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Course Selection Information 2024-2025

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Welcome, LAMS & MVMS Parents!

Mrs. Gonzales


Mr. Williams

Assistant Principal (A-L)

Ms. Bippert

Assistant Principal (M-Z)

Mrs. Chadwell

Academic Dean

Mr. Peña

Counselor (A-L)

Mrs. Brewer

Lead Counselor (M-Z)

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Our Goal





Provide course information 6th-8th grade courses & available electives in the 2024-25 school year.

Provide information for those interested in entering into the MAP-Math Accelerated Program.

Provide dates and information for course selections

Elective Showcase in the Practice Gym

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LAMS Bell Schedule

9 Periods Each Day

Lunches are a separate period for each grade level

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Sample Schedule

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Middle School Requirements

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


*English/Language Arts


Social Studies

Physical Education

Fine Arts Elective (1)


English/Language Arts


American History

**HS Health/Enrichment

MS Career & College Exploration

Electives (2)


*English/Language Arts


Texas History

Physical Education

Elective (1)

*Two periods of Math & ELAR

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Honors VS Regular

How to Choose What is Best For Your Child

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What to Expect in Honors Classes

Honors Classes

  • ELAR, Math, Science & Social Studies
  • On grade level curriculum
  • Faster Pace
  • Reading level at or above grade level
  • Increase in rigor with more complexity
  • Digging deeper into the content of student to relate to real life situations/events
  • Project-based learning

Regular Classes

  • On grade level curriculum
  • Information taught at a manageable pace with a break down of information that is easier to comprehend
  • More opportunities for reteach
  • Receive high quality instruction

Students may select honors classes in all core classes or in subjects that are their strength.

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Math Pathways

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Math Accelerated Program (MAP)

Criteria for Qualifying:

MAP-Accelerated Program

  • Above grade level curriculum

  • Students who enjoy learning at a fast pace, are intrinsically motivated and want to challenge themselves.
  • Qualification Requirements must be met in order to enroll
  • Minimum of 70% at semester to remain in the course.

7th Grade:

7th & 8th Grade Curriculum

6th Grade:

6th & 7th Grade Curriculum

8th Grade:

HS Algebra

Senate Bill 2124 has been passed, which mandates that any sixth-grade student who has performed in the top 40 percent of the state on STAAR will automatically be enrolled in an advanced mathematics course by their school district or open-enrollment charter school. However, parents or guardians of such students can choose to opt their child out of the accelerated pathway. As of now, TEA has not released any additional guidelines or rules, but we will keep parents informed as more information becomes available.

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General Information

  • New & Returning
  • All information transfers from elementary schools.
  • Legal Documents
  • Special Education
  • 504
  • Dyslexia

Gifted & Talented

Special Programs

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Elective Classes

Band - Adv. & Beginner

Art & Advanced Art

Theater & Advanced Thtr.



HS Spanish I

*HS Fundamentals of Computer Science

*HS Drone Robotics

Band- Adv. & Beginner

Art & Advanced Art

Theater & Advanced Thtr.



HS Principles of Human Services

HS Spanish I

*HS Fundamentals of Computer Science

*HS Drone Robotics


Office Aide (application required)

ELA & Math Academy- Assigned based on STAAR results)





6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

***Availability based on requests***

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Beginner Band at Loma Alta!!

We learn to read & play music!

Beginners are placed in like instrument classes where we learn to read music & play songs. We focus on rhythm counting, tone, proper technique & learning as many notes as possible!



The beginner band will have a field trip to ZDT's amusement park and perform at the Texas Lutheran University Band Festival!

The beginner band typically has between 2-3 concerts their first year. We have our winter concert, spring concert and festival/contest concert! Sometimes we travel and perform for the community or other schools in our district.

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More questions? Email a director!

Frequently Asked Questions about Band

Q: Can I be in Band and play sports?

A: Yes! We work with coaches so you can participate in many activities; all the way through High School Band!!

Q: How do I choose an instrument?

A: All you need to do is choose BAND as your #1 elective

A: We will set up a time to meet with you so you can try all the different instruments with us guiding you. Then you get to select the one you did best on and liked the most!

Q: What if I don’t know anything about music?

A: That’s okay! We will teach you step by step how to: assemble and care for your instrument, read notes and rhythms and guide you through! All that is needed is enthusiasm and practice!

Q: What are the costs?

A: Cost depends on which instrument you choose. Most instruments are rented from a music store while others are rented from the school.

If finances are a concern, please email us so we can help!

Q: How do I join the Band?

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  • Learn and use the elements of art, and principles of design.
  • Express thoughts and ideas through art
  • Use the art-making process to solve problems
  • Create drawings, paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and fiber art
  • Learn art history and culture
  • Create a portfolio

6th Grade Art

What we will do:

You will also have the opportunity to compete in art contests

Advanced Art

  • We reinforce our knowledge of the elements and principles of Art by doing much more complicated and difficult projects

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Frequently Asked Questions...

  • What supplies do I need to buy for Art class?
    • Drawing set that includes: Set of Graphite Sketch pencils assortments from 6B-4H, kneading eraser, vinyl eraser, paper blending stumps, and a hand sharpener
    • woodless colored pencils
    • Watercolor paint set
    • 7*10 Spiral or hard bound mixed media notebook

  • Where is the best place to buy supplies?
    • ROSS! or
    • Five Below

  • I don’t think I am good at art, should I still take this class?
    • YES! Many students who believed they were not good, grew to be great through practice, instruction, and perseverance.

