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Get to know your brain!

How do we really learn?

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Does it matter what I tell myself?

3 of 11

“Flipping Our Lids” - your brain and your feelings

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information →


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cerebral cortex (“upstairs”):

midbrain / limbic (“downstairs”):

brain stem (“downstairs door”):

  • think / solve problems
  • make choices
  • working memory
  • feelings
  • needs (sleep, hunger)
  • body movement
  • fear or calm
  • body regulation (heart, breathing...)
  • information comes in

Am I safe?

Is this familiar?

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information →

“Flipping your lid”

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NO cerebral cortex!

STUCK in limbic/


NO thinking!

STUCK in feelings, reactions, survival!


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What happens to ME when I “flip my lid”?

What do I do?

When do I feel this way?

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How can I calm down so I can use the “thinking” part of my brain again?

In public:

By myself:

At school or work:

At home:

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Which is more important for success:

talent or hard work?

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Introducing… your brain!