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Week 9 Section

3D Imaging, Lab Report

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Multiple 2D Slices: Multislice

3D Imaging

Lab Report

Dead time waiting for signal to recover …

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Multiple 2D Slices: Multislice

3D Imaging

Lab Report

Interleave N slices!

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Multiple 2D Slices: Hadamard Encoding

3D Imaging

Lab Report

First Excitation

Second Excitation

Can invert to solve for slice images

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Multiple 2D Slices: Hadamard Encoding

3D Imaging

Lab Report

First Excitation

Second Excitation

Why simultaneously excite two slices?

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Multiple 2D Slices: Hadamard Encoding

3D Imaging

Lab Report

First Excitation

Second Excitation

SNR boost by

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Multiple 2D Slices: 3D Volume

3D Imaging

Lab Report

Can combine multi-slice, hadamard, and parallel imaging along slice dimension

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3D K-space

3D Imaging

Lab Report

Can acquire 3D data instead

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3D K-space

3D Imaging

Lab Report

Faster encoding by using efficient sampling schemes

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2D Multiple Slices vs 3D K-space Imaging

3D Imaging

Lab Report

  • Gaps in slice direction usually

  • Long/high SAR pulses needed for good slices

  • Less use of gradients

  • Can make use of dead time (T2 weighted long TR)

  • Lots of control over contrast (T1w, T2w, etc)

  • Simpler reconstruction

  • No XYZ gaps

  • Short/low SAR RF pulses

  • Efficient use of gradient encoding

  • Can’t make use of dead time

  • Less control over contrast (GE, mix T1 & T2, etc)

  • Complex reconstruction

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Lab Report Office Hours!

3D Imaging

Lab Report