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CCIO Reset

December 9, 2021

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What’s Next?

Skate to where the Puck is going!

“Hockey is Life”

- Mary Hand, CCIO @ Adirondack

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SUNY CCIO Survey due Dec 3/2021

  • List the top 3 concerns that you have for your school
  • What does System Administration do that you want them to continue?
  • What would you like them to stop doing?

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CCIO Survey - Institutional IT Concerns & Priorities


(Dec 6/2021)

  • 19 responses
    • 8 CC, 7 Comp, 3 tech & 1 U
  • Top Priorities
    • Staffing
    • Cybersecurity
    • Funding
    • Projects
      • DLE
      • MFA
      • SUNY Print Initiative
      • VAX reporting

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CCIO Survey - What are you doing well


(Dec 6/2021)

  • SOC****
  • CPD, SUNY Online
  • Contracts
  • Communities of Practice
  • Projects like SSII
    • Outside vendor assistance
  • student laptops in May 2020

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CCIO Survey - What are you doing poorly (1/2)


(Dec 6/2021)

  • understanding the differences (staffing levels, skill set, maturity of processes) in IT departments across the System
  • enforcing mandates without understanding the impact on different institutions
  • Communication uncoordinated from within SUNY
    • goes to a variety of sources and CIOs are not included

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CCIO Survey - What are you doing poorly (2/2)


(Dec 6/2021)

  • Unfunded mandates***
  • Procurement
    • long and tedious
    • one size doesn’t fit all
  • unrealistic timelines on projects and mandates
    • more solutions to assist schools complete projects
  • No IT Roadmap
    • IT Governance of SUNY projects

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CCIO Comments (1/2)

I think we need to come to a realization that even though we are a system there is no one size fits all solution. At this point, I really don't need to be stressing over printing. My campus has had a handle on printing for over a decade, we only purchase multi function devices that are on the network and are fully covered as we pay per click. Our student printing solution is completely sustainable and no state funds are used to support it. On the other hand I have needs, like security that I'm sure other campuses have a better handle on.

Could System Admin put a group of technical experts together as an advising body for projects. For example the VAX project could have been easier on our end if campus experts were engaged from the beginning. They know the systems and the data, in that instance Campus Safety Monitors and CIO's were not the groups to engage on a technical level. Together we have a very deep talent pool that could be drawn from.

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CCIO Comments (2/2)

If IT related initiatives are going to be emailed to the campus presidents perhaps cc the CIO group so that we can be informed and prepared to answer questions.

What is the Big Picture at System Admin, what is the vision moving forward?

What do they want to see the campuses doing?

How do they want us reporting data or what projects do we need to focus on?

We are all trying to satisfy many stake holders including System Admin and at times things seem to just pop up that maybe we could have been made more aware of earlier.

Thanks for asking for this information and for all the great support and effort.

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