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"Social Media Strategies for SoTL" warm-up

As we assemble, post on the front table...

What are you most excited about learning during this session?

How many "social media" platforms do you currently use?

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Social Media

Strategies for SoTL

S. Raj Chaudhury (@bestlab)

Phil Edwards (@pme919)

Jen Friberg (@jacfriberg13)�w/ Sophia Abbot (@sophia_abbot)

& John Draeger (@JohnDraeger)


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A&O’s Charge and this Workshop’s Objective

The Advocacy & Outreach (A&O) committee fosters discussion within ISSoTL about the relevance of SoTL for policy debates within and outside the academy, engaging in such discussions through the organization’s website, listserv, special interest groups, and conferences. It also provides guidelines and models to help ISSoTL members share research-based insights on teaching and learning with audiences within and outside the academy, including the media and policy makers.

We view social media as a key tool to help advocate for SoTL�and reach broader audiences.

This workshop will focus on ways in which important discussions can be started, maintained, and sustained via four specific social media platforms.

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Our experiences

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Levels of Impact for SoTL A&O

(Poole & Simmons, 2013)

We view social media as an important platform for advocacy and outreach for SoTL and ISSoTL at each of these levels.

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# and @

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@UofSouthAlabama ‏






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Practice: Creating an effective (A&O) hashtag

Scenario: A&O is exploring ways to share and compile resources/conversations in a targeted manner between conferences and might want to do this using a hashtag on Twitter. What would an effective hashtag be like for this purpose?

Condition 1: Relatively short (e.g., NOT #AdvocacyAndOutreachISSOTL)

Condition 2: Relatively meaningful (e.g., NOT #AO)

Condition 3: Relatively uncommon (e.g., NOT #Advocacy)

Tweet out your proposals!�(#SoTLSocialMedia; or @bestlab, @jacfriberg13, @pme919, #ISSOTL17)

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SoTL Blogging

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SoTL Blogging

A blog offers the chance to engage in A&O in an open, (mostly) non-restricted manner to:

  • Share SoTL resources
  • Offer opinions/reflections on SoTL
  • Provide summaries of scholarship on teaching and learning
  • Provide broad or narrow “updates” on SoTL
  • Publish perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders on SoTL

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Examples of SoTL Blogs

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YouTube Channels

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YouTube Channels

  • Video products - live recordings or scripted
  • Higher bar for production values
  • Share, comment, mobile-friendly
  • Analytics available

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YouTube channels

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YouTube channels

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YouTube channels

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‘Raag Asavari’

Concert video

Online 3.5 years

50,000+ views

10 min long

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1 year’s data

~2.5 min

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World wide views

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Facebook &

Facebook Live

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Facebook/Facebook Live

  • Use FB to broadcast live video
  • Need admin access to an FB page
  • Personal or professional page?
  • Advertise (via Twitter, Blogs, FB, other social media)
  • Live chat via comments feature on FB

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Facebook/Facebook Live Considerations

  • Permissions from presenters
  • Accessibility - links/devices
  • Bandwidth/length
  • Production values - audio, video, lighting

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For ANY form of social media involvement...

Think carefully about

WHAT you’re trying to share,

WHO you’re trying to share it with, and

HOW you can consistently do so.

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Discussion of possibilities

(and, possibly, the airing of grievances)

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  • Where and how do you start with social media?
  • How can you develop a sustainable social media plan that protects your time?
  • How might personal/professional identities be impacted by social media?
  • How can social media help with professional networking?
  • What expectations are there for civility via social media?
  • How do you pick your topics for a&o via social media?
  • How can social media support focused/diffuse conversations?
  • How do you coordinate sharing via multiple platforms?
  • What are additional considerations when using social media with students?

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Who inspires you on social media in SoTL?

[Facebook Live Demo]

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Innovation in Learning Center, Univ. of South Alabama

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In closing…

  • If you’re interested in getting involved with the A&O committee, give us your name and email address. We will be in contact!

  • Practice tweeting proposals -- #SoTLSocialMedia -- for the A&O hashtag!

  • We will be here throughout the upcoming break to assist anyone who wants help setting up accounts and to address questions!

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Thank you!

@bestlab | @jacfriberg13 | @pme919

w/ @sophia_abbot | @JohnDraeger