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Production and

Data Collections Report

Elisabetta Pennacchio, IP2I

Aaron Higuera, Rice University

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FAIR Principles





Coordinate with you working group

In order to comply with FAIR principles on of the crucial aspects is provide metadata

In this link you can find a minimum set of metadata fields needed for data cataloging ��Also the production team on the production request form provides some guidance on metadata

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Production report

Current campaigns:

Reco2 stage for the LBN (FD1HD, FD2VD): at validation stage:

FD1-HD (so far 9TB 5578 reco files) 12.2M events total

FD2-VD (so far 1 TB 1001 reco files) 13.1M events total

ProtoDUNE-SP 2 GeV MC: on hold, removing files with corrupted checksum

Upcoming campaigns:

ProtoDUNE HD 1.5 M events, 75K files ~230TB

ProtoDUNE VD 30K, events 13K files ~60TB

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Production report

The priority for upcoming campaigns is determined by the Physics Coordinators and physics working groups. If priority ranks are the same, coordination with the production team and data management is required.

  • Production team: There are few aspects that set our capabilities to start/run a campaign, mostly personnel (to set and launch it, shifters)
  • Data management: Every campaign requires a specific amount of I/O. There are limiting factors such network speed, disk space, that must be considered

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Data collections report

Wiki page

  • Helps data management to maintain data inventory

Group has informed that once the new production is ready we can delete from disk the old data “fdvdprod1”

Need revise our data retention policies, as the above can imply a few things, remove files from catalog, preserve them in tape, etc

  • Provide official datasets for physics analysis