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SVPM New Member Onboarding Training – Sprint 31

Nov 2023

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Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives:

  • Agile and Scrum Values and Principles,
  • Organization as it relates to Agile/Scrum
  • Tools we use at SVPM

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  • Introductions- Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  • Agile Principles and Scrum Framework
  • Difference between Agile and Waterfall
  • SVPM Scrum Schedule
  • SVPM Teams and Roles
  • SVPM Tools Checklist
  • Tools used :
    • WordPress
    • Slack
    • Trello (Hands On Lab)
    • LinkedIN
    • Google Drive
    • Other tools: Doodle Survey/when-2-meet, Miro/Muro/Jamboard/Conceptboard , Zoom
  • Evaluation
  • Next Steps

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3 min. each

  • Name, location, why you joined SVPM, what team you’ve been assigned (ex. CAM, DD, SAM, HS&S, F&S), Agile/Scrum background (if any)
  • Have you used collaboration tool (MS Teams, Slack, etc..) or an Agile tool like (Trello, JIRA, Asana etc..) before
  • Add your LinkedIn URL in the chat (if you wish)
  • One to two things you would like to get out of the class today
  • Your favorite hobby or fun fact about you


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Agile and Scrum���

�Agile – Is a Mindset with Values, Principals, and Practices.

Scrum – Is a Framework of practices that applies the Agile mindset and principles to deliver valuable product in the shortest amount of time. While Agile has its values, Scrum has additional values.


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Agile Manifesto:��While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more

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Agile Manifesto:�Its 12 Principles

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Scrum Values

Scrum isn't a strategy. It is a non-repeatable kind of process. Scrum is a framework of standards, roles, and practices. The framework enables individuals and organizations to find out what works best for them. The Scrum processes are specific and stick to the time and context.

5 Scrum Values: FORCC

  • Focus
  • Openness
  • Respect
  • Courage
  • Commitment

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Three Pillars of Scrum�� Transparency� Inspection� Adaptation

  • Originally, the Scrum guide was based on the three pillars of Scrum. Those three pillars are- Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation. These pillars are to ensure the team works collaboratively, adapt to the changes and respect each other’s decisions during work.

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COMMUNICATION is key please make sure to communicate with your Scrum master ex. Missing meetings, etc…90% of projects fail due to lack of communication

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Waterfall vs. Scrum

Waterfall Gantt Chart- A tool used by project managers in 90% of new projects. It is based on a step-by-step long plan to follow that is change resistant! We at ASVPM and our SVPM Scrum team Program will not be using the Waterfall Gantt Chart tool.


Scrum cycle- A new way of project management using shorter cycles, working as a team and welcoming change(s) to customers’ requests thus fostering continuing improvement. We will be using Scrum cycle as a tool at SVPM.

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SVPM Scrum Team Member Onboarding Checklist


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Sprint 31 Schedule

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Volunteer Roles


Mentor and/or Agile Leader

Servant leaders within SVPM who have been volunteers in SVPM for several sprints, have fulfilled the role(s) of SM and/or PO, have exhibited Leadership qualities, and want to continue in SVPM to share knowledge and best practices with the whole SVPM community and to contribute to the growth of SVPM.

Qualify as a Mentor/ Agile Leader = Minimum of 2 Sprint Cycles as a SM/PO.


Owns the Product Backlog Items and drives all requirements and prioritization in the backlog based on the vision of the organization.


Servant leader helps facilitates meeting and removes impediments that block the development team from moving forward with completing requirements.

Qualify to PO = Minimum 2 Sprint Cycles as SM (in most cases).

Dev Team

Self organized team member (also known as the development team member), who’s role is to work in collaboration with their team’s SM and PO as a “Scrum Team” to refine, plan, and complete sprint backlog work increments.

Qualify to SM = Minimum 2 Sprint Cycles (full-participation).

Teams and Roles

Note: There are exceptions.

For further info. see link below:

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Scrum Teams

  • CAM- Web content and membership management (ex. Website Membership, Maintenance, and Management, Linkedin Page, User Volunteer Registration, Monthly Publications, etc..)

  • D&D- Website Design and Development (ex. Plugin, Page Design and Development, etc..)

  • SAM- Drive analytics to obtain Marketing Insights (ex. SEO, Google Analytics, etc..)

  • HS&S- Host Services, Platform Security

  • F&S- Fund Raising and Sponsorship


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Scrum Team Focus: CAM (Content Admin & Management)�PO – Nicholas Couples�SM – Ramon Silva�

  • Website Content and Membership Management
    • Website Membership, Maintenance & Management
      • Author Registrations & Publications
        • Internal (Volunteer)
        • External (Subscriber)
      • Publication Control / Editing
        • Blog Posts
        • YouTube Videos & Other Presentations
          • SVPM Promotions
          • Training Presentations
          • SVPM Team & Leadership Interviews
        • User Authorization
          • Publication Review & Approval
          • Publication Compliance
          • Blog Post Comments Review & Approvals
    • LinkedIn Page
      • Drive Content Objectives & Themes
        • Agile Practices & Project Management Professional Community Support
      • Drive Content Initiatives
        • Coordinate with Marketing
        • Respond to Data Insights

