about how humans deal with the problems of greenhouse gas emissions in our life. In my project I will be demonstrating the effect of greenhouse gas and normal air.

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My hypothesis is that I think if I cover a cup with plastic wrap and shine it with a lamp, it's temperature will appear to be hotter than a cup without plastic wrap. I want to see if the temperature will appear to be hotter because that would prove that multiple gases colliding together would for greenhouse gas.

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Experimental Procedures and


1. Get 2 clear plastic cups.

2. Get 2 thermometers.

3. Put the thermometers in the cups.

4. Cover one cup with plastic wrap.

5. Get a lamp and shine it brightly over the 2 cups.

6. Watch as the one cup’s temperature is slightly higher than the other cup.

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Experimental Results

For my experimental results I would like to write down the hourly review of my experiment.

Please note that I came to check every hour.

Cup with plastic wrap

Cup with no plastic wrap

Hour 1

54 degrees

54 degrees

Hour 2

55 degrees

54 degrees

Hour 3

55 degrees

55 degrees

Hour 4

56 degrees

55 degrees

Hour 5

57 degrees

56 degrees

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Experimental Results

Five hours later you can see that the cup covered in plastic wrap ranged from a temperature of 54 to 57 degrees. The cup that wasn't covered in plastic wrap ranged from a temperature of 54 to 56 degrees. The cup covered with plastic wrap heated faster because it trapped the heat that the lamp gave off. The cup that wasn't covered heated slower because the was no cover to help trap the heat so the cup that didn't have a cover heated slower.

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Analysis of Experimental


I learned that when I covered a cup with plastic wrap, and shone a lamp on it I could simulate greenhouse gas. The lamp is the sun, the plastic wrap and the cup are the greenhouse and when I shine the sun onto the greenhouse, the temperature rises. These results helped me respond to my hypothesis by showing when multiple gases are collided the greenhouse effect is activated

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According to my experiment results, Greenhouse temperatures rise when shone light by the Sun and when the greenhouse temperatures rise, different forms of gas including carbon dioxide collide to activate the greenhouse effect.

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For this project I would like to Thank my Science teacher Mrs. Crowley on helping me understand my purpose statement. I Would also like to thank my mom who helped me get my supplies for my project.

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Bibliography and


For successfully completing my science fair project, I have taken help from the following website links: