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Climate Strike UK Mobilisation

Post Creative Sprint

What next?








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In order to find our way we must get lost.

Bayo Akomolafe

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Persuade/Motivate/Inspire 1 million people in the UK to walk out of work/home/school to step up alongside the youth and climate strike on 20th September

The Mission:

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We’re living in a climate emergency (govt declared), an ecological crisis. The 6th mass extinction.

Business as usual is literally destroying the future and it’s happening right now.

While these Climate Strikes won’t solve the crisis alone, this moment can demonstrate that people are no longer willing to continue with business as usual.

This is a global moment to show politicians everywhere that this movement is growing from strength to strength and we won’t stop until we get urgent action on this crisis centred on human rights, equity, and justice for everyone.


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The story so far

Released a challenge to the ad/media industry to help the youth climate strikers mobilise one million people alongside them on 20th September > here and here

Developed a brief and series of creative challenges which have been directly requested by approx 100 orgs/individuals

Designed and hosted a one day creative sprint for 50 professionals from the ad/creative sector London on Friday 26th July to rapidly develop strategies, ideas and tactics with potential

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What happened

A range of strategies, tactics and ideas emerged from the session.

This document sets out an overall approach, as well as a series of tasks that need actioning and owning to make this work.

Right now we have no funding, (this is running on love, hope and fear), little time and only the good will and energy of this community and network to make this happen.

This context informs our strategic recommendations.

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What can I do next?

Mobilising this network of ad/media/marketing folks

We have a shape for the activity, a call to action and a range of stuff/starters we would love to see happen, but it needs people to own these tasks and to get going.

So if you like the memes bucket, make some memes, if you like posters make posters, do the video challenge and share that etc etc

If you like the sound of any of these initial ideas and you think you can help make them happen, reach out to the originator ( their email is linked in this document via each concept)- or create your own project just drop us a line at climatestrike@goodfornothing.com to let us know.

But it’s really important to remember that everyone can use their influence and network to encourage more people to show up on the 20th.

Challenge your company, agency, clients, suppliers, media, customers. Use your channels, workspace, skills etc to show your commitment and action to the world that you are responding to this emergency and crisis

If you’re reading this it’s because you asked for the brief or came to the sprint or someone has shared it to you.

Whatever you do, do something.

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Criteria for executing stuff

  • Do-able - teams / individuals can make it happen now
  • Acceptable / useful to the students
  • Powerful / motivating
  • Hopeful / playful
  • Shareable/spreadable


Must drive the date > 20th September 2019

Signposts for info> https://globalclimatestrike.net/

Hashtags: #ClimateStrike, #FridaysforFuture

What the sprint team got excited about from left to right ^^

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Key Audiences we’re thinking about


The current strikers need more communication support and creative firepower to encourage more of their peers to take action. There are still many youth (13 + yrs) who are yet to grasp what climate breakdown looks like for them from a UK perspective, still not personal and relevant enough.


Grandparents - more time on their hands, reflective about the world they are leaving behind - Parents - hearing the climate story coming into the household for the first time, many will be struggling with the tension of their children striking from school - Uncles and Aunts


Walk the talk and encourage your company and the wider industry to down tools on the 20th September and climate strike with the next generation. Could the advertising, marketing and media industries lead the way as all business sectors will be challenged to participate on this date


Teachers, educators, teaching assistants, lecturers, professors. Those responsible for communicating knowledge and preparing students for the world are exactly the profession that should be leading the way in mobilising for the 20th September mobilisation.

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Prototyping phase




Now! - August





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  • Organic content


  • Unifying concept & activations


  • Activating our own networks and seeding core audience networks

Recommended Approach - 3 main ingredients:

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1 . Organic content

Raw, playful, scrappy, hackable, customisable - just need to push the 20/09 date/globalclimatestrike.net

Ready immediately and can be accessed now to start seeding the event via social channels

Needs to be easily accessible via an open dropbox folder or similar - an easy place to find on the web!

2. Unifying concept/activations

idea led

More official for business and media etc to amplify and get behind

Printed posters

Films/emotive content


We have some ideas from the sprint and some pointers for moving forward, these need more commitment, collaboration and time from ppl to make them happen.

