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J. Graham Brown School: Spring 2023

Brought to you by:

Dr. Angela�Dr. Brian


Brown System Progress Tool LINK HERE

Formative Systems Review

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Six Systems: Focus Priority Criteria

Standards and Curriculum Implementation

Academic & Behavioral Support



1A - Schools are committed to a standards-based and culturally responsive approach to instruction in every class and content area. (RE, BP, CC)

5F - Schools are committed to ensuring teachers have a classroom management plan that aligns with the school-wide PBIS (MTSS) Plan. (RE, CC)

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Standards & Curriculum Implementation

Book Study

CR Math PD

Equity Conversations

New Materials

Whole Faculty - Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain

All Math Teachers - Received at least two texts incorporating Social Justice work in Math; PD provided during summer retreat

Equity conversations were documented on PLC minutes

$28,000 in new Culturally Responsive instructional materials for classrooms & library

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Academic & Behavioral Support


ILT provided feedback on flowchart for revision purposes

Faculty received training on revised behavior flowchart

Leadership Team developed a draft behavior flow chart




Faculty received training on New Year Expectations & developed common procedures by grade level

Faculty received training on Disciplinary Referrals 101


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Next Steps

1A - Schools are committed to a standards-�based and culturally responsive approach to�instruction in every class and content area.

  • Continued Monitoring
  • Providing Support When Needed
  • Probably Won’t Be a Focus for 2023-24

5F - Schools are committed to ensuring teachers have a classroom management plan that aligns with the school-wide PBIS (MTSS) Plan.

  • Continued Monitoring
  • Providing Time Before the 2023-24 School Year Starts for Teachers to Collaborate on Common Procedures to Share with Students
  • ILT Will Determine If This is a Continued Focus for 2023-24

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Academic Vital Signs - MAP Reading

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Academic Vital Signs - MAP Math

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Academic Vital Signs - College Readiness

Class of 2023

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Academic Vital Signs - ACT Spring 2023

Average Score .

Math 21.6

Science 24.5

English 24.1

Reading 25.8

Composite 24.1

Class of 2024

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Behavior Vital Signs


School-Based Referrals

Out of School Suspensions

In-School Removals

ES (287 students)

Black - 75 students

Hispanic - 17 students

White - 149 students

All - 6.9%

Black - 12%

Hispanic - 5.6%

White - 3.3%


All - 1%

Black - 0%

Hispanic - 0%

White - 1.3%

MS (220 students)

Black - 37 students

Hispanic - 13 students

White - 141 students

All - 8.6%

Black - 13.5%

Hispanic - 13.3%

White - 6.4%


All - 1.8%

Black - 0%

Hispanic - 13.3%

White - 0.7%

HS (231 students)

Black - 46 students

Hispanic - 7 students

White - 154 students

All - 7.3%

Black - 4.3%

Hispanic - 0%

White - 8.4%

All - 1.3%

Black - 0%

Hispanic - 0%

White - 1.9%

All - 2.6%

Black - 0%

Hispanic - 0%

White - 3.2%

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Racial Equity

Equity Conversations

Happening as a standard agenda item during PLCs and are guiding curricular work

Curricular Materials

$28,000 spent on classroom and library materials that are being integrated into instruction

Multicultural Book List

Provided by DEP and used to help staff guide purchases and selections

Culturally Responsive Instructional Practice

Teachers/PLCs are documenting their work/artifacts. Teachers are showing growth in the teaching and learning being provided to students.

Diversity in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment

For the 2022-23 school year, Brown will increase the volume of diverse resources and classroom materials by 30% from the previous year.