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Mrs. Scigel’s and Mrs. Hubbell’s Team:

Presenting Chromebooks and Lego WeDo2.0 Core Kits

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The students enjoyed using the Chromebooks for a variety of different applications and lessons through the year.

  • Kahoot!
  • Interactive Tours and Games
  • Boom Learning Cards
  • Google Classroom
  • Research
  • Publishing Reports
  • Multiplication Math Centers
  • Spelling Activities and Tests
  • Coding Lego Robots

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Biography Projects

Task at hand:

  • Research a famous person using book(s) and online tools
  • Write a five paragraph biography report
  • Publish report using Google Docs
  • Create a digital timeline using ReadWriteThink
  • Draw a detailed representation of the famous person
  • Cite sources used with a bibliography (documented on a Google Doc)
  • Present findings by writing and recording a speech to be shared
  • Upload all elements to SeeSaw

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Some finished Biography Project Items

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Lego WeDo 2.0 Kits

To help students explore science concepts with a hands-on approach and gain deeper understanding, students built different robots and tested out their hypotheses.

Some of the robots built were Milo the Science Rover and Pull-Robots. These robots connect to the Chromebooks and students have to code the robots to get them to move in different ways in order to test variables.

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Student Work Stations

Coding the Robot

Groups Building Robots

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Milo the Science Rover

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Pull Robot

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Students Hard at Work Exploring and Learning

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Benefits and Challenges


  • Student engagement instantly increased when we brought out the Chromebooks, whether it be for math stations, spelling, research, writing, science, or social studies.
  • Students have become more versed with the Google Suite, along with everyday basic functions of technology, all essential for their future endeavors.
  • Students were able to complete a multi-faceted project using an array of skills and applications.
  • Students were able to go through the scientific process with a more hands-on approach which led to deeper understanding of concepts.


  • The first challenge we encountered was the connectivity issues in the building. Students weren’t able to log in with their Google Accounts because of it. Milo also wouldn’t connect to the Chromebooks.
  • Another challenge we had was getting the Milo and Pulling Robot to connect to the correct Chromebook due to the close proximity of the groups.
  • Finding the (quiet) space for all students to record their presentations in a timely fashion was difficult. That is when having two teachers available was helpful.