3. Activating our own networks and seeding core audience networks

Focus on activating our own networks, business, client, community etc to take action on 20/09 - this industry has an opportunity to lead in this emergency

And seeding content through relevant networks e.g parents groups, youth groups, business networks focussed on climate, media and influencer networks who have reached out/in our collectives - start with a coalition of the willing and build out from there

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Organic content

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Organic content

Raw, playful, hackable - just need to display the date 20/09 + globalclimatestrike.net

Some ready immediately and can be pushed out now to start seeding the event via social channels

Needs to be easily accessible via dropbox folder or similar

Starting content

Memes - need a home for distribution access - lets get them out for people to play with/share/build etc

Poster memes - need more designing and making files available for access

I’m Climate Striking and tagging xxx video challenge - needs prototyping and trying

Out of Office and Email Signature - needs writing and making look beautiful

FB Profile ‘climate striker’ 20/09 - needs designing and making file available

Stickers - need some any thoughts ?

Letter from Greta -can we make this digital, interactive

Greta font/placard generator - can this task be claimed?

Workplace agitation - deck needs producing and making available

Next steps:

We need people to claim a task and take responsibility to create and finalise content into files/formats ready to be released - follow the links in this doc to find originators/and email: climatestrike@goodfornothing.com

We need people to start pledging, challenging and tagging others about 20/09

We need some sort of home on the internet for these things to be accessed and for ppl to post content -nothing complex - just bloody easy to post content, find and share content from - if anyone can help with that please climatestrike@goodfornothing.com

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Can we flood these online and social to start seeding the date and encourage loads more being made


I’m/we’re climate striking on 20/09 and we’re tagging xxx to join too

icebucket style challenge from Tony - use your phone to film yourself share the strike date, tag someone else (and maybe) fall on the floor - #climatecollapse

share on social, - tag friends, families, business, clients, other agencies etc

Students liked these, can we get a whole range of templates for social channels and printing out for local flyers- more parents/grandparents vibe


One example from Ted -can we create loads of stickers and then find a way to fund and print them!

Greta font/placard generator

We like this but can it be done and will the Trolls ambush it and spoil it - open to feedback here

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How can we make this spread -is it something that needs interactive,digital that young people can contribute voice/video to and send links to parents grandparents etc - will Greta be cool with this ??



This would need a digital/creative tech crew to make happen with Chris who originated

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Unifying concept/Idea

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Unifying concept/ idea

idea led campaign content e.g B&W which requires more craft to deliver.

  • More official for business and media etc to get behind
  • Templates
  • Printed posters/emotive content film etc
  • Needs more production/studio/copy/design/PR skillz

B&W has potential to speak to multiple audiences - but it’s strength feels much more individual focussed, it speaks personally and riffs off Greta/the 1975 track

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Greta’s spot on. Saving the world’s a black & white issue.

We either step up to the plate and take action,
 or we sit back and watch the planet burn.

Do or don’t. In or out. Defiance or destruction. Future or fucked. Turn up and save the planet, or sit at work and watch it burn.

This campaign uses pairs of short, witty, provocative statements to dramatise this stark choice we have to make, along with a bold, black & white typographic visual identity that challenges adults to step up to the plate and join the 20th Sept strikes.

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We really like the simple B&W execution and focus

Can this become much more personal, really make the individual feel that it’s their choice, it’s about the internal dialogue, its each of our responsibility - speak to the excuses that we all tell ourselves - can we watch out that it doesn’t polarise those who cannot strike e.g carers, disabled

and maybe it doesn’t need the B&W strapline - see Iain’s comment on previous slide >

Next steps - are there writers/designers/film makers who can work with Robbie who originated it to really get this locked down and ready to go in multiple assets?

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Stunt Activation for Office workers

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Our house is on fire, this is an emergency, but the alarm is not ringing. People are not alarmed, they should be. So let’s raise the alarm. Literally. And keep raising it.

On 20/9 at 11:18 (11 years, 18 months) we coordinate an alarm sound across our cities, using fire drills, car alarms, smoke detectors, old air raid sirens, radio stations, TV channels, bells, Spotify apps and more (in collaboration with the fire service).