  • How do you grade art projects? Will I get a bad grade if I am not “talented?”
    • Every project is graded with rubrics that are based upon three important criteria:
      • Craftsmanship- Did the artist take the time to carefully do the work?
      • Followed the instructions- Did the artist follow the instructions of the assignment?
      • Effort- Does the artist’s work show that they took their time and put a lot of effort into their project?
  • What if I want to be in art competitions, but I cannot take art due to another elective?
      • That’s okay! We have Art Club! See Mrs. Wilson for more information

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  • Collaborate in writing and/or performing more complex scenes.
  • Participate (cast/crew) in one full length production, as well as short plays for our feeder elementaries.
  • Learn basic stage makeup and get an introduction to special effects makeup.
  • Learn the basic foundations of technical theatre, which include the design and execution of simple set designs.
  • Introduction to pantomime, improvisation, voice, & characterizations.
  • Develop playwriting skills.
  • Learn stage terminology, directions, and blocking techniques.
  • Learn basic performance skills for presentation and short scenes/plays.
  • Explore some theatre history including, but not limited to the Greeks.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Theatre

Q: I’m shy. Can I still take Theatre?

A: Of course. I grade based on effort. Try your best and you will do just fine!

Q: Do I have to act?

A: Eventually, but acting is only one of the many aspects of Theatre. We spend time creating a safe, learning environment where you will feel comfortable performing in front of your peers.

Q: Can I take Theatre all 3 years?

A: Yes, of course!

Q: What are the prerequisites for Advanced Theatre?

A: The only requirement for taking Advanced Theatre is taking a Theatre Arts 1, either at Loma or another middle school.

Q: Can I retake Theatre 1?

A: No, if you decide to take Theatre again, you must be in the Advanced Theatre class.

Want to know more? Email Ms. Mendez 😁


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Want to learn how to sing ?

Learn the basics of vocal techniques and skills including good posture, tone quality and breath support. No experience required!

Learn to read music and sing a wide range of musical styles ranging from classical to pop and sing in foreign languages.

Students will gain self-confidence and have a sense of belonging while working as a team!


Beginner Choir Available for all students who have not had a prior year of Choir. Classes will be arranged by grade based on interest shown.

Intermediate and Advanced Choir Available for 7th and 8th graders who have already taken one year of Beginner Choir

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Q: Do I need any prior musical experience?

A: No, we welcome all creative students who are excited to express themselves through their voice!

Q:What supplies do I need?

A: We just need you! You are the instrument!

Q:What if I don’t think I can sing?

A: Choir is about singing as a group and creating a unique blended sounded! You will learn many new techniques that will help you develop your voice and help you to become a great musician.

Q: Can I play sports and be in Choir?

A: Yes! Many of our current students are involved in both. We work with the coaches to make sure you have an equal opportunity at both courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Choir

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What do we create in Journalism?

  • The Yearbook

What do we learn?

  • Ethics in reporting
  • How to ask questions
  • How to write for the public
  • Photography skills
  • Design basics

Who can take the class?

  • 7th & 8th grade students

How can Journalism help me?

  • Build leadership skills
  • Creative writing
  • Basic artistic design skills
  • Team Work

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P.E. Pre-Athletics & Athletics

Boys & Girls

Joshua Guarnero - Boys Coordinator

Jessica Burrell - Girls Coordinator

6th Grade


7th Grade


8th Grade







  • Physical Required yearly
  • Uniform Required
  • Must be enrolled in the class to try out for a sport.
  • Rank One UIL forms must be completed before the 1st Class day
  • Must try out for 2 sports minimum

No uniform required - No physical required.

No uniform required - No physical required.

No physical required - No Competitive sports offered Uniform is REQUIRED

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pre-Athletics serves as introduction to athletics.
  • Rigorous workouts including weight room.
  • Must have a uniform

  • For 7th Grade Athletics
  • For 8th Grade Athletics
  • NO - that starts in 7th Grade
  • It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but Not required
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Cross Country
  • Basketball

YES - Unless it is approved by administration due to an academic scheduling conflict.

What is Pre-Athletics?

When is a physical needed?

Does 6th Grade have any team sports?

Do I need to be in Pre-Athletics to get into Athletics?

What sports are offered?

Do I need to be in Athletics to participate or try out for a sport?

  • Soccer
  • Track
  • Tennis

7th & 8th Grade Sports for Boys & Girls

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Principles of Human Services

This course is a year long course and is worth 1 High School Credit

Explore careers, learn to make decisions, resolve conflicts, and manage family crisis

Explore employment and entrepreneurial opportunities and how to achieve them.

Family and Community topics will be taught throughout the course.

Learn communication skills, appropriate professional attire, goal setting, personal wellness and family well-being

Students will learn skills they will be able to use for life.

High School Credit

Employability skills

Career Exploration

Family and Community

Personal Success and Effort

Life Skills

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Principles of Human Services

Students are only responsible for acquiring supplies for sewing projects

All supplies will be provided for cooking labs




Learn to make your own lanyard and other useful things.

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Important Dates

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Campus Visits

January 24th

Course selection forms due back: Feb. 2nd

January 25th

Course selection forms due back: Feb. 2nd

January 25th

Course selection forms due back: Feb. 2nd



Luckey Ranch

LAMS Current 6th & 7th Graders

Jan. 29th-Feb. 2nd

Course selection forms due back:

Feb. 9th

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Course Selection Form

Parent Signature Needed

One check mark needed for each core class

Rank elective choices 1-4. One being first choice. (based on availability)

Form is returned to homeroom teacher.

**6th & 7th** grade-Social Studies teachers.)

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In Closing…..

  • Final day for any changes to course selections will be Friday, May 24th by the end of the day.
  • Elective changes after the date, cannot be changed.
  • Elective teachers will be available after the presentation in the practice gym for further questions.
  • Counselors will be in the cafeteria for questions as well.

Counselor Contact Information:

John Pena (A-L) juan.pena@mvisd.org

Wendy Brewer (M-Z) wendy.brewer@mvisd.org