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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


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Preparing students to be successful for life.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan


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  • Strategic Plan Overview/Review
  • Share Immediate Needs Connected with Re-Entry Planning
  • Share Next Steps of Strategic Planning Following School Reopening

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

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  • Encourages social emotional well-being

  • Embraces the strength of our diversity

  • Provides a readiness for high school, college, career, and life success

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

  • Inspires curiosity and innovation

  • Fosters collaborative spirit, choice, ownership, voice, trust and respect

  • Shares responsibility and accountability for continuous improvement

CCSD59 will ignite a passion for learning through an environment that:


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  • Readiness, Achievement, Proficiency, Growth: Provide a coherent learning system that identifies what each student knows, needs to learn, and responds to meet the needs of each learner.
  • Curriculum Clarity: Provide a relevant, rigorous, and equitable curriculum that establishes end-of-year benchmark expectations, gives real life application to learning, and provides for student choice and interest.
  • Early Learning: Enhance early learning (birth - five) supports and programs, services, and resources to promote readiness for Kindergarten.
  • Aligned Assessment System: Ensure a meaningful assessment system that improves student growth, achievement, and program effectiveness through data collection, analysis, action planning, progress monitoring and reporting.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan


STUDENT GROWTH & ACHIEVEMENT: Promote student growth and achievement through a whole-child teaching and learning approach.

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  • System of Interventions, Enrichments, Supports, Differentiation: Meet individual student learning needs through a personalized approach that enables differentiation, intervention and enrichment.
  • Well-being, social, emotional, and health needs of students and staff: Support the social, emotional, and health well-being of students, families, and staff.
  • Ownership, Engagement, Voice, Choice: Provide shared opportunities for students, families, and staff to contribute voice and ownership in the district work and direction.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan


INCLUSIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Provide an engaging, personalized, nurturing environment to meet each student’s needs and interests.

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  • Partnerships with Families: Build parent understanding of how to support student growth and learning.
  • Partnerships with the Community: Advance career awareness, service-learning projects, and understandings of workplace/life competencies for students and staff through community partnerships and collaboration with high schools.
  • Two-way communication and collaboration: Utilize tools and strategies to effectively connect with all audiences to share and receive information and increase public awareness and perception of the district.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan


FAMILY & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS : Support partnerships through communication, collaboration, trust, and respect to advocate for student success.

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  • Equity across schools: Ensure all students have equity in access to curriculum, resources, staffing, facility space, schedules and time to best meet their individual needs.
  • High Quality Staff: Attract, develop, and retain high-quality and culturally diverse staff.
  • Fiscal Stewardship: Utilize collaborative, transparent planning approaches to maintain financial stability and fiscal integrity to support the district’s mission.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan


STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES: Align human, financial, and physical resources to ensure integrity and equity in resource planning and allocation.

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


  • Identify, Plan and Address Immediate Needs for Reopening
    • Health, Wellness and Safety
    • Instruction
    • Operations
    • Communications

Identify Immediate Needs for Reopening

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


  • Goal: In-person instruction as safely as possible- Keeping students, staff, and families safe
  • Caring for the social-emotional and mental health needs of students and staff;
  • Maintaining coherent learning by creating a scope of standards and learning targets with aligned systems of assessments, whether learning is in-person, virtual, or physically-distanced. This includes equity and access for ALL students;
  • Meeting the needs of every student by considering the unique experiences of students and by considering students’ families as active partners in learning;
  • Designing flexibility into school schedules, built-environments, protocols, and norms for being together in-person , physically-distanced, and through virtual learning; and
  • Engaging and connecting with students, staff and families with clear communication and planning.