We like this as an activation/stunt-very focussed on office workers -which is a group that may struggle to get on the streets 20/09 but for 30 mins could with this idea

Could you try and work on large buildings/landlords in London/other cities with multiple tenants with a PR agency to support and see if it can spread?

photos of 1000 office workers in the street with some placards fire drilling feels good!

Is there a simple creative toolkit of how to help ppl make this happen in any workplace

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3. Activating our own networks and seeding core audience networks

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Let’s all challenge our networks to get involved whatever we do (agency, client, suppliers, local community etc)

And seed Grassroots/influencer groups by core audience once content is ready

If anyone wants to create the master list - this is just starters for 10!

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Other stuff we’re thinking…

Art strike seems like there was energy but how to make work?

We think offering a way for people to do something who can’t get out on the street is a cool idea - can we maybe combine with a Craftivist Challenge - Sarah has offered us a build on this > https://craftivist-collective.com/A-Heart-For-Your-Sleeve-fortheloveof - we can create a craft challenge connected to the strike, people can wear themselves e.g armband etc and/or send to parents, grandparents, MP’s etc - This needs someone to drive it/write it etc - Sarah can provide templates but she’s maxed out - climatestrike@goodfornothing.com

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stuff we need help with

Project coordination: How can we make it simple for teams/individuals/orgs to claim tasks/projects and make them happen - and for us all to keep track of whose doing what ?

Showcase: What/how do we build a space for posting and accessing all the content e.g is it just dropbox or something else?

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Appendix - challenges from the sprint

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How the strikes are launching in the U.S >

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Design a physical poster and / or leaflet/flyer + digital version which announces the event, invites participation and builds a sense of real drama, to be printed in advance and handed out / pasted / seeded across the UK.

Challenge 1:


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Challenge 2:

Create a short film that can spread organically on social media which draws attention to the power of the youth climate strikes so far and encourages people of all ages/backgrounds to take part.

We’re also open to other video concepts & distribution ideas.

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Challenge 3:

Craft a series of messages/headlines which build out the case for transformative action to tackle climate change and ecological breakdown and demystify ideas like climate justice and the Green New Deal.


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Challenge 4:

Figure out a series of smart ways to reach parents, grandparents and the over 60s who are deeply concerned about climate change and looking for stuff to do.

Is there an intergenerational story/theme to be tapped?

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Challenge 5:

Create tons of memes which promote the strike which can be shared by young people across social media platforms.


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Challenge 6:

Develop tactical interventions of any kind which will get media + people talking about the climate strike in advance and remind people of the power of those kids (and their placards).


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Challenge 7:

Figure out a strategy and a network of media, distribution and influencer partners to help become messengers of the strike event and mobilise their networks.


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Ways of Working

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Dialogue beats monologue.

Listen more than you speak.

Don’t be the ‘drain’.

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Doing not just talking.

Concepting beats abstracting.

Write your ideas down, draw, sketch, visualise.

A prototype paints a thousand pictures.

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Hold your ideas lightly.

Build and bridge.

Move with the momentum.

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For the afternoon session work in small teams, 2 to 5 max to really build out an idea

We want/need you to own the development of your ideas after the sprint

�We’re going to amble for a few days after the sprint to reflect on what happened

We may have to focus on doing just a few things really well

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Self organise into groups for rapid idea generation/challenge exploration across our 7 areas

(5 max per group)

Share back ideas, questions, insights over lunch

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Break into smaller teams ( 2 - 5 px) to prototype/further develop ideas/tactics/strategies with potential

Bring to life/go as far as you can

& template concepts for sharing

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Templates and docs

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Idea name:

In a nutshell:

Explain your idea in one sentence or less

The dream result is:

Eg. the piece of coverage, the impact, the action people take

Any partners or collaborators?

Artists, events, brands, media outlets...

Here’s how it works:

Detail and how you will make it happen

It’s perfect for these audiences:

Describe who might attend, share, care

Our next step:

Eg. who else you need to make it happen, what’s next and when

Your name + email:

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