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Dundracon 2024: Wizards/Companions of Sihir Covenant

Jack Goodberry,

“Fey Lover” Illusion

Eskimiş the Decrepit,


Egon the Crafter

Gizem the Lost

Seeker of mysteries

Alev The Torch

Dahi Minare,

Head Researcher

Brother Kurt Adam

Liaison to Church

Ruh Bükücü, Spiritualist

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Mythic Europe

It’s just like historical Europe in the year 1,200…if every superstition, legend and wives tale you ever heard were true.

  • There are faeries.
  • Wizards can turn you into a newt.
  • A gypsy can curse you with the evil eye.
  • Sacred ground does protect you by suppressing magic…somewhat.
  • Supernatural beasts lurk at night.

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Raw Magic (Vis)

  • Is required to make any magical effect permanent.
  • Can be consumed to heighten a magical spell.
  • Can be studied/experimented with to increase a wizard’s magical strength.
  • Can warp places and beings through prolonged contact

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The Covenant of Sihir

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The Covenant of Sihir (Magical Research Lab)

A fortified spa on top of font of raw magic.

Located at Pammakule near the ruin of the Roman city of Hierapolis. This is in the Thebes Tribunal of the Order of Hermes.

There are eight labs, several guardhouses, servants’ quarters, and a bathhouse where visitors pay to access the curative powers of the hot springs.

The wizards tolerate this because they need to eat.

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