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Other galaxies �

Made by: Ema Novak and Paola Lukša

Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog


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  • galaxies can range in size from a dwarf (cca 10 million stars) to massive giant galaxies (cca hundred trillion stars)

  • most galaxies in the universe are dwarf galaxies

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  • there are over 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe

  • tens of thousands of galaxies have been cataloged but only a few have been given a well-established name like the Andromeda galaxy, The Milky Way, the Magellanic clouds, the Whirlpool Galaxy, and the Sombrero Galaxy

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  • the word galaxy originates from the Greek word galaxies which literally means “milky”

  • categorization of galaxies by shape:

a) spiral galaxies - disk-shaped (our Milky Way)

b) irregular galaxies - unusual or irregular shape

c) an elliptical galaxy - ellipse-shaped light profile.

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  • most galaxies are between 1,000 and 10,000 parsecs in diameter

1 parsecs = cca 31 trillion kilometres

  • as of 2021, the most distant and primordial galaxy ever discovered is GN-z11. -13.4 billion light years

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galaxies pass through each other all the time but because the stars are so spread out, the chances of them actually touching is very unlikely

there are four galaxies that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye: the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds

the closest galaxy to the Milky Way is about 80,000 light-years away

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Most unique galaxies in our universe

The Black Eye Galaxy (M64)Constellation: Coma Berenices

Hoag’s Object (PGC54559)Constellation: Serpens

The Porpoise Galaxy (Arp 142)Type: Interacting GalaxiesConstellation: Hydra

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Antennae Galaxies


Constellation: Corvus

Arp 87 (NGC 3808A/NGC 3808B)Constellation: Leo

Centaurus A


Constellation: Centaurus

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Sombrero Galaxy (M104)Constellation: Virgo

The Southern Pinwheel (M83)Constellation: Hydra

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Impressive distant planets

  • „Out of this world“ – literally and figuratively

  • HD 189733b- gas giant, rains of liquid glass

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GJ 1214 b- Water World

  • believed to be covered completely by one gigantic ocean.
  • depths thousands of times deeper than our largest Earth oceans
  • one of the most promising planets

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CoKu Tau 4 – Baby World

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55 Cancri e–Diamond World

  • tremendous pressures and temperatures - carbon - diamond.
  • hypothetical value $27 nonillion 27000000000000000000000000000000 $

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TrES-2b–Dark World

  • reflects 1% of the light that hits it

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4 GJ 504b–Pink World

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Intergalactic travel 

  • travel between galaxies

  • enormous distances - technologically more demanding than even interstellar travel

  • technology far beyond humanity's present capabilities - only hypothetical but maybe not impossible…
  • theoretical methods:
  • a)Hypervelocity star
  • b)Artificially propelling a star
  • c)Time dilation
  • d)Possible faster-than-light methods

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The End

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