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Skill: Asking for Help

Everyone Needs Help Sometimes, so Why Is It So Hard to Ask for It?

Sometimes people don’t know where to go for help, sometimes they’re embarrassed to ask for it. How do we fix that?

Grades: 9-12

Benchmark(s): 9-12.SoA.4.1, 4.2, 4.3

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On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you agree? Why?

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What connection(s) do you see between our topic and any of these values? Why?

4 of 12

Alex is struggling to stay organized between all of her classes at school. It seems like she’s always forgetting due dates and her missing assignments are piling up. She feels like just giving up one half of her classes because they're lost causes. Alex needs advice about what to do.

How should Alex handle this situation? What’s important to consider?

If you could go back in time to convince your younger self to ask for help more when they needed it, what would you say?

Picture this!

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TIP #1:

It sounds basic, but make sure you ask the person if they have time to help you. If you need to wait, be polite and respectful about it.

The person you need help from might be busy. Even if you can't tell, they might be busy thinking about something.

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What would you comment on this video? When we have an opportunity or a window to ask for help, what could make someone hold back and not reach out for help?

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TIP #2:

When you’re describing the help you need, try to be as clear and specific as you can. This helps the person to provide better help and to do it faster.

You might need to think ahead of time about how to explain your problem, what information you’ll need to bring, etc. This shows respect for the person’s time.

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Hayden is getting overwhelmed trying to keep up with his schoolwork plus working as much as his job wants him to work. He needs some advice about what to do next—how to balance the demands that school and work are putting on him.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

9 of 12

Jeremy’s boss at his fast food job tells him to "organize the freezer." Jeremy’s never done this before. His boss looks really busy but there are a few more experienced employees nearby who may be able to help.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

10 of 12

Blake’s trying to write personal statements for her college applications, and she knows it's really important to make a good impression. She just wants someone to read over what she’s written to make sure she didn't misspell any words or screw up the grammar.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

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At work, Sarah’s trying to take drive through orders on her headset and she’s also trying to make french fries. She’s pretty overwhelmed. Sarah notices that another employee is making ice cream treats but she knows this is a task they could do later when the store is less busy.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

12 of 12

The skills and values that we discussed included: