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Does higher Ph make the plant grow bigger


8th grade

Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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The purpose of my project is to see what different kind of PH leveled liquids such as coffee orange juice and water would have an effect to my plants. I put my plant in three different cups for each different liquid. What I think is going to have more of an effect and if going to work better is the water because it is something we have use over the years and something that is going to fail easily is the orange juice. What I’m trying to change is to see what other liquid will help plants grow healthier and better as in strength how tall it is going to get etc. What i did was make sure i gave each plant the same amount of liquid every other day and constantly check on them to and check there hight to. The results that I got was that water worked better than coffee and orange juice yet also coffee worked really well and the plant did not end up drying while orange juice killed the plant. After all my experiment was very much fun to do and I really recommend on doing it if you have the time for me it was the best time and I had a great shock on my results.

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Purpose Statement

I want to do this project because I am interested on how ph and different kinds of liquids will change the plants growth. I am trying to discover if different levels of ph or different liquids will change the growth and development of the plant. The results from this project will add on to my question is that it can go into more details. Then show my point in how different ph different liquid can change or affect the plants growths or development. The information gained from my project can help others so they can know what kind of liquids and amount of ph will help and make a plant grow bigger or maybe even make it grow faster.

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My hypothesis is that with many different liquids there can be a chance that with one liquid the plant can grow bigger and with the other plants it can make it grow smaller you never know. I believe that the plant will grow bigger with water than with orange juice or coffee. I think that because water has always been the main source that we use and it always works.

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Experimental Procedures and



  • Cups
  • Pots
  • flowers(any kind)
  • Measuring cups
  • Water, juice. Coffee
  • marker(to label which pot has what liquid)
  • Dirt
  • shovels


  • Make sure to have all your materials
  • Put your 3 different liquid in different cups
  • Make sure you have your plants already grown
  • Label the plants cup with liquid your going to put
  • Put 1 cup each of the right liquid in the plant
  • Make a table to see the progress of all 3 plants
  • Check plants every day
  • On table put the amount of ph your puting each day

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Experimental Results



JUICE(6.6 ph)

COFFEE(9.7 ph)

WATER(19 ph)

December 7,2023




December 9,2023




December 11,2023




KEY what happened was that I gave the

PH= POTENTIAL OF HYDROGEN liquid every other day and with in

ML= MILLILITER afew days I got my results.

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Analysis of Experimental


After I collected my data and made my observations I learned that other than water coffee also works really well to help a plant grow. I thought it would have died on the second day when it did not in fact it continued to grow. These results helped me to respond to my hypothesis by giving more information than I originally had and it also ended up adding more information to my knowledge.

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My project for the science fair has been really easy and simple. My hypothesis was that water would be the one that works better than coffee and orange juice, with the data I have collected it has been proven that water is the one that works better. Yet i did notice that coffee also worked really well on helping the plant. My results proved that my hypothesis was on the right track only one thing that i did not expect to happen which was coffee helping the plant grow. A new question that came to mind was how does ph have an effect on a plant or does ph really actually do an affect. Something that i would change from my experiment is that i would have known that the plant that had the orange juice would have died first. I would most definitely continue my topic so i would be able to answer the questions I have in mind.

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Someone I want to give thanks to is my sister. She has been the one helping me throughout my school year and she really helped me on this project. She helped me to be able to find the levels of ph on the liquids and when i wouldn’t understand something she was just there to help me. So i am really thankful for her in helping me in school and outside of school.

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Bibliography and


Government webestie (2020, December 19) Agriculture Victoria Soil acidity


Kym Pokorny and weston miller (2021, July 23) Oregon State University Keeping PH in the right range is essential


Agritec International (2023 only year was given) Agritec international How does PH affect plant growth
