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Wednesday Sept. 19, 2018 B Day

  • 10 minute reading rate/yellow sheet check
  • Power of Yet video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLeUvZvuvAs
  • Reflection/check in on Google Classroom--due today--when finish quietly read your novel or work on your story draft.
  • WWW 4-- new cards
  • Book talk--tape directions in reading workshop notebook; sign up as I show examples.
  • Reading Workshop: Reading and Writing Anchor text partner practice for assessment. “Freedom” by Nina Takahashi
  • Writing Workshop: drafting--be ready to share in a writing group Friday.

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Planner check--neat, filled out, organized, yellow sheets.

Notebook/organization check:

Table of Contents and organization for reading and writing notebooks

WWW score track sheet

Novels read sheet.

WWW cards--neat and complete, all on ring