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By Mackenzie Petrucci

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Classification of a Chicken

A chicken is classified as a bird.

Facts about chickens:

  • They have feathers and wings
  • They are warm-blooded
  • They lay eggs

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Diagram of a Chicken

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Chickens can live on a farm or in your backyard. They live in a coop. It protects them by keeping them warm, dry and safe from predators. Attached to the coop, is the run. It is an open area where the chickens spend their day. Their food and water is given to them by their owners. Chickens also like to dig for bugs in the ground around their habitat.

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Diagram of a Chicken Habitat











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A Timeline of a Chicken


Baby Chick



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Babies and Parents

Baby chicks do not look like their parents when they are young. Their bodies are covered in fuzz. They grow feathers as they get older. Also as they grow, they develop a comb and wattle, that are red.



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Caring for their young

The mother hen sits on her eggs to keep them warm before they hatch. Once the eggs hatch, she still needs to sit on them to keep them warm and protected. The mother hen teaches her chicks how to search for food and water. She also chases danger away, so the babies don’t get hurt.

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How does a chicken protect itself?

Chickens can protect themselves by using their claws to dig for food and to protect themselves from predators. Roosters have spurs on the back of their legs also for defense.

Chickens can fly up 10 feet or short distances and can run fast. This keeps them safe from predators.

Chickens also have feathers. Their feathers help to protect them from cold temperatures in the winter.

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Fun Facts about Chickens

* Chickens are smart. They can problem solve and do math.

* Chickens are the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

* Chickens can recognize over 100 faces.

* Chickens can make up to 30 different sounds that each have different meanings.

* Chickens can see and dream in full color, just like we do.

* It takes 21 days to hatch an egg.

* Chickens use dirt to keep clean and keep bugs away. It is called a dust bath.

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The End