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Group 1

Khang, Victoria, Ville, Iina

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Describe how key account management is organized and structured at JCI in April 2020.

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The Structure of Key Account Management

  • 25 key strategic accounts
  • JCI’s top executives sponsor each strategic account
    • They have a leadership role and responsibility for overseeing a specific strategic account
  • The dedicated account managers are located around the world, assigned to manage the relationship with the company’s 25 designated strategic accounts

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Why the KAM was Created

  • In 2017, JCI felt that it was uniquely positioned to serve strategic enterprise customers
    • Best-class technologies, broad geographic coverage, dedicated design, engineering and service support
  • Opportunity to create meaningful, strategic relationships
  • Long-term partnerships allow for multi-year projects
  • Implementation of subscription models fosters sustained collaboration and mutual growth

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Services/benefits provided to KAM

  • JCI was well positioned to provide value for customers by providing:
    • standardized designs, solutions across multiple countries, better enterprise-wide security, safety, energy management, operating efficiencies, innovation, and reduced costs

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How Companies Were Chosen to KAM


  • Top 25 customers from each business group
  • From over 300 cut down to 100
  • Segmented into the following: strategic global, regional, and national
  • From these, 25 designated strategic accounts have a dedicated account manager


  • High potential
  • White space opportunity: the area where a business can innovate, expand, upsell and cross-sell
    • Upsell: encouraging customer to purchase a higher-end product than the one in question
    • Cross-sell: encouraging customer to purchase a related/complementary product