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


  • Schools remain closed
  • No more than 10 individuals in one space
  • Social distancing and safety measures
  • Instruction is fully remote
  • Improving end of 2019-20 school year model
  • New content taught
  • More strict attendance and participation expectations
  • Addressing learning loss
  • Assessment of learning
  • Increased direct instruction & learning time


(Aligned to Phases 1-3 of Restore IL Plan)


(Aligned to Phase 4 of Restore IL Plan)



(Aligned to Phase 5 of Restore IL Plan)

  • Schools reopen for in-person instruction
  • Requires use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including face coverings
  • Prohibits more than 50 individuals from gathering in one space
  • Requires social distancing be observed, as much as possible
  • Requires that schools conduct symptom screenings and temperature checks or require that individuals self-certify that they are free of symptoms before entering school buildings
  • Requires an increase in schoolwide cleaning and disinfection
  • No restrictions on number of individuals in one space
  • Continued safety measures
  • Full in-person instruction for all students
  • Transportation able to run at full capacity

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


  • Re-entry Initial Committee: Katie Ahsell, Nicole Robinson, Trisha Senne, Jonas Jason, Michelle Piotrowski, Robert Murphy, Gabriela Lopez, Cindy Wiggins, Alyssa Kocher, Laena Divito, John Danza, Griselda Pirtle, John Harrington, Maureen Mcabee, Tom Luedloff, Ann Wing, Michelle Benages, Diana O’Donnell, Rob Bohanek

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


Oversight Team

(SLT Members, DEA President)

Art, Tom, Maureen, Katie, Vickie/Ron, Ross, Ben, and Ann

Process Manager: Tom Luedloff

Communications: Ben Grey

Instruction Team:

Maureen McAbee

Health, Wellness, and Safety Team:

Dr. Katie Ahsell

Operations Team:

Ross Vittore/Ron O’Connor

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


  • May/June: Launched Planning Teams and Subcommittees
    • Reentry Plan team Launch
    • Plan Team (4) Development
    • Planning teams meet to develop planning to support three reopening scenarios.
    • Identify Immediate needs/areas of focus for reopening
  • June: Phase 4 ISBE Joint Guidance (6.23.20), Implementation Webinar (6.24.20), & FAQ (6.25.20)
  • July: Plan Teams bring recommendations for all areas of responding to oversight committee for discussion, feedback and approval. (7.13.20 BOE approval of overall Reentry Plan)
  • July: Reentry Plan implementation and communication
  • July: Strategic Planning and implementation planning for post reopening planning
  • August: Phase 3 and/or Phase 4 Ongoing Planning, Training, & Implementation

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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


Plan Team

Plan Team Members

Key Priorities

Additional Priorities

Health, Wellness, & Safety

Dr. Katie Ahsell (Lead), Denise Webster, Dr. Elizabeth deGruy, Ashley Robertson, Michelle Gonzalez, Dr. Michelle Piotrowski, Tiffany Skelnik, Jennifer Stukes, Patty Wittman; Alissa Jelke, Emily Jordan, Brandi Boyd, Jenny Morales, Melissa Diaz-Viera, Lindsey Frank; Tracy Christensen, Lindsay Sweigert, & Jason Jonas

  • PPE Plan & Initial Purchases
  • Repurposing spaces for physical distance and health needs
  • Screening/Entry Procedures
  • Staff and Student Training
  • Plans for immunocompromised students and staff
  • SEL and classroom climate establishment upon return
  • Social justice and anti-racism actions
  • Family and community engagement in re-entry


Maureen McAbee (Lead), Kim Barrett, Nicole Robinson, Cindy Wiggins, John D’Anza, Michelle Benages, Alyssa Kocher, Griselda Pirtle, Trisha Senne, Ben Grey, Rob Bohanek, & Diana O’Donnell

  • Essential Targets
  • Scope and Sequence Adjustments
  • Daily/Weekly Schedule (3 Scenarios)
  • Assessment
  • Platforms/Resources
  • Grading
  • Attendance
  • Special Populations


Ross Vittore (Lead), Ron O'Connor (Lead), Albert Tijerina, Mary Gonzalez, Eleni Berhanu, John Harrington, Larry Ganan & Ann Wing