CAM (Content Administration Management)

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Scrum Team Focus: D&D (Design & Development)�PO – Meghana Panth & Soumya Rajan�SM – Rose Woo & Soumya Raja

  • Website Design, Development, & WP Administration

    • Page Design & Development
      • Page formats and layouts
      • Wireframes / mockups
      • Usability and user experience
      • User specifications and functionality

    • Site maintenance
      • Access Controls / WordPress roles
      • Software updates
      • Modifications
      • Deprecation (removals)

    • WordPress Plug-Ins
      • Evaluations of functionality and reliability
      • Installations
      • Integrations and testing

D&D (Design and Development)

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  • Analytics, Optimization (SEO) & Marketing Insights
    • Drive Analytics to Obtain Marketing Insights
      • Maintain Insights Dashboard
      • Run User / Subscriber Surveys
      • Implement & Maintain Analytic Tools
        • Google Analytics
      • Monitor Website Traffic & Use
      • Produce Analytic Reports
      • Validate User Value
      • Compare Survey Results
      • Program Integration Directives and Initiatives
      • Provide Insights for:
        • Strategic Decisions
        • Campaigns & Recruitment
        • Continual Improvement
        • Internal and External Community User Value

SAM (SEO and Marketing)

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Host Services

Access Controls

Backup & Restore




Document Storage

User Permissions

Stripe & GiveWP

HS & S (Host Services and Security)

HS&S is a Kanban Team:

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F & S (Fundraising and Sponsorship)

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Change Ownership of Google Drive- documents


Depending on the team which folder for artifacts

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SVPM Scrum Team Slack Channels



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Configure notifications in Slack


Update your email preferences to email notifications when slack is closed


  • Set your slack to send notifications
  • Need to use the @ sign when sending slack message
  • Subscribe to needed channels (i.e. ask volunteers to join #ask-me-anything slack channel)
  • Put your State (or Country) and time zone at the end of your name.
  • Check in on the SVPM Slack channels at least 3 times a day.

Most Important Channels:



Z Channels for PBIs


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Slack & Trello: SVPM’s Team Communication Tools�Slack & Trello Integration��Note: Store important artifacts in your teams' Google Drive artifacts folder.

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WP- Admin

To reset the WordPress password, send a message here.


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SVPM Trello Board:

  • Product Owners:
    • Own and manage the Trello PBI Cards in the product backlog.
      • Trello Cards are also referred to as Product Backlog Items or Product Backlog Increments (PBIs).

  • Scrum Masters:
    • Facilitate the self-assigning of the PBI Cards by developers of the Scrum Team during the Sprint Planning Ceremony

  • Scrum Team Members:
    • Manage their self-assigned PBIs, updating them and moving them to their appropriate columns (i.e. Sprint Backlog, Sprint in Progress, Done) accordingly.

  • Key Trello Card Information Fields & Settings:
    • Search & Filter
    • PBI Title
    • PBI Number
    • Team Label
    • Assigned Scrum Team Member
    • Description
    • Points
    • Comments
      • Communication Features
        • @Tags
        • Links
        • Attachments


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SVPM Trello Board:



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Slack Apps


Poker Planner


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Trello (Exercise)

  • On your PBI
  • Add Comment- Hi @OAT Team
  • Any Attachment

2. Add Points to cards and move to various buckets

    • 2 points of work when you are in ‘Sprint in Progress’
    • 3 points when it’s ‘Done’

3. Filter-Search Card- find your card


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WordPress Servers

  • WordPress- content management system

- SVPM website - https://svprojectmanagement.com

-https://svprojectmanagement.com/wp-admin (production environment)

-http://pmoleaders.com/wp-admin (administrators))


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Select SVPM website - https://svproje


Hoover over ‘Work With Us’ (top right)

Select Contribute a Blog

Select Sign-up to Blog

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LinkedIn and Meetup


Follow & be a part of SVPM on LinkedIn!

You can access the SVPM LinkedIn Page Here: (Click on ‘Follow’)


Review the following document to understand how to add yourself to the SVPM LinkedIn Page:

How to Add Yourself to the SVPM LinkedIn Page


Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/agile-and-scaled-value-project-management-asvpm/


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LearnPress: SVPM Learning�Management System

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Learning Support


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Training Wrap Up

  • Slack Channel- Ask-Me-Anything- Ask any training questions you have or feel free to respond


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Other SVPM Program Tools

  • SVPM Scrum Team Burndown Chart
  • Zoom
  • Doodle Poll/when-2-meet
  • Miro, Mural, Jam board, Conceptboard, GoRetro
  • Add Scrum Guide (https://scrumguides.org/)
  • ASVPM Volunteer Handbook

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  • Agile and Scrum Values and Principles,
  • Organization as it relates to Agile/Scrum
  • Tools we use at SVPM

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  • Evaluations


  • Next Steps


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Questions & Comments

Thank you for your Leadership & Support!