1 of 43

2 of 43

Tuesday 10/27/20

Frog Dissection

Frog CP quiz tomorrow

3 of 43

Monday 10/26/20

Fish CP quiz

Notes: Amphibians

Frog Dissection tomorrow

4 of 43

Friday 10/23/20

Fish Dissection Questions

Work on species project, frog CP, fish questions

5 of 43

Thursday 10/22/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are chordates classified?

Fish Dissection

Fish Dissection questions

***Fish color plate quiz Monday (10/26/20)***

6 of 43

Wednesday 10/21/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are chordates classified?

Fish dissection Thursday 10/22/20

Notes: Chordates

Frog CP

7 of 43

Tuesday 10/20/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are chordates classified?

Fish dissection Thursday 10/22/20

  • I will be going through corrections today
  • You should:
    • Have chordate notes copied over
    • Have 7 species pages done- if not you are behind.
    • Review fish color plate.

Discussion- Chordate slides tomorrow

8 of 43

Monday 10/19/20

nvertebrate exam correctionsI

Finish fish CP

Work on chordate notes

Work on species project

9 of 43

Friday 10/16/20

Finish exam

Fish CP

Begin copying notes into notebook

10 of 43

Thursday 10/15/20

***Invertebrate Exam***

11 of 43

Wednesday 10/14/20

Review for test tomorrow

12 of 43

Tuesday 10/13/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Notes: Worms

Invertebrate test Thursday (10/16/20)

13 of 43

Monday 10/12/20

Grasshopper/Crayfish CP quiz

Turn in Grasshopper/Crayfish CP

Turn in Grasshopper Dissection

***Invertebrate exam Thursday (10/15/20)- open note***

14 of 43

Thursday 10/8/20

Grasshopper dissection

***Quiz Monday- Grasshopper/Crayfish CP***

Grasshopper/Crayfish color plate due

Invertebrate exam Thursday (10/15/20)- open note

15 of 43

Wednesday 10/7/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Finish crayfish questions, turn in.

If needed, finish notes, work on species project.

Grasshopper “dissection” tomorrow

16 of 43

Tuesday 10/6/20

Crayfish Dissection

17 of 43

Monday 10/5/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Notes: Arthropods

Tomorrow: Crayfish dissection

18 of 43

Friday 10/2/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Clam/Squid CP Quiz


19 of 43

Thursday 10/1/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Squid Dissection

***Clam Squid CP Quiz tomorrow***

20 of 43

Wednesday 9/30/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Squid will be tomorrow

Students need to finish notes, some need to finish test corrections, work on species project.

21 of 43

Tuesday 9/29/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: How are invertebrates classified?

Notes: Invertebrates

Squid Dissection tomorrow

22 of 43

Monday 9/28/20

Virtual” clam dissection- follow materials in Google Classroom to complete

23 of 43

Friday 9/25/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What characteristics do invertebrates have?

Begin copying notes for Invertebrates

Work on species project- should have 5 done

24 of 43

Thursday 9/24/20

Test corrections

Dissection tomorrow: Clam

25 of 43

Wednesday 9/23/20

***Chapter 25 Knowledge Celebration!! WooHoo***

26 of 43

Tuesday 9/22/20


GQ: Exam Prep

Chapter 25 Review

***Chapter 25 Exam- open note tomorrow (Wednesday)***

27 of 43

Monday 9/21/20

Finish Up Notes

Clam/Squid Color plate

Chapter 25 test Wednesday- open note

28 of 43

Friday 9/18/20

Work day- finish 25.2

29 of 43

Thursday 9/17/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What are some animal body plans?

Assignment: 25.2 Due at end of class Friday

30 of 43

Wednesday 9/16/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What are some animal body plans?

Notes: 25.2

Test Next week- Chapter 25

31 of 43

Tuesday 9/15/20

Worm CP Quiz

32 of 43

Monday 9/14/20

Earthworm dissection questions

***Earthworm color plate quiz tomorrow.***

33 of 43

Friday 9/11/20

Worm dissection

Worm quiz Tuesday (9/15/20)

34 of 43

Thursday 9/10/20

Go over dissection protocol

Work on notes

35 of 43

Wednesday 9/9/20

Pass back species data pages

Work on notes

Work on species page

36 of 43

Tuesday 9/8/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What are the different body plans of animals

Continue working on species project

Copy notes of 25.2 into your notebook.

We will wait on quiz over 25.1- it will NOT be tomorrow.

37 of 43

Thursday 9/3/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What do animals have to do to survive?

Colorplate- Earthworm

Begin copying notes for 25.2 into your notebook

38 of 43

Wednesday 9/2/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What do animals have to do to survive?

Work on 25.1 Due tomorrow

Quiz Wednesday (9/9/20) over 25.1

39 of 43

Tuesday 9/1/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What do animals have to do to survive?

Notes: 25.1

Assignment: 25.1- Due Thursday (9/3/20)

40 of 43

Monday 8/31/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What do animals have to do to survive?

Begin copying notes down into your notebook

Work on species page- what you have done is due tomorrow.

41 of 43

Friday 8/28/20

EQ: How are animals described?

GQ: What separates the two main groups of animals?

  • Seating chart
  • Check online book
  • Discussion- name animals
  • Work on species project

*Whatever you have done- turn in Tuesday (9/1) for me to review

42 of 43

Wednesday 8/26/20

First Day Stuff

43 of 43

Zoology Agenda 1st Term 2020-2021

3rd Hour