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Tool: Define Your Credentials

What will you award to learners who demonstrate Employability Skills? What will the process be to award the credentials? There is no one right way to credential; discuss the topics below and decide as a Guiding Coalition.

Credential Type

Identify the credential

  • Microcredential
  • Badge
  • Certificate

Define the level at which credentials will be awarded

  • Each employability skill
  • Subset of skills
  • All skills

Define the requirements

  • Create a portfolio
  • Submit a video
  • Demonstrate skill over time
  • Present to a panel


Define the application process

  • Nomination by another students
  • Nomination by teacher
  • Nomination by workforce mentor
  • Nomination by other adult
  • Self nomination

Define the approval process

  • Committee review (if so, who is on committee?)
  • Peer review
  • Educator review
  • Workforce review


Define the credential timeline

  • How often are credentials awarded?
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • 1x per semester
  • Yearly
  • At graduation

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