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Decolonization & New Nations Notebook

This Digital Interactive Notebook is designed to help you better understand the Modern World era. It includes pages on vocabulary, people, and key events that have taken place over the last several decades.

On each page you will see text boxes where you can type responses. Simply click in the box and begin typing to provide your response. You can also add your own text boxes by clicking on the text box icon ( ). You also will need to add images to various pages. You can do this by copying and pasting or by right-clicking the image placeholder icons ( ) and selecting “Replace Image…”. You can then search the web for an image or select one from your computer.


  • Vocabulary
  • History of Iran
  • Israel-Palestine Conflict
  • History of Afghanistan
  • History of Decolonization of Africa
  • End of Apartheid
  • Major War in Africa in 20th Century

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Modern World Illustrated Vocabulary

Directions: Research each vocabulary term below and type your own definition in the 2nd row. For the 3rd row, place an image that symbolizes it. Right click the image placeholder and select “Replace Image…” then you can search the web for a good image to represent each vocabulary term.

Vocab Word


Osama Bin Laden


Saddam Hussein


Nelson Mandela

African National Congress


Conservative, anti- western group that supported Bin Laden Controlled much of Afghanistan

Orchestrated 9/11 attacks. Used bases in Afghanistan to train recruits. Killed in 2011 in Pakistan

The september 11, 2001 attacks on the United States by Al-Qaeda

Iran politician and Revolutionary who served as the 5th president of Iraq (1979-2003)

A policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race (South Africa)

South African Anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president from 1994-1999

Political party in South Africa which came out of a liberation movement. Has governed the country since 1994


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20th century History of Iran

Directions: Read the information on this slide and answer the questions. You can also learn more on the history of 20th century history of Iran here. Then complete the information for the slide.

Describe at least one Internal challenge in Iran

Describe at least one external challenge to Iran

One internal challenge in Iran was __________________________________.

One external challenge to Iran was _________________________________.

PAHLAVI DYNASTY (1921 - 1978)

Military commander Reza Khan seizes power & is crowned Reza Shah Pahlavi. During WWII, he is deposed and replaces with his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (r. 1941 - 1979) who was pro-Western. In 1951, Parliament votes to nationalize the oil industry and Mohammed Mossadeq become prime minister. The Shah was exiled but the US & Britain engineered a coup & the Shah returned from exile. The Shah undertakes a modernization plan and becomes increasingly authoritarian in the 1970s.


In 1979, the Shah and his family are forced into exile and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile. The “Islamic Republic of Iran” was proclaimed. This theocratic government imposed strict Shari’a (Muslim) Law, including dress codes for men and women, and opposed western influence. From 1980 - 1988, Iran fought a war with Iraq, ending in a cease-fire. In 1995, the US imposes oil and trade sanctions over Iran's alleged sponsorship of terrorism, quest for nuclear arms, and hostility to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In 1999, Pro-Democracy students protest in Tehran & more than 1000 are arrested.


US President George Bush describes Iraq, Iran and North Korea as an "axis of evil", warning of long-range missiles being developed in these countries. Conflicts ensue over Iran’s nuclear program and resistance to UN inspections of their nuclear facilities. US sanctions against Iran reach a high in 2007. In 2009, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the election but is accused of election fraud; protests ensue. In 2015, a deal is reached regarding Iran’s nuclear program in which UN inspections will be allowed and international sanctions lifted. Post 2020, Iranian authorities have severely restricted freedoms of assembly and expression, due process,and women’s rights.

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Israel-Palestine Conflict

Directions: This conflict is often cast as a long term fight going back thousands of year about religion. What is the truth about the conflict. Everyone in the world has an opinion about it and the conflict continues. Then answer the questions on the slide.

Theodore Herzl believed _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Describe the ideas of Theodore Herzl.

After WWII it was determined the region _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Describe what happened after WWII

The Balfour Declaration was _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

What was the Balfour Declaration?

What happened in 1967?

What was the PLO?

In 1967 ____________________________________________.

The PLO was _______________________________________________

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Directions: Afghanistan has a short history, but truly began to escalate after 9/11 Drag and drop to sort the events below into the correct order along the timeline then write in the date each occurred in the boxes.You can use this information for the next slide to help with the timeline.

History of Afghanistan

After invading Afghanistan in 1979, the Soviets occupied the country for 10 years. Eventually anti-Communist forces, such as the Mujihadeen which would, supported by the United States and Pakistan ousted the USSR. These anti-Communist forces included Islamic groups who began to fight for control. A faction emerged from the Mujahideen called the Taliban which seized the capital city of Kabul in 1996. By the fall of 1998, the Taliban controlled more than two-thirds of the country. Backed by conservative religious forces in Pakistan, the Taliban provided a base of operations for Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden came from a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia and used his wealth to support the Afghan resistance. In 1988 bin Laden founded al-Qaeda, or “the Base,” which recruited Muslims to drive Westerners out of nations with a largely Muslim population. After the Taliban seized control of much of Afghanistan, bin Laden used bases there to train al-Qaeda recruits. Osama bin Laden’s biggest mission came with the attacks of September 11, 2001. After the attacks, a coalition of NATO forces led by the United States launched a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan which that lasted 20 years. In 2002, focus shifted to Iraq & it seemed Afghanistan was entering a phase of stability and reconstruction. However, the Taliban began to regain control and NATO’s operations shifted back from “peacekeeping” to active fighting. In 2009, Obama moved the operations into a surge phase, increasing troops. Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan in 2011. A withdrawal timeline was began but Taliban activity continued and troops remained until they were finally completely withdrawn in 2021.

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Find the dates for the events and place them in the correct order

Directions: Afghanistan has a short history, but truly began to escalate after 9/11 Drag and drop to sort the events below into the correct order along the timeline then write in the date each occurred in the boxes. You can use the information from the previous slide to help with the timeline too. Move the events into the correct position on the timeline.

After 9/11, coalition of NATO forces led by US launched a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan

Bin Laden killed in Pakistan, withdrawal timeline begins

Taliban (faction of Mujahideen) seized the capital city of Kabul

The Soviets occupied the country for 10 years

Taliban controlled more than two-thirds of the country

Focus shifted to Iraq, Afghanistan seemed more stable

Obama moved the operations into a surge phase, increasing troops

Bin Laden founded al-Qaeda to drive Westerners out

Troops finally withdrawn completely

History of Afghanistan

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Find the dates for the events and place them in the correct order

Directions: The decolonization of the African continent has been a centuries long journey that witnessed dramatic upheavals in the political and socio economic lives of hundreds of millions of people. Move the events into the correct position on the timeline.

Libya declared independence from Italy and established a constitutional monarchy.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo gains independence from Belgium

South Africa has been independent of Great Britain since this year

Ghana’s independence movement against Britain leads to the forming of the Republic of Ghana

United Kingdom issued a unilateral declaration of Egyptian sovereignty

Kenya gained its independence from Britain

Backed by communist nations, Guinea-Bissau declared independence from Portugal

After a brutal civil war South Sudan becomes an autonomous nation.

The Algerian War of Independence ended and France granted Algeria Independence

History of Decolonization in Africa

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Directions: Watch the following documentary about Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. To get more information on the end of apartheid read the following information. Then answer the questions on the slide.

The government claimed the ANC were __________________________________________________________________________________________

What did the government claim about ANC?

In 1994 _________________________________________

What happened in 1994

Describe the Rivonia Trial and What Mandela said.

Nelson Mandela & End of Apartheid

Apartheid was ___________________________________________________________

What was Apartheid?

The Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act was __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Explain the “Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act”

The world respond to the Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act by _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How did the world respond to the “Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act”

Mandela was being tried for _________________________________________. He said ______________________________.

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Five Major African Wars in 20th Century

Directions: In order to present its recurrence, historians and students should consider the following five significant African Wars and conflicts in the 20th century. Explain what cause the conflict and one thing that is important to remember about each war in the chart below.

Nigerian Civil War 1967

The Lord’s Resistance Army Insurgence 1987

Somali Civil War 1991

Rwandan Genocide 1994

Eritrean - Ethiopian War 1998

This war was caused by____________________________

One thing to remember is ______________________________

This war was caused by____________________________

One thing to remember is ______________________________

This war was caused by____________________________

One thing to remember is ______________________________

This war was caused by____________________________

One thing to remember is ______________________________

This war was caused by____________________________

One thing to remember is ______________________________

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Possible Points

Earned Points

Slide 3: Complete the questions on the history of Iran


Slide 4: Complete all the information on the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Slide 6: Put the events on the timeline correctly for the History of Afghanistan


Slide 7: Put the events on the timeline correctly for the Decolonization of Africa


Slide 8: Completed all the information on Nelson Mandela and the end of Apartheid


Slide 9: Complete the information on the five major wars in Africa during the 20h Century

