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Assistive Technology and Universal Design

Clara Noomah

Instructional Designer

UAF eCampus

Marissa Jesser

Student Accommodations Manager

UAF Disability Services

Mar. 10, 2021

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What is Assistive Technology?

"Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities."

  • Disabilities Act of 1988






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Universal Design

The design and composition of an environment so that it may be accessed, understood and used

  • To the greatest possible extent
  • In the most independent and natural manner possible
  • In the widest possible range of situations
  • Without the need for adaptation, modification, assistive devices or specialised solutions, by any persons of any age or size or having any particular physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual ability or disability.

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Context at UAF

Personal Tool

  • Used in daily life
  • Student owned (e.g., wheelchair, sunglasses)


  • Specific to academics
  • Provided by Disability Services (e.g., adjustable desk, video remote interpreting)

Less Common:

  • Captioning
  • Speech to text
  • Roger Pen
  • Transcription

Spring 2021

Most Used:

  • 50% audio recording
  • 37% screen reader
  • 20% tablet or laptop in class
  • 20% assistive note taking

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  • Assistive Note Taking
    • Sonocent/ Glean
    • Note Taking Express
    • Livescribe Pen
  • Screen reader compatible content
    • Course materials
    • Textbooks
  • Calculator
  • Headphones
  • Controlled Lighting

Directing attention where you want.

To focus the mind on one subject, object, or thought without being distracted.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Anxiety Disorders



Migraine headaches

Sleep disorders

Acquired Brain Injury

Specific Learning disorders

Brain Fog

Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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  • Providing assignments in advance
  • Detailed instruction and expectations
  • Refrain from spontaneous changes

A set of techniques used to make learning, problem-solving, and task completion more efficient.

Designing and maintaining systems for keeping track of information + materials.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Traumatic brain injury

Brain Fog

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Universal Design Principles

  • Organizational software
  • Timers and reminders
  • Color coding
  • Assistive Note-taking Systems (See Focus)

Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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Question time

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  • Screen reader compatible materials
  • Google Extensions
  • Reading focus cards
  • Screen masking
  • Talking and picture dictionaries
  • Texthelp’s Read&Write

Reading with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Understanding and interpreting what is read.

Specific Learning Disorders

Acquired Brain injury


Brain Fog

Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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Fine Motor Control

  • Speech to text
    • Dragon
    • Google Docs
  • Assistive Note Taking

(See Focus)

  • Electronic content not pointer dependent
  • Quizzes, Test, Exams
    • Scribe and/ or verbal response
  • Lab assistant

Making movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists.

Acquired brain injury


Autoimmune disorder

Blood disorder

Cerebral palsy

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic pain


Lyme disease

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscular Dystrophy

Carpal Tunnel/ Trigger Finger

Restricted Limb use


Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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Question time

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Hearing/Processing Speech

  • Assistive listening device (hearing aid)
  • Roger Pen
  • Interpreting
  • Captioning
  • Transcription
  • Written notifications/ instructions
  • Flashing fire alarms

A problem with or damage to one or more parts of the ear.

Trouble hearing clearly, understanding speech, and interpreting various sounds.

Acquired brain injury

Meniere's disease

Autoimmune inner ear disease



Single-Sided Deafness

Ear infection

Lyme disease


Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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  • Audio recording
  • Braille
  • Screen reader compatible content (see Focus)
  • Content not pointer dependent
  • Large Print

Any kind of vision loss, whether it's someone who cannot see at all or someone who has partial vision loss.

Low vision


Color blindness

Digital eye strain

Adaptive Technology


Common Diagnoses

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Closing Thoughts

Introductory Level

  • Go check some of these things out!

Interactive Process = Trial and Error

Referring Students

  • Express concern
  • Describe observations
  • Provide resources including Disability Services