  • Cleaning & Disinfection
  • Physical Safety (screens, signage)
  • Transportation & Meal Options
  • Facilities Accommodations (furniture)
  • Staffing Needs & Support Options
  • HR Considerations


Ben Grey (Lead), Justin Sampson, Tom Luedloff, & Bob Murphy

  • Process for internal and external communications for re-entry work
  • Strategies for effective communications to connect with all audiences
  • Communication for staff and families bi-weekly (additionally as needed)
  • Virtual Presentation for staff and families in July
  • Final comprehensive written plan

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Strategic Plan Management Process

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

Goal Champion(s)


Goal Statement

High Level, Multi-Year, Aligned Strategies:

Strategy Team Leaders

Strategy Teams

Maureen McAbee & Tom Luedloff

Goal One:

Student Growth & Achievement

Promote student growth and achievement through a whole-child teaching and learning approach

Readiness / Achievement / Proficiency / Growth

Curriculum Clarity

Aligned Assessment System

Early Learning

Dr. Katie Ahsell

Goal Two: Inclusive Learning Environment

Provide an engaging, personalized, nurturing environment to meet each student’s needs and interests. 

System of Interventions, Enrichments, Supports, Differentiation

Well-being, Social, Emotional, & Health needs of Students & Staff

Ownership / Engagement / Voice / Choice

Ben Grey

Goal Three:

Family and Community Partnerships

Support partnerships through communication, collaboration, trust, and respect to advocate for student success.

Partnerships with Families

Partnerships with the Community

Two-way Communication and Collaboration

Ross Vittore, Vickie Nissen, & Ron O’Connor

Goal Four:

Stewardship of Resources

Align human, financial, and physical resources to ensure integrity and equity in resource planning and allocation.

Equity Across Schools

High Quality Staff

Fiscal Stewardship

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Area of Focus: Following Reopening

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

GOAL 1: STUDENT GROWTH & ACHIEVEMENT: Promote student growth and achievement through a whole-child teaching and learning approach.�

    • To continue to refine and expand the development and use of Learning Targets in all subject areas and grade levels to provide greater focus and consistency across content, classrooms, grade levels, and schools
    • To continue to enhance math instruction and professional practice to increase student learning and growth, allow for further differentiation (WIN structure), and expand staff capacity related to math instruction and assessment.
    • To continue to update, align, and further develop formative assessments that provide feedback to improve teaching and learning
    • To continue to facilitate the collection, access, and analysis of data to support planning, intervention, differentiation, and to determine overall organizational progress and growth

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Area of Focus: Following Reopening

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

GOAL 2: INCLUSIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Provide an engaging, personalized, nurturing environment to meet each student’s needs and interests.

    • To better differentiate instruction to meet diverse needs, we will support improved systems for use of formative assessment and student groupings (such as WIN time) within the Multi-tiered System of Support planning (MTSS).
    • To continue a strong focus on student belonging, safety, and social justice/anti-racism education, we will plan for equity audits, added professional learning, and other long term social justice action steps.
    • To provide the most effective learning opportunities, we will use a data-based process for special education eligibility, service provision, and inclusionary practices.

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Area of Focus: Following Reopening

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

GOAL 3: FAMILY & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS : Support partnerships through communication, collaboration, trust, and respect to advocate for student success.�

    • Build parent understanding of how to support student growth and learning.
    • Advance career awareness, service-learning projects, and understandings of workplace/life competencies for students and staff through community partnerships and collaboration with high schools.
    • Utilize tools and strategies to effectively connect with all audiences to share and receive information and increase public awareness and perception of the district.

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Area of Focus: Following Reopening

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

GOAL 4: STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES: Align human, financial, and physical resources to ensure integrity and equity in resource planning and allocation.�

    • Ensure all students have equity in access to curriculum, resources, staffing, facility space, schedules and time to best meet their individual needs.
    • Attract, develop, and retain high-quality, and culturally diverse staff.
    • Utilize collaborative, transparent planning approaches to maintain financial stability and fiscal integrity to support the district’s mission.