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The Network Equity Token Model applied to

Crypto Start Ups

By Jonathan Caras (@madcapslaugh), Michael Hasson and Zach Wolfson

Lionschain Capital

Ethereal Virtual 2020

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Goals for creating a token

I.e. why have a token at all?

  • Reduce platform risk
    • Opportunity for community ownership in the platform
    • Ensure that community’s will is represented within the platform
    • Distributed ownership can reduce regulatory scrutiny
  • Interoperability (composability) improves when platform risk is reduced
  • Community ownership (or the option for it) enables profit capture and sustainability in the face of potential forks

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Open source and transparent

Interoperable / Composable

Consistency and stability

Community governance

Economic sustainability

Resistant to technical, economical, and governance capture

Unique and competitive value offering (to be the best*)

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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List of actors

Developers of core software

Grant recipients

Shareholders in the platform

Application Users


Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Actor’s Needs

Developers of core software - (ie the company) to get paid to improve and upkeep the software on a consistent basis

Grant recipients - to be rewarded on a one time basis for providing a valuable contribution

Shareholders in the platform - to see the upside of the success of the platform

Application Users (pay money ) - to profit by investing in algorithm or manual portfolio managers (ETFs and other products down the line)

Workers - perform actions that create value in order to get paid

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Initial Sale - during the initial sale, two approaches can be taken:

1)a fixed cap supply of tokens (ie MakerDAO)

2) a bonding curve increase in price (ie Nexus Mutual)

Allocation to team - In the case of a bonding curve, the team can participate in the initial sale, in the case of a fixed supply, the team would be allocated a small portion of the supply (10%?)

Additional fundraising - future sales of the tokens through curve or dilution would be determined via the DAO

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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To achieve sustainability, a few core issues must be met

  • A portion of the profits generated by the business must be captured and funneled to cover innovation, operations, and maintenance
  • These funds must be delegated by the DAO which represents the community (to prevent revolt)
  • The business must maintain a reserve which (at the approval of the DAO) can be drawn upon to weather the storm while the business works to achieve profitability, or during lean times

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Visual Model

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Flow of Funds

Reserve Pool

Company DAO



Core Devs


Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Profit Distribution

The DAO business model will be one which collects fees as % of profits earned by Workers, as well as potential user subscription feeds

Payments will be made in ETH or DAI (or choice of other payment token) but we do not intend for the Network Equity Token to be a required interface for the end user

Token owners will realize the upside of the success of The Company from two methods

  • Token buy backs which effect all token holders
  • Dividend payouts to staking holders

The DAO will vote on distribution terms to optimize the needs of the company and its shareholders

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Token holders will stake with lockups for the right to payouts, these payout % will be variable as voted on by the DAO

Staking will enable holders to participate in voting as well and be rewarded for participating in the govenanance

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Voting Mechanics

This is an ongoing area of research

To keep things simple, at start use a traditional 1 share 1 vote

Most decisions will be made by management + top holders

Over time as system matures and token is distributed, can review industry best practices and implement changes as needed

Areas of Governance

  • Profit Distribution
  • Allocation of Reserve Capital
  • Code Upgrades (time locks etc)
  • Roadmap
  • Grants

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Reserve Pool

The reserve pool acts as a check against exit scamming and gives token holders a right to withdraw cash without the need for explicit legal recourse or market selling a potentially low volume token

Annual expenses for the business can be allocated by the DAO from the reserve pool to cover operational expenses, thus ensuring the business can run without exposure to problems caused by “over funding”

We believe this is an elegant mechanism which can introduce trust to new DAO based businesses

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Community Ownership?

We believe there is no need to force users to own the token, and in fact this acts as a potential friction point

However, enthusiastic users and workers will be invited to participate in the token sale

Potential use of grant funding over time can be to allocate tokens to top workers

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Fork Protection

Fork candidates



Fork protection




$ Locked up (in reserve)

A successful fork would need to coordinate the migration of both capital and human resources.

It is unlikely the community will take this route vs solving any core issues diplomatically

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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Given our view that users should not be forced to interact with the token, pursuing Reg A+ filing could be best path forward to give anyone the option to participate as an investor and ensure a positive sentiment toward the project going into the future

(avoiding the stigma that getting in early was only open to insiders)

Or relocate outside of US

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020

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A number of DeFi products have achieved nice indication of product market fit while leveraging the capabilities of the robust Ethereum DeFi ecosystem

We believe these applications have the opportunity to pioneer a sustainable and logical token architecture which can act as a model and position the project for long term success

Created by Lionschain Capital, January